Naturals: How do you like it and how do you deal with it?

How do I like it? I love it. How do I deal with it? Now that I've learned how to actually take care of it, I deal with it quite well.

But, I do want to try to clarify a few things for myself. Hair is a personal decision. I think that ANY kind of hair requires high maintenance and special care: even a bald head that still produces hair follicles (You still have to shave regularly and make sure you don't cut yourself too badly or you'll look jacked up!).

And on the other hand, I'm still afraid that the wording of your post comes across to people who are natural that they should defend being natural to you, when we don't have to. If you have some more specific questions to help you decide if going natural is right for you, then you can do some more research or pm some of us. Or at least me, I don't want to make anyone feel that they have to be 'out on front street like that'. Because the thread title makes me think "hm, I wonder if I put up a thread that said 'relaxers: how do you like it and how do you deal with it?'" I don't think it'd get very unbiased reception.

So I want you to take this as me giving you the benefit of the doubt, because I'm sure you're frustrated and dealing with breakage and feeling backed against a corner isn't a good thing. Trust me, I've been there.

I don't ever press my hair. And you may believe that about twists or braids, but here in the South where I live I see plenty of relaxed women rocking just those looks, whether or not it be with extension hair. Twisting/braiding the front and letting the back out...stuff like that. Going natural really helped me to evaluate my ideas of what styles could look good. You may even surprise yourself. There are tons of styles that can be worn on natural hair that do not involve twisting or braiding: knots, afros, puffs, roller sets... you get the idea.

And I want you to know that you ALWAYS have options. Whether or not you relax and whether or not you go to the salon. How good are you at styling your own hair?

And I don't suggest you try to achieve hair like someone else. What's worked best for me is working with the hair I've got (because it's the only kind I'm going to get).

Okay, I've tried to be nice so far, and I hope you don't take it as me not being so, but you did say that you were currently wearing your hair in individuals...those are braids right? Do you feel you look childish right now? I'm not asking that to be mean. I'm really trying to get to the heart of this. I hope I've helped.

Completely Co-signing - emphatically the bolded
I may go natural, but I don't want to. It's either that or going back to the salon and who wants to deal with all the woes that comes with that?:rolleyes: I'm two months post and I usually stretch 3-4 months. Between my recent breakage and bad henna experience, there are some spots on my head that are down to an inch of new growth.

My hair is so thick that I didn't even notice that much, not even when I straightened it. However, that's the problem for me at least. My hair is naturally dry, 4zzzzzz, and like wire. I'm not sure I want to deal and go through the extra care it considers.

Though, when I look at Poohbear and Naturallady, their hair is :lick::lick:. I like naturals on others, not me. Please help.

ETA: Are there any naturals that cosistently wear hard presses. IMO, twists and braids on naturals are a bit childish. Sorry if I offend anyone.


To answer your question, I like my natural hair. I don't have to worry about getting relaxer touch-ups that may potentially burn my scalp. That's the only reason why I went natural, I wanted to get away from chemicals. I don't have hang-ups about naturals who wear their hair heat straightened or in certain styles.

And don't let new growth discourage you from going natural. It will look totally different once you grow it out without the relaxed ends attached to it. You will be surprised how soft and moisturized it really is if you are completely natural. You just have to find the right products for your hair as well so you don't find yourself complaining about how dry, coarse, and brittle natural hair is like some people do when it really isn't.

Anyway, this is how I deal with my hair. I don't spend several hours on my hair. I do one of two things: 1) wash, condition, apply leave-in, blowdry and wear a fluffy fro or straighten it with an electric pressing comb (which I seldom do because I live in a humid climate) which takes 2-3 hours for the total process, OR 2) wash, condition, apply leave-in, part my hair down the middle, and wear two coily puffs which doesn't take long at all...less than a hour.

And I have read so many posts about how long it takes to detangle natural hair and to style natural hair. It doesn't take long for me. I have about 10+ inches of natural hair and takes me 5 minutes to detangle. I have tried different ways of detangling and finally found a way to detangle quick and easily. I just shampoo my hair (no detangling), then condition it (no detangling), and then while I rinse my hair under the shower, I gently detangle my hair all together. When I tried detangling in sections and all that, I lose tons of hair.

And I am going to have to agree with you about twists and braids. I used to wear twists a lot and started feeling like a little kid wearing them. I wouldn't mind wearing twists or braids when my hair gets much much longer where the twists will fall past my shoulders and armpits. But now, I don't like wearing twists anymore with my hair being different uneven lengths and my armpit-length hair shrinks to collar-bone length or jaw-length or shorter in different areas.

