Naturals Needed for Big Sis/Lil Sis program!

How would the mentoring program work?

You would just email me letting me know u wuld like to be a big sis /lil sis and I would send you either to a big sis or assign a little sis to you. That's all

Android APP for LHCF...the best thing since slice bread....
yeah o do. An lhcf app would be great since I'm always on here from my phone anyway
Its called tapatalk . Its like 2.99 but beverly just made the thread I was talkn about it in a sticky. She said she is going to get it where its free for ur and those who paid can get a refund

Android APP for LHCF...the best thing since slice bread....
Hmm, I'm going to have think about participating in this. I participated in a similar big/lil sister thing like this before on LHCF awhile back. I tried to be helpful. At the least, neither of my "lil sis's" ever said I sucked. :lol:

But I don't like to commit to things I know I won't have the proper time to dedicate to (and I've been kinda m.i.a from the forum for a bit, esp. the hair section). Plus, no one has to be my specified lil sis anyway to pm me. I'm friendly. :)

But I think it's a really great thing you're starting OP.