Naturals: How long did it take to be 100% sure? When is the turning point?


Well-Known Member
If you are 100% natural:
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I ask because going natural is not always easy and I wonder if there is that turning point where everyone just knows without a doubt. That doesn’t mean your hair is perfectly where you want it & you don’t still have goals. I just wonder if others knew when it happened for those that’ve already reached their turning points, it will give them hope and help them get through those difficult times.

I transitioned for two years gradually trimming my relaxed ends. For me, it finally just happened at 2 ½ years after my last relaxer, where I just really knew. It was the point where I can look at my natural curls and say, “I can do this.” And I can look at my straightened natural hair and know it’s so much healthier than when I relaxed and think, “Why wasn’t I always doing this?” It was more about the health of my hair than length, but happened to reach APL when I straighten my hair just like I was when I stopped relaxing. I still want it to be longer when it’s in its natural state, but this is my turning point.
{Ok, I'm about 90% natural btw. My transition is almost over!!}:grin:

1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again?
My last touch-up was in Feb.09 and I think it took me about a year, because by then I could see the actual curl pattern--and picture myself w/ a head full of those tiny spirals. But my initial intent was to just stretch for a year:spinning:

How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?
Honestly, it hasn't been until now, 2 years later. The beginning stages had so many cons as far as tangles and dealing w/ 2 textures, it was a battle. I'm just glad I pushed through!:locks:

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)
I had been learning how to care for relaxed hair, and I was APL at that point and decided to transition w/out the BC. Now, 2 years later I'm APL natural w/ a few remaining relaxed strands that I refuse to cut...:look:

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I think my turning point was recently (a few months ago). After I flatironed my hair for a wedding, I realized that I missed:cry: my curls and volume I had on stretched natural hair. I questioned my motives for straightening anyway, then began watching YT vids:user: of inspirational naturals..and that was the turning point. Realizing that I could indeed do this!!:grin:
1. At about 5 months post I decided I would transition to natural finally. I was completely bored with my hair. All i've ever known is relaxed hair and I yearned for big curly hair. My DD is natural and I wanted her to look at me and see the beauty in herself, hair and all.

2. I did the BC one week shy of 13 months post relaxer.

3. I did the BC because I was ready. I was tired of dealing with the tangling and the potential damage of going another second sooner with my transition. BCing felt exhilarating. I don't regret it at all.
1. While I sat in the styling chair getting my last relaxer slapped in my head I knew right then that was my last relaxer. My mind was made up, I never wanted another relaxer. The idea of getting a relaxer has honestly NEVER crept back up into my mind.

I didn't become to fully appreciate my natural hair until maybe 3yrs ago. A GF of mine asked me if I loved being natural so much, why did I feel the need to hide it under wigs. She was right. I hid under wigs because I didn't know how to properly care/style my hair. So that was my light bulb moment. I became more active in forums like NP (lhcf came later) and havent' looked back.

2. I didnt' know what a BC/Transistion was 7yrs ago lol..I just kept my hair weaved up from Feb-Nov. One day I was bored in my room. I told my sister (she was in school for cosmetology) to cut my ends off. I never had a goal date, or set date to cut the relaxed ends off. I just got tired of them sitting there looking all raggedy and scraggly.

3. Boredom I go ahead and cut the relaxed ends off.

All in all, returning back to my natural hair texture was the best thing I could've EVER done for myself. I have no regrets!!
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again?
After my last six month stretch I knew I wanted to be fully natural b/c my roots were far more thicker than my relaxed hair

How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?
Immediately after my BC

2. And how long after your last relaxer were you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)
I BC'd at 18 1/2 months post

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I had enough hair to do a protective style which is Kimmaytube's wash, tuck and pin hairstyle
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?
well i only transitioned for 4 months, and made the decision to transition 1 month after my last relaxer, so mentally i only really transitioned for 3 months b/c b4 then i anticipated getting another relaxer...after BCing i liked my hair, but it took about 6 months to really like my hair, and now after a year i really love my hair...i've never doubted going natural or considered relaxing again.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)
i BCd 4 months post relaxer