I like wearing hair styles that complement my face. I feel like the fro and the two coily puffs I wear complement my face the best so I'm going to wear them. And I may press it if I feel like it. I'm not going to worry about other people's hang-ups about certain styles done on natural hair. As India Arie says: I am not my hair, I am the soul that lives within.
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If you don't want to go natural then don't. I don't see what the dilemma is. I agree with the other ladies who mentioned that going natural is a commitment. And if you're going to wear your hair pressed straight the majority of the time you might as well stay relaxed.
I will have to disagree with this. Some people are natural for different reasons. Some naturals may like wearing their hair straight but they do not want to use those harsh chemical relaxers that may burn your skin.
And I have read so many posts about how long it takes to detangle natural hair and to style natural hair. It doesn't take long for me. I have about 10+ inches of natural hair and takes me 5 minutes to detangle. I have tried different ways of detangling and finally found a way to detangle quick and easily. I just shampoo my hair (no detangling), then condition it (no detangling), and then while I rinse my hair under the shower, I gently detangle my hair all together. When I tried detangling in sections and all that, I lose tons of hair.

And I am going to have to agree with you about twists and braids. I used to wear twists a lot and started feeling like a little kid wearing them. I wouldn't mind wearing twists or braids when my hair gets much much longer where the twists will fall past my shoulders and armpits. But now, I don't like wearing twists anymore with my hair being different uneven lengths and my armpit-length hair shrinks to collar-bone length or jaw-length or shorter in different areas.

I've found this to be true too. I spend virtually no time detangling. I spent more time detangling my relaxed hair. I can't do the sections thing. If it took me hours to detangle and then style afterwards I would not be natural. Real Talk. I agree about the twists too. I've worn twists out the house once and I didn't like it. Maybe when my hair gets longer, but nah not now. :nono:
I am not my hair, I am the soul that lives within.

This is beautiful, and so very true! I have been natural for over 7 years and in the past two and a half years, I've undergone a mental battle about whether or not I should get a texlax or texturizer and call it a day. So BlueAbyss, I feel bad posting in your thread because I don't know if I'll be much help. But I am confident that you will make the right choice for you and appreciate your honesty about twists and braids (although I must tell you that there are definitely ways to make them look regal and professional, because that's how I choose to wear them! :yep:). One piece of advice I have for you is to evaluate what you may have done that contributed to your hair being in its current state, because whatever ignorance you may have of hair care in its relaxed state will carry over to your knowledge of your hair in its natural state (kind of like what that person said about seeing a stylist when you're relaxed because you're used to it, but then not seeing one when you're natural - you need to adopt similar habits of hair care rigor regardless of what state it's in). That's one thing that hindered me from achieving real hair growth. I never knew how to take care of it when I was relaxed, and I am still struggling, to this day, to find ways to take care of it now. I am truly a hair ignoramus but I enjoy the process of learning.

Whatever you decide to do, you will probably need to cut your hair. But judging from your other posts, it's apparent that you already know that. I wish you the very best of luck in your decision!
I like my natural hair too....

there isnt much to deal with besides keeping it moisturized and well conditioned. detangling doesn't take but 5 minutes and I have a lot of hair. I think it only takes that long if you're one of those naturals who only combs once a month or if you need a trim. Otherwise it shouldnt be that time consuming.
I've found this to be true too. I spend virtually no time detangling. I spent more time detangling my relaxed hair. I can't do the sections thing. If it took me hours to detangle and then style afterwards I would not be natural. Real Talk. I agree about the twists too. I've worn twists out the house once and I didn't like it. Maybe

My hair is BSL and it doesn't take me long to detangle either. I usually comb through it w/a big comb then a smaller one so about 10-15 minutes. Cholesterol and a wide tooth comb get the tangles right out. And now that my hair is longer it's actually easier to do most styles, it just takes longer to 2-strand twist when I wear them and it takes longer to blowdry when I choose to.
Well, let me start by saying, I understand your frustrations. There have been days when I want to run to the salon and get a fresh process, but then I think about my new growth and how much more healthier my hair is. I get so impatient and want my permed hair to be as thick and healthy as the new growth (check out my fokti, it's pretty skinny wet). I am at a stage now where it's not as easy to get it to lay down and my attempt at flat ironing looked like I had never handled a flat iron before. Over the course of the past 3 months (I haven't had a perm since the middle part of September), I have found that my hair requires TONS of moisture. It's as if it can't get enough. It is extremely frustrating some days, but then I look at the other naturals on the site and know that in a year or two most of my hair will be natural and I (hopefully) will have the courage to BC the permed part. Time will help you decide, either decision you make YOU will have to live with and look at, so do what will make you happiest.
I have sistas tell me alot that if their natural hair was like my texture, then would go natural. :nono:

I think it honestly depends on the woman. Alot of sistas are still into this whole "good hair"/nappy hair. I find now that alot of sistas, if their natural hair isn't in the Type 3 textures, they are NOT going natural. Maybe if they are Type 4a, but anything higher than that, you know real Afro-textured hair, I am still finding most sistas are not going to go the natural route.

And I am also noticing that alot of sistas are now returning to processed or texlax hair. I hate to say this but I really believe the "going natural" was a cultural/temporary thing to do. Like when I was in college, (the late 90's & 00's) EVERYBODY was going natural! It was the thing to do, and since so many women were going natural, sistas didn't feel like a lone wolf. I see that is not the case now.

So for alot of the non-LCHF sistas, I think that depending on how their natural hair is, will depend on if they will go or stay natural.
I have sistas tell me alot that if their natural hair was like my texture, then would go natural. :nono:

I think it honestly depends on the woman. Alot of sistas are still into this whole "good hair"/nappy hair. I find now that alot of sistas, if their natural hair isn't in the Type 3 textures, they are NOT going natural. Maybe if they are Type 4a, but anything higher than that, you know real Afro-textured hair, I am still finding most sistas are not going to go the natural route.

And I am also noticing that alot of sistas are now returning to processed or texlax hair. I hate to say this but I really believe the "going natural" was a cultural/temporary thing to do. Like when I was in college, (the late 90's & 00's) EVERYBODY was going natural! It was the thing to do, and since so many women were going natural, sistas didn't feel like a lone wolf. I see that is not the case now.

So for alot of the non-LCHF sistas, I think that depending on how their natural hair is, will depend on if they will go or stay natural.

I disagree with the bolded. I am often approached by people- here in Texas as well as NYC about my hair. They say to me "If I had good hair like yours , Id go natural too". I then inform them that My hair is true Afro texture (4A-Z)- learning how to maintain and care for it is no different than learning to maintain and care for Tex-lax or relaxed hair. I learned how to maintain it- if that was the case the majority of little girls (ages 3-8) of African American descent would have relaxers. They dont- they have parents who learned through some elder/friend/teacher/natural hair care stylist/hair board. Believe me I'm LAZY- if my hair was such a problem- I couldn't have maintained it for almost 9 years. What I have done- is cut it because dealing with the length and width was intimidating- not impossible- just intimidating..
This board is useful for all types of hair. What it comes down to is using the combination of products and techniques that allow the hair to thrive- nappy or not.Afro textured hair is just another texture- it happens to be the texture that affords the most styling options. There are at lease 2 other major boards for just natural hair- the members of those boards are just as proliferative as this boards membership. I personally invite you to my Fotki.
I am Nappity 4b and I will remain a natural
this message has been brought to you as a public service-
I have sistas tell me alot that if their natural hair was like my texture, then would go natural. :nono:

I think it honestly depends on the woman. Alot of sistas are still into this whole "good hair"/nappy hair. I find now that alot of sistas, if their natural hair isn't in the Type 3 textures, they are NOT going natural. Maybe if they are Type 4a, but anything higher than that, you know real Afro-textured

hmm...i've got to agree with you here. i've seen it implied even here that someone would go/think about being natural, were it not for their type 4 texture. for example, someone will pay a type 3 member a huge compliment, may even say they'd go natural if they had that particualr member's hair but finish up by saying they could never go natural with their hair type. a quick look at the sig informs me this person is type 4. or a type 3 will go natural and there will be a relaxed type 4 saying something along the lines of, "why did you ever relax? you never needed to". hair type truly ever needed to relax, lets be honest. people do because they want to but the implication is that type 4's need the relaxer and it's not required for type 3s. but i must say, i've only seen this happen a handful of times on here so as far as people openly admitting to feeling like this on lhcf, it's not the norm.

