Naturals is it possible...


New Member
Are there any naturals here who at first there hair was too thin for twists, but now it has thickened up and they look great???

If so what did u ladies do to thicken up ur hair??? I know there is biotin and castor oil, but is there anything else???
I dont know if it was too thin, but they didnt have the thickness I wanted. Especially in the back. In fact they still dont. As my hair grew longer, they looked better though. Also, doing them on damp/almost dry hair instead of wet hair helps some. The front and sides always look ok, but the back where my hair texture is finer and sections so much.
It has been said that taking B5 thickens hair strands so perhaps you could try that. Also, I'm not sure what you mean about hair being too thin for twists. What happens when you twist? Do you mean your hair just doesn't look full? Coz I have thin hair strands so I never got the fullness of people with a lot of hair that has a wider diameter. But I found that after doing the twists on dry hair and then wetting them (whether it is doing a CW or just dunking in ACV solution) made them shrink and look fatter, not to mention that letting them drip-dry then completely airdrying gave me twists that hang straight down.

Because I didn't use a leave in, CW were a regular practice. I should've been doing DCs as well, but somehow forgot about them. So when my hair grows back to a length that I am happy wearing in twists (I had a BC in Feb/March), then I will be sure to incorporate weekly DCs into my regimen.

In the pic below, the twists at the top of my head in front show how full and thick my twists look when I wet them and allow them to drip dry. They do shrink but would shrink a lot more if I had applied products as I'll demonstrate shortly. The twists at the back were redone after my hair dried, and as you can see, they appear a lot more sparse because my hair strands are very fine.

Now here's the effect of products on my hair - particularly creamy products:
Compare this twist-out done on hair w/o any products - the top two pics below (I allowed my twists to dry after a wash then undid the twists and voila!)

...with how the same twist-out looked when products were applied:

Go figure.

Shrinkage does make the hair appear fuller so if products do this to your hair, maybe twist then spray sth. If you don't want to wet your twists - especially after applying products, perhaps a baggy might get them to puff up and appear fuller.
when i wore twists my hair never had the thickness i desired either. i usually took them down after only 2-3 days and wore a twist out instead. i've been told that the smaller the twists - the fuller they will look
My twist was thick from roots to ends until I started henna treatments: my ends became thinner!
So, I stopped henna treatment and hope to regain my ends thicness!
Leaving regular conditioner in my hair makes it appear even thicker, especially when I wear a puff.
Henna has made my hair appear much thicker - I have very fine strands, and my hair has never been thicker. :lol I was just thinking about that last night as I was detangling my hair from a week of being in a puff that I had a lotta hair up there.

I also think as your hair gets longer, it appears thicker.