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?

having more length/ability to do more styles & looks
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

I was spending like $150 (plus tip) every 6 weeks getting the Phyto relaxer. This went on for 3.5 years. It made my hair nice and silky. It also made it thinner...while I did see some length retention, who cares? It was thin and see through looking! Also, the right side (back of my hair) was always at least a half inch longer than the left side. I also had a recurring dime size short spot (almost bald) in my crown area. One day I came home after leaving the salon and said to myself, I will NEVER get a relaxer again. And I didn't. When I saw how thick and healthy my hair looked as a natural, I was convinced. Also, I no longer have the recurring short spot in my crown area. Not only that, my hair is even now on both sides! oh and did I mention my hair is thick now? just checking :creatures

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

I transitioned for about 8 months, did the BC when I had about 5 inches of ng and haven't turned back since. Actually, while I was transitioning, I saw my natural hair pattern and compared it with my straggly relaxed hair...pitiful. :nono: What a difference it was!

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?

The overall healthy condition of my hair. I love long hair...but I'll take healthy, thick hair first and foremost. That creates the best foundation for long pretty hair. :yep:

BTW...I'm in no way trying to put down anyone who does have a relaxer. It just didn't work for MY hair. This is my personal experience :drunk:
I relaxed my hair February 2008, then wore weaves and braids until November 2008. A male friend convinced me to get a perm. It was neck length in the front and beyond shoulder length in the back, I got some haircut I saw in a magazine. It was also stiff and had no body or movement. That was the day I said I would never relax again! I didn't know I would "go natural" and had never hear of a transition. I was watching makeup vids on yt at 15 months post-relaxer and saw a girl with long beautiful relaxed hair. I made an appt to get one the next day and chickened out when I got to the salon. My stylist flat-ironed my hair and it was long and beautiful! That was the day I knew I would never relax again. (My turning point)
I waited until 2 years post relaxer to officially become natural and I held on for length only. Im 5 months post-BC and my hair is almost back to the length it was before I chopped!
I honestly cant remember the details, it was sooooo long ago.
Im guessing I BC'd within a month of my last relaxer because I only had an inch of hair or less.
I dont know that I thought of it in terms of pros or cons, I just saw another girl with the short baldie haircut and I wanted it. I really liked my haircut within 24hrs when the shock wore offLOL.
I guess I am the type that it was indeed easy for, I didn't think of it as a major project or undertaking--one haircut/30mins and it was a done deal.
I think this question is probably for people who have been relaxed since early childhood so if that's your story then relaxed seems like the default - something that's supposed to be done to hair. If you spent a significant time in childhood or teenage years with natural hair then relaxing is not a default and if you decide to stop it's not really a big decision. You just do it. It's not like there's a relaxer shortage or it cost thousands or millions to go back to relaxing if say you couldn't take being natural.
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

Almost immediately. It took me a while to like my new natural hair. Back in 2006, there wasn't that many young people IRL who were natural, except for the 2 or 3 I saw at school, I was pretty much it. So I had to learn to love my hair without any outside confirmation. I was active on fotki and nappturality and I followed Roshini's first site, for inspiration on a daily basis. All of these things helped to solidify my decision to go natural as I saw my hair take off and retain lengths that I never knew I could achieve! It took me about a year to fully adjust to my hair and love it 100% as it was.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

I transitioned for 6 months

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?

I just started to fall in love with my hair. It was healthier, longer and stronger than my relaxed hair. I don't plan on relaxing ever again....
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

After I was chronically ill and had been rocking a kinky fro sew in (my fav when I was a relaxed head) for a month I took it out because I was simply tired of it and tired of life. Then something inside of me said ENOUGH! I sometimes walk with a limp because I'm in so much pain. I sometimes sit at my desk and cry because I wish I was back to the old me. I felt like if I could get through the pain I can manage my natural hair. :yep: From the first lock of hair that fell to the floor I appreciated it. I loved on it and knew it was the right decision for me.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

My last touch up was right before I weaved my hair up for a month. I wasn't feeling the straight look on me at all. I'd go back in fourth between the kinky fro weave and wearing my own hair loose. I big chopped down to half an inch after wearing a sew in for a month. I went from fierce fake fro to sassy itty bitty teeny tiny fro. That was the end of July or beginning of August 2010 and I'm on my way to the big fierce fro I used to buy.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?