but i think irl, generally the mentality you've described still prevails, imo. this is despite having some black women admire my hair a lot.
I disagree with the bolded. I am often approached by people- here in Texas as well as NYC about my hair. They say to me "If I had good hair like yours , Id go natural too". I then inform them that My hair is true Afro texture (4A-Z)- learning how to maintain and care for it is no different than learning to maintain and care for Tex-lax or relaxed hair. I learned how to maintain it- if that was the case the majority of little girls (ages 3-8) of African American descent would have relaxers. They dont- they have parents who learned through some elder/friend/teacher/natural hair care stylist/hair board. Believe me I'm LAZY- if my hair was such a problem- I couldn't have maintained it for almost 9 years. What I have done- is cut it because dealing with the length and width was intimidating- not impossible- just intimidating..
This board is useful for all types of hair. What it comes down to is using the combination of products and techniques that allow the hair to thrive- nappy or not.Afro textured hair is just another texture- it happens to be the texture that affords the most styling options. There are at lease 2 other major boards for just natural hair- the members of those boards are just as proliferative as this boards membership. I personally invite you to my Fotki.
I am Nappity 4b and I will remain a natural
this message has been brought to you as a public service-

Well you can disagree with the bold part, but again, that's why I said "I find".

And when I mean true Afro textured hair, I am talking about hair that looks like an Afro :afro: Not hair that looks like yours. Again, we are talking about non-LCHF sistas that are not familiar with hair textures or hair types that we know about on this board.

I myself think that alot of us here are still mislabeling our own hair, based on the types we us here. But's that a topic for another thread :blah:
hmm...i've got to agree with you here. i've seen it implied even here that someone would go/think about being natural, were it not for their type 4 texture. for example, someone will pay a type 3 member a huge compliment, may even say they'd go natural if they had that particualr member's hair but finish up by saying they could never go natural with their hair type. a quick look at the sig informs me this person is type 4. or a type 3 will go natural and there will be a relaxed type 4 saying something along the lines of, "why did you ever relax? you never needed to". hair type truly ever needed to relax, lets be honest. people do because they want to but the implication is that type 4's need the relaxer and it's not required for type 3s. but i must say, i've only seen this happen a handful of times on here so as far as people openly admitting to feeling like this on lhcf, it's not the norm.

but i think irl, generally the mentality you've described still prevails, imo. this is despite having some black women admire my hair a lot.

Exactly! I'm being real. And again, I notice alot of sistas now are going back to being processed/texlax or whatever.

One of my sorors told me a couple of years ago that she is so glad that I grew out of my Afro puff. It was bringing the line down! I was like, WTF :pullhair:
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I may go natural, but I don't want to. It's either that or going back to the salon and who wants to deal with all the woes that comes with that?:rolleyes: I'm two months post and I usually stretch 3-4 months. Between my recent breakage and bad henna experience, there are some spots on my head that are down to an inch of new growth.

My hair is so thick that I didn't even notice that much, not even when I straightened it. However, that's the problem for me at least. My hair is naturally dry, 4zzzzzz, and like wire. I'm not sure I want to deal and go through the extra care it considers.

Though, when I look at Poohbear and Naturallady, their hair is :lick::lick:. I like naturals on others, not me. Please help.

ETA: Are there any naturals that cosistently wear hard presses. IMO, twists and braids on naturals are a bit childish. Sorry if I offend anyone.

:ohsnap: :wasntme: :pity:
And when I mean true Afro textured hair, I am talking about hair that looks like an Afro :afro: Not hair that looks like yours.

I myself think that alot of us here are still mislabeling our own hair, based on the types we us here. But's that a topic for another thread :blah:[/quote]

WTF???? I know my hair is 4 it shrinks upon contact with water. I beg to differ with you- I KNOW my hair type. Its wiry- shrinks when wet- is not defined and refuses to be combed while wet. It is fragile and curly and nappy all in the same strand. ..... and I have the pictures to prove it. I have no need to misrepresent. Your implication and broad statements are not appreciated. Hey take a risk- put your hair out there- some pictures- up close and from far- then we can continue this dialogue
Nappity4b's hair is definitely in the 4's, I just looked at her fotki and the (gasp) shrinkage pic--her hair is no joke, she just really knows how to work with what she has and when she is done I can see why people would think she might be in the 3's but she is definitely a 4a/4b. Ladies please don't argue though, there's been enough fighting going on around here lately. Both of you have wonderful words of wisdom about natural hair.
Nappity4b's hair is definitely in the 4's, I just looked at her fotki and the (gasp) shrinkage pic--her hair is no joke, she just really knows how to work with what she has and when she is done I can see why people would think she might be in the 3's but she is definitely a 4a/4b. Ladies please don't argue though, there's been enough fighting going on around here lately. Both of you have wonderful words of wisdom about natural hair.

