Naturals moisturizers while straight??


Well-Known Member
Naturals moisturizing while straight??

How do you moisturize after getting your hair straightened without causing reversion.... what do you use? seems like most moisturizers are water based :confused:
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I'm natural but I know from previous threads/posts that NTM Leave in is one that does not revert straight relaxed hair.

I'm not sure of any others.
Re: Naturals moisturizing while straight??

I haven't heard of this before. The one and only time, that I did get my hair straightened, the lady did a protein tx, then dc, then she put in a really good leave-in and started to straighten. All i know is that she told me to wrap it at night, and I didn't have to put a thing in my hair. It was soft, and floaty, and it didn't need anything extra. I don't plan on wearing my hair straight often, but I certainly wouldn't be putting in anything extra for moisture. I would assume that it would be done before the straightening process. :)