I think that before I was sick I was fearful of what others would think of me. I wanted to make others happy and sacrificed my own dreams to satisfy family, men, and friends. I also live in the south where being different is not accepted. When so many of the people I tried to please were not there for me when I was ill, I decided *** it. Let me do me since they were obviously gonna do them.

Sometimes I think the worst events in our lives can lead to the best. Being ill has made me change how I view myself and how I view others. I don't know if I would have embraced my hair from the jump if not for the other things that were happening in my life.

And it doesn't hurt that I have a very supportive hubby. :grin:
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

I got my last relaxer when I was about 15. I never big chopped but my relaxed ends had all broken off by the time I was 17. At this time my afro puff was 2 times the size of my head and when I straightened my hair for senior pics I was MBL. My hair had not been that long since elementary school, so I knew then I would never, ever relax again. Though I've been natural for a long time, I didn't fully appreciate my hair until the last 5 years or so. I never thought about relaxing again, but I still had this little resentment towards my kinky curly hair for a long time. But now, I love it! I grew up and so did my concept of hair and self.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

Again, I never BCed. I just let it break off. So, about 2 years. Got my last perm @15 and by the time I was 17, I no longer had to tuck under straight ends when I wore an afro puffs (I was really feeling Lady of Rage back then).

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I was natural for a little over 10 years before I fully came to appreciate my hair. The turning point didn't happen until I started working on some other areas of my life. Once I started to get that in order, I started falling in love with my hair as a side effect.
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

I realized I made the right decision about 4 months after my last relaxer when I had enough new growth to see how beautiful my natural hair was. The moment it was cemented in my mind that the pros of my natural hair WAY outweighed the cons was just 2 weeks ago when I had my hair straightened for the 1st time since going natural. It was still just as light and bouncy as when I had a relaxer AND was thick AND held a curl (which my relaxed hair NEVER did).

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

I BCed after 10 months transitioning. It was kind of shocking b/c it was done in a fit of frustration about trying to blend the two textures. I just took the scissors & cut off the 8 inches of relaxed hair from a huge chunk on the left side of my head. There was no turning back after that. LOL.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?

I would say my turning point was when I was fully natural for about 3 months and finally figuring out how to style it somewhat.
If you are 100% natural:
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?
Actually the same day I received my last relaxer was the day I decided to go natural. I had been entertaining the idea for about 2 years prior and was about 5 to 6 post when I got my last relaxer. I only got the relaxer because at the time I didn't know what to do with natural hair and my family said they would only pay to get my hat done in either braids or relaxer.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)
I ended my transition July 1 2010 almost 11 months after my last relaxer in August 1 2009.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I ask because going natural is not always easy and I wonder if there is that turning point where everyone just knows without a doubt. That doesn’t mean your hair is perfectly where you want it & you don’t still have goals. I just wonder if others knew when it happened for those that’ve already reached their turning points, it will give them hope and help them get through those difficult times.

I transitioned for two years gradually trimming my relaxed ends. For me, it finally just happened at 2 ½ years after my last relaxer, where I just really knew. It was the point where I can look at my natural curls and say, “I can do this.” And I can look at my straightened natural hair and know it’s so much healthier than when I relaxed and think, “Why wasn’t I always doing this?” It was more about the health of my hair than length, but happened to reach APL when I straighten my hair just like I was when I stopped relaxing. I still want it to be longer when it’s in its natural state, but this is my turning point.

