Naturals, how do you dry your hair?


New Member
I started a thread on my crunchy hair issue yesterday, and after trying dc with another method, I'm starting to think it may be the airdrying. Its been a month since my BC, so i'm still adjusting. My hair isn't too long now; to about the bottom of my neck stretched. How do you let your hair dry after washing it? do you think the airdrying could be causing my crunchy hair issues?
I air dry as well.

If you don't suspect your products to be the cause, it may be your method. Try air drying in large braids or twists. Unravel the your hair when your hair is dry. That way you won't have detangle twice and your hair will be stretched.
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I air dry most of the time now. I used to have crunchy hair after air drying when I used shampoo. Now that I use acv, water, and Vo5 and seal with castor oil, my hair is no longer crunchy when I air dry. I think it was the shampoo.
If i'm doing a wash n go i air dry...if i am wearing a phony pony or wig i wrap my hair in an old tshirt until its just barely damp then i bun it, and let it dry like that.
My hair actually reacts better to air drying than using a blow dryer, and I def. should not towel dry it. I am not sure about the effects of shampoo becuase shampoo actually helps my hair, but it could be the leave-in you are using.
My hair reacts best to air drying too. Towel drying makes it feel dry. Blow-drying is a no-no. :nono: Sitting under a hair dryer only prevents the crunchies on the cool setting.
Have you thought that it might just be "scab" hair? Since you just bc'd not too long ago, this could be an issue. I mean for me, I only air dry and have for years. I know that I dc with caps and heat, then do oil rinsing with finger detangling and I have been natural for 5+ yrs, and I usually conditioner wash. Probably once per month (if that) I will use dilluted shampoo. Soooo, my advice would be to
A.) keep watch on that "hard hair" b/c it might be scab hair
B.) keep up with the dc with heat, try oil rinsing
C.) check out conditioner washing

If you use the search tool, you will find threads on all these things, and maybe someone with "scab hair" experience and come in and tell you more. hth :)
Have you thought that it might just be "scab" hair? Since you just bc'd not too long ago, this could be an issue. I mean for me, I only air dry and have for years. I know that I dc with caps and heat, then do oil rinsing with finger detangling and I have been natural for 5+ yrs, and I usually conditioner wash. Probably once per month (if that) I will use dilluted shampoo. Soooo, my advice would be to
A.) keep watch on that "hard hair" b/c it might be scab hair
B.) keep up with the dc with heat, try oil rinsing
C.) check out conditioner washing

If you use the search tool, you will find threads on all these things, and maybe someone with "scab hair" experience and come in and tell you more. hth :)

You know, you just might be right:yep:. I've tried different combinations of products and methods, just to get the same results. And I was explaining in my other thread that when I run my hand along individual strands it feels moisturized until I reach the tips. Soooo, scab hair may be the issue! :drunk:Thanks!! Now.....does that mean I have to cut more of my hair:look: I'm still going to go and by GVP paul mitchell leave in or giovanni that people suggested and maybe organix conditioner before I take the next step.