Naturals: Hot comb or flat iron?


New Member
*That is, if you CHOOSE to straighten your hair. If