20 months natural and loving it!
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

almost immediately after I decided to transition. I just kind of woke up and realized that I had been Necklength for more than 18 years and something was seriously wrong with that. I knew it paid off the minute I put twists in and I looked just as put together as I did with straight hair (even more since my relaxed hair was a hot mess)

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

check my siggie

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
finding lhcf and that realization about length. I've always been a lengthmonster. I'm going to be honest and say I'd probably rather take length over health (I can work with it later, lol). But since they go hand in hand, i'm babying my hairs health. I'd show length easier relaxed but I'm too afraid it'll go back to snapping off every time I did a touchup. plus, now that i've been natural for a while I like the idea of having a giant fro :)
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again?
I received my last relaxer back in May 2010 because I was unsure what I wanted to do with my hair. Shortly after that I went back and forth if I wanted to continue relaxing or transition to texlax. A few weeks later I settled on wanting to texlax but I kept reading all the transition stories from naturals on this board and it sparked my interest. I'm lucking because my family is natural so they were supportive. I decided to go natural that summer but I can't really put a date on when I was 100% sure of it. I made a pro and cons list of continuing relaxing or being natural (yes, I'm a nerd like that .) Natural had more pros.
I know for sure though that when I big chopped I wasn't going back because I regretted getting my hair relaxed back in May and I know I would kick myself if I relaxed again knowing the hassle and waste of money that it is for me. So if I wasn't 100% sure before that (which I was pretty close) I was dang sure when I cut the relaxed hair off because I never want to cut my hair off again!

How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?
I already felt that the pros outweighed the cons like I said before. I'm not gonna lie when I cut off my hair on a whim 6 months post I went into a state of shock. I was not happy with my hair. It wasn't curly, wavy, coily... it wasn't anything but a mass of hair that I had no idea how to care for. Then I got over it, re-learned how to care for my hair which contrary to what I thought before is easier to care for compared to relaxed hair and I like it now.
It wasn't until January of this year that I looked at my hair in a strecthed out fro did I smile and say to myself, "I really like my hair." My hair looks like cotton/cotton candy and I love it now. It feels like soft like cotton too and even when I was transitioning to natural I couldn't stop my fingers from playing in it.
I'm not at the point where I feel that it has paid off yet; when I get to big a$$ afro status then I will but right now I am very happy with my decision.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)
My last relaxer was on May 13, 2010. I chopped off the relaxed hair on Nov. 19, 2010. I wouldn't say I was truly happy with my hair until Jan. of this year after it grew out a bit and I figured out how to care for it.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I think the turning point for me was that I became realist and that I learned to care for what I have. Also, this is not the first time that I went back to natural after a stint of having relaxers because I was natural back in high school before going into texturizers. The difference for me this time is that I have options. Last time that only thing I knew to do with my hair was to have it in an afro. So it was always kept a short dry mess of hair that I didn't much care for.
Now there are all kinds of products to try, techniques to learn, and styles to rock that I will probably never get bored.
Oh and being natural is the only way I can obtain a BIG A$$ AFRO!!!
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

When I first joined the site I did a 4 month stretch then I did a 6 month stretch. I relaxed my hair after that 6 month stretch on July 1, 2009 and I hated it. I made the decision to transition on July 25, 2009--my birthday. I often make big life decisions on birthdays & new years because I see them as times to reflect. I've never thought during my transition to go back to the relaxer, if anything I transitioned for a shorter time bc I couldn't wait to be natural. It was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made and I knew it was right from the beginning.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

One year and 2 days. This had nothing to do with my turning point. Once the decision was made to go natural I never looked back.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
Honestly the only time I've liked my hair was when it was in braids. So I thought maybe if I took care of it or grew it longer I would like it more. Didn't happen :nono:. The day I relaxed after the 6 month stretch was the turning point. It got me thinking bc I still did not like my hair and it was longer and so much healthier. So I thought maybe I would like what naturally grew out of my head better. The day I bc'd I was in :love:. I have my moments but for the most part I'm still in :love: with my natural hair.
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1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons? I was on a 6 month relaxer stretch and was like, eh, might as well keep it going. After 8 months I loved how thick my hair had gotten. I have never looked back; I have found a lot of products that work really well for me (I think this is key) so my natural hair has been much easier to take care of than my relaxed hair.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.) I transitioned for 2 years (trimming every couple of months). I cut off the last 2 inches of relaxed hair December 2010.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I'd been bunning for several months and decided to flat iron my hair for the holidays. I couldn't believe that I had passed APL so I knew I had no reason to hold on to those last relaxed inches for "length" sake.