Yeah, I agree with everything that Hopeful said. I would be remiss if I didn't say, Nappity, that looking at your fotki really encourages me. There's no doubt in my mind that you're a 4a/b and even seeing your routine is helpful to me. I've been meaning to tell you how much I love your fotki! :D

Ava, you really dropped some truth in what you said about comments to the effect of "you never needed to relax." I remember being with a friend of mine who locked her hair. We were talking to an elderly Black woman and I might as well have been invisible with my freedom fro 4B hair because as my friend and the women were talking about my friend's decision to lock her hair, the woman took a look at it and said that she never needed to relax in the first place. Needless to say she didn't dare say the same thing to me... :rolleyes:
Yeah, I agree with everything that Hopeful said. I would be remiss if I didn't say, Nappity, that looking at your fotki really encourages me. There's no doubt in my mind that you're a 4a/b and even seeing your routine is helpful to me. I've been meaning to tell you how much I love your fotki! :D

Ava, you really dropped some truth in what you said about comments to the effect of "you never needed to relax." I remember being with a friend of mine who locked her hair. We were talking to an elderly Black woman and I might as well have been invisible with my freedom fro 4B hair because as my friend and the women were talking about my friend's decision to lock her hair, the woman took a look at it and said that she never needed to relax in the first place. Needless to say she didn't dare say the same thing to me... :rolleyes:

The support from you ladies is greatly appreciated and immeasurable! Thanks.
Nappity4b's hair is definitely in the 4's, I just looked at her fotki and the (gasp) shrinkage pic--her hair is no joke, she just really knows how to work with what she has and when she is done I can see why people would think she might be in the 3's but she is definitely a 4a/4b. Ladies please don't argue though, there's been enough fighting going on around here lately. Both of you have wonderful words of wisdom about natural hair.

i was thinking her hair was type 4 also. nappity4b's hair is gorgeous, btw.
That was rude and unfounded.

I was all up in that girl's fotki and can vouch she's 100% 4-something. Why would you judge someone like that, are you even natural yourself?

Well you can disagree with the bold part, but again, that's why I said "I find".

And when I mean true Afro textured hair, I am talking about hair that looks like an Afro :afro: Not hair that looks like yours. Again, we are talking about non-LCHF sistas that are not familiar with hair textures or hair types that we know about on this board.

I myself think that alot of us here are still mislabeling our own hair, based on the types we us here. But's that a topic for another thread :blah:
i absolutely love being natural now that my hair is locking. when it was loose and natural it was too much to deal with. however, no matter what i would never go back to perms...
And when I mean true Afro textured hair, I am talking about hair that looks like an Afro :afro: Not hair that looks like yours.

I myself think that alot of us here are still mislabeling our own hair, based on the types we us here. But's that a topic for another thread :blah:

WTF???? I know my hair is 4 it shrinks upon contact with water. I beg to differ with you- I KNOW my hair type. Its wiry- shrinks when wet- is not defined and refuses to be combed while wet. It is fragile and curly and nappy all in the same strand. ..... and I have the pictures to prove it. I have no need to misrepresent. Your implication and broad statements are not appreciated. Hey take a risk- put your hair out there- some pictures- up close and from far- then we can continue this dialogue[/quote]

Again, we are talking from the LCHF point of view.

If someone look at the pics you have in your avatar and siggy right now, and they were non-LCHF, they would NOT think your hair is in the Type 4 range. Or what WE know as the type for range. Alot of them would say you have "good hair".

Remember, we are talking about sistas that don't have the hair knowledge that we have now. I never said anything about what type of hair you have. I said hair that looks like Afro texture hair, to them. You hair looks fine to me, I'm not dissing your hair or debating what your hair type is. I'm talking about what the casual non-LCHF person may say looking at your hair texture based on those photos you have there.

Same with me. One guy asked me if I was mixed because he had never seen "dark-skinned girls with pretty hair like mine"! WTF! :pullhair:

I mean this board is an oasis for us. However, when we get off of it, alot of the stereotypes and miseducation of caring for our hair, especially natural hair, abounds.
Your implication and broad statements are not appreciated. Hey take a risk- put your hair out there- some pictures- up close and from far- then we can continue this dialogue

Calm down! I didn't mean to offend you in my statements. Your hair looks great and I'm sure that you have worked hard at it.

As for me putting my picture out there? So I don't have a pic on my page, so what? That doesn't mean that I can't say what I want to say about any topic. Again, if you were offended or hurt, then that wasn't my intention.
That was rude and unfounded.

