Naturals: How long did it take to be 100% sure? When is the turning point?

If you are 100% natural:
1. How long after your last relaxer/perm did it take to be 100% sure you made the right decision & have since not doubted your decision or considered relaxing again? How long after did you fully come to appreciate your natural hair, knew it paid off, & felt the pros of your natural hair outweighed the cons?I haven't ever regretted my decision to stop relaxing. I always hated getting a relaxer, but felt it was mandatory. Once I realized I didn't have to get a relaxer, I just stopped, and that was it. Prior to that it had never really occurred to me that I could just stop doing it :ohwell: I have had some styling mishaps :look: And some bad product choices :nono: But I've never considered relaxing. I just knew I needed to learn more about how to take care of my hair.

2. And how long after you last relaxer where you 100% natural (so when did you BC or end your transition)? (I’m just wondering if the turning point is different depending on that.) I transitioned for 1 year.

3. And what was it that made that your turning point? I was thinking one day about how much I hated spending my day off (from class) in the salon, and how I had so many other things I'd rather be doing. Then it hit me. I didn't have to go. Nobody was forcing me. If I didn't want to I could just stop, so I did. That was my only mental hurdle, I guess.