I LOVE my natural hair and don't think I will ever go back to relaxers.
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again?
This is my 2nd time going natural. The first time I was just tired of my hair breaking off at shoulder length so I let one of my friends do a BC. But at the time I was constantly wearing weave so I had no intention of wearing my natural hair out and didn't take care of it well. I relaxed about 2 years later.
The second time I knew within days of my last relaxer that I didnt want to relax my hair anymore because even though I was texlaxing my hair was always flat and lifeless(fine strands). The only time I had any body was several weeks post.
How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?
I started to appreciate my natural hair during the transition and even more when I was fully natural. I hated having 2 different textures:perplexed and couldn't wait to be fully natural.

I knew it paid off after flat ironing my hair last week. My hair is a couple of inches away from layered apl but most importantly its full and healthy.
2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)
Instead of BCing again I transitioned for 2 years gradually trimming the relaxed hair off.
3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I already knew what to expect as far as texture goes but I had little experience managing and styling my natural hair. I told myself that if I was going to do this I would not rely on weave to "make it easier" and that I would get to know my hair. The turning point for me was gaining knowledge about natural hair care (gained mostly from lhcf) and being confident that I could implement what I learned and do it right this time around. Going natural was nothing for me, but being natural is a learning experience.:rolleyes:
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

About 5 months, I was hooked on having hair without chemicals.

Now appreciating I mean really appreciating my hair, that is another story, I am am being real honest just the past year or two I have come to that conclusion.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

I had it cut out and then did another big chop to take out a lot of the damaged hair that was pressed to death.

3. And what was it that made your turning point? I have always been a rebel when it came to my hair and trying to do things that were less harmful and more close to nature this was by far the biggest one for me.

My hair or shall I say my mentality about my hair had a lot of cleaning up and growing up to do. You know that saying by EnVogue free your mind and the rest will follow, well that is what I had to do about my hair forget what others thought of it and of me being natural because they didn't create me so there was no way they could truly appreciate me and how I was created hair and all.
Thank you all for sharing! I only wish I had discovered LHCF before I decided to stop relaxing!
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

I knew as I was getting my last relaxer that I didn't want to do it anymore. However, it took me about 3 years after my last relaxer to fully appreciate and learn what to do with my hair.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)
I was fully natural after about a year. I regret not just cutting it all off. I cut little by little every two weeks.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
Running around on my friends wedding day at 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning trying to find someone to do my hair because the hair dresser I made an appointment months earlier did not show up.

1. I no longer doubted my decision not too long ago. I've been natural for almost 14 months and I have struggled with how to wear it without getting those single strand knots. I thought about heat training and sorta did " train" it. I changed my mind but it was a little too late. My hair gets straight so easily now,even without heat and I hate it. I now realize how much I love and appreciate my kinky curly hair and I can't wait until it grows out so I can get rid of the "heat damaged"/" trained" hair. So it took a mistake to make me no longer doubt my decision to be natural! Smh
2. I transitioned for 6 months before I BCed but I wore kinky twists for 2 months. I'd say it took me 8 months before I wore my 100% natural hair.
3. I did the BC because I was going through some things and needed a change. Just needed to let go of the past and relaxed hair was apart of it. However,I quickly regretted it once I seen how short it was lol that's why I had to do the kinky twists! Lol But I got tired of the twists quickly and I wanted to enjoy my hair and try to embrace it so that's when I decided to finally wear my own hair, 2 months after my BC.
I think I knew for sure I'd made the right decision about a year after my BC. The first year was the toughest year because of the length. Also, that first year, my hair grew so much and was so healthy, it just confirmed for me that I'd made the right decision.