I was all up in that girl's fotki and can vouch she's 100% 4-something. Why would you judge someone like that, are you even natural yourself?

As for you, yes I am natural. Hence my original statement saying that people have told me if their natural hair texture was like my natural hair texture, then they would be natural. :nono:

Look, you all have to understand, everybody does not come from the same city or town or country on this board. Different people have different viewpoints and see different things in their city/hometown. Some women in some towns see natural hair ladies all the time. Some don't. Some still see weaves everywhere. Some don't. So therefore, some women are going to still get statements about their natural hair that may sound crazy or outdated.

As for you calling me rude. Wasn't it just as rude for you to ask me if I was natural?
I didn't think so, but if you were as offended by me as i was by your statement I want to apologize.

I came in to see responses because im transitioning and what i saw looked like something that just looked rude. It looked like one of those "nappier than thou" things. I thought you were implying that because she made her hair look that way in her signature she couldn't possibly be a 4, but I realize if youre speaking for an outsider who doesn't know... yea i guess it would make sense for them to think she had "good hair," whatever that is.

As for you, yes I am natural. Hence my original statement saying that people have told me if their natural hair texture was like my natural hair texture, then they would be natural. :nono:

Look, you all have to understand, everybody does not come from the same city or town or country on this board. Different people have different viewpoints and see different things in their city/hometown. Some women in some towns see natural hair ladies all the time. Some don't. Some still see weaves everywhere. Some don't. So therefore, some women are going to still get statements about their natural hair that may sound crazy or outdated.

As for you calling me rude. Wasn't it just as rude for you to ask me if I was natural?
I didn't think so, but if you were as offended by me as i was by your statement I want to apologize.

I came in to see responses because im transitioning and what i saw looked like something that just looked rude. It looked like one of those "nappier than thou" things. I thought you were implying that because she made her hair look that way in her signature she couldn't possibly be a 4, but I realize if youre speaking for an outsider who doesn't know... yea i guess it would make sense for them to think she had "good hair," whatever that is.

Oh it's okay, I'm not crying tears.

I mean I know I tend to say alot things that people misunderstand in my posts. Like if I was talking, then Nappity porbably would had understand exactly what I meant. But when you are writing, sometimes don't get the actual meaning of the post right off hand because you don't "hear" it.

I mean the words sometimes don't actually reflect what you are trying to say in your head :oops:

But yeah, I'm natural. And the older I get, the more straighter in texture my hair has gotten, I don't know why this is happening.
oh thank you, Nappity, for the cosign.

And I *think* I understand where you're trying to go, avaspeaks, to most people of the world it seems like there are 5 types: no hair at all, straight hair, curly hair, nappy hair, and locs. Is that what you meant?

Where is our OP?
Before going natural I used to think it would be a big deal but its so not. ( I was weave-dependent) Moisture is the key. Detangling, which I was afraid of, is no problemo. I am not into wearing twists or braids either and it does work out because since joining this board, I've mostly been bunning. That is also no problem for my type 4 natural. I tie it down at so the front stays smooth and manageable. Its not matronly at all. I was concerned with that since I typically like the glam styles. When I want to press, which is rare, I press. I have found 2 or 3 chemical free salons who do a great job. I shy away from that as a norm because getting heat damage would defeat the purpose of the health I've attained with being natural. It's sooo not a big deal. Being natural didn't take away from my fabulousness, I think it added to it
Hair needs care needs care no matter the type. i remember telling my h/dresser the last time i visited i wanted to go nat and not put any more relaxer in my hair and i was told, forget it, they wont be fiddling with my hair cause it is too nappy. now about 3 yrs prior when i was affording $$ this is the same person asked me if i was mixed cause my hair was so nice and soft blah blah blah.. i do have a mixture of hair 3 and 4, but regardless when i didn't take care of it, you couldn't tell. i was off the charts in the negative direction.

but now that i have found lhcf my hair is better moisturized and looks great. i don't wear twists outside but i do wear braids and what a relief. when my braids are out some days i feel at a loss of what to do with my hair and then i flat iron it cause it is stretched and can be more manageable. But i love natural. i went natural cause i home relaxed and it wasn't fun.. and in my area there are NO blk salons or people remotely familiar with my type of hair. So out of that situation came the best decision i ever made. my hair went from looking toe up to looking much better.

sorry for the long...................... go to sleep now.. lol
If you check my avatar, the flat iron press i did on my hair resulted in bouncy, flowy hair that is wayy better than a perm. I will not perm my hair ever agaiN!