Naturals: How long did you suffer...


New Member
from HIH (hand in hair) disease after your b/c? I've been natural for about a month now but I can't stop touching it. My hair has been in twists this whole time and it's supposed to be a low manipulation style but I manipulate it all the time. Throughout the day I'm yanking on them constantly...when I get off of work I spritz them and I'll sit in the mirror undoing and redoing random twists sometimes I'll redo the same one 2 or 3 tiimes! My only concern is that I can be affecting my retention. I know yall are probably going to say "just stop touching it" but that's easier said than done...smdh.
I would say don't worry about. It's a phase and it will pass. How long? um don't know. I realized when I read your post that I no longer do this. It just went away after a while. It was probably at least 6 months for me. You might get past it sooner.

When it gets long enough pin it up or put it up to give yourself a break. Wear a head band or a beanie when you can. When you catch yourself doing it, try to stop. But enjoy your hair and don't let it stress you out.
It's been 2 month for me since my BC but my HIH started before then during my transition. It's only gotten worse since my chop. I'll stop soon enough I guess but it sooo new right now. You are not alone!!!
Almost a year for me, and my hair is about to start charging my hands rent. :lol:
way past the 15 year mark...twists seem to be a problem. puffs, wng, twa, cornrows--no problem.

but i have the same problem with twists. especially when the ends curl just so....
yeh, i'm with most others here. it's been a good minute (like, years since my shaved head started growing in) and i still have HIH. i'm aware of this tho so i don't tempt myself. pretty much immediately when i get home i put my satin sleeping bonnett on since i never undo my bonnet to play. another deterrent is just keeping your hair up and ends tucked at all times.

my only weak moments are wash days. lawddd!!! most of my bathroom time is just spent on feel-up-feel-up with my hair -- wet and dry...that sounds sorta dirty :giggle:
I had bad hand in hair syndrome too when I first BC, I think it was because I loved playing with the curls in my head. Over time I realized that touching my hair made it dry, and I worried that all the pulling and tugging I was doing would cause too much stress on my hair. I made a mental note to myself to stop touching my hair. It was hard, but I stuck too it, and now I don't have hand in hair syndrome anymore. Occasionally I'll pull a twist from time to time, but nothing serious.
18 months! I was and am still so in love with my texture I kept touching it until i figured out I need to braid it to keep my hands out of it.

This is my 5th yr of nappiness and DH still has hand in MY hair disease. dude can't keep his hands out of my hair loose or contained.