I BC'd 12 months after my last texlax.

I figured 12 months of natural hair would be enough as a starting point without being too short. Boy was I wrong. haha 6 inches of natural hair looks like like 3 inches of hair which I wasn't prepared for. So that was the traumatic part for me. But like I'd said, it grew really fast--especially that first year.

If you are 100% natural:
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I ask because going natural is not always easy and I wonder if there is that turning point where everyone just knows without a doubt. That doesn’t mean your hair is perfectly where you want it & you don’t still have goals. I just wonder if others knew when it happened for those that’ve already reached their turning points, it will give them hope and help them get through those difficult times.

I transitioned for two years gradually trimming my relaxed ends. For me, it finally just happened at 2 ½ years after my last relaxer, where I just really knew. It was the point where I can look at my natural curls and say, “I can do this.” And I can look at my straightened natural hair and know it’s so much healthier than when I relaxed and think, “Why wasn’t I always doing this?” It was more about the health of my hair than length, but happened to reach APL when I straighten my hair just like I was when I stopped relaxing. I still want it to be longer when it’s in its natural state, but this is my turning point.

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If you are 100% natural:
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

After being natural for about a year I started having regrets because I felt like my hair wasn't growing and I couldn't do anything with it. It was too long to be short anymore but it was too short to be long. It was at a weird in between stage. It wasn't that I didn't like my hair (texture wise) but that I didn't like how short it looked with shrinkage. Once it grew out some, I got over it. I never regretted going natural. I just got tired of feeling like my hair wasn't done and feeling like I had to hide it under somebody else's hair in order to look polished. I'm about 4.5 years in now and I'm never going back. I realized that about 3 years ago.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100%
natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

I Bced about 5-6 months after my last relaxer.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?

My hair growing out and finally being able to do different things with it. I wish I would have transitioned longer so I would have had more hair to work with.
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1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again?
1 day

How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of natural hair outweighed the cons?
The day of my BC

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)
I BC'd the day after my relaxer. Shaved completely skin bald.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
I just wanted to be natural, nothing deep.

All of this came about on June 8, 1998.
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again?
never had any doubts; As soon as I made the decision, I was sure

How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of natural hair outweighed the cons?
as soon as I decided to never relax again

never really felt that there was a con

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)
about a year to a year and a half later; transitioned but did not know that was what it was called; I was listening to advice from the African braiders; big mistake

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?
epiphany; I didn't like getting relaxers so I questioned why I made myself do it (habit) so I stopped doing it
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?

It was about six or seven months after my last relaxer. At the time, I didn't even know what a transition was but I was doing it. :grin: Since then, I knew I wasn't going to get a relaxer as long as I can help it. :yep:

However, it was only until recently that I have started to appreciate my natural hair. I could see the process and I've seen one particular side of my hair that had broken off to mere inches while I was relax, actually become longer than it has ever been. It's not much, but it's those little things I notice (the tiny ringlets and curls I can see after a deep conditioning session, the fluffy feeling when its well-moisturized, etc.) that make me not regret my decision.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.)

I BCed almost a year after my last relaxer. My mother didn't have the guts (I guess because she believes it'll be hard to get some form of length back :look:) so I took it into my own hands. So it was another five-six months after my "mental decision" that I finally BCed.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point?

I had always hated getting a relaxer (because of the inevitable breakage) so I would unintentionally stretch months at a time. However, I made my decision after reading a good chunk of "Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America" my last year of HS. I checked it out on impulse from my school's library and my friends thought I was insane for the fact that I would read it just about anywhere I was. The truth that was revealed in that book was a real eye-opener and I came to the realization that we have such a wonderful history about our hair. It's so important in many African cultures, and I didn't want to throw away that precious piece of knowledge by relaxing again. Not only did I want healthy hair, but I also wanted to be honest with myself and not believe into the hype that I must relax my hair to be socially accepted. So, that book, with the need to fix the endless years of hair mistakes, and my approaching 18th birthday, all led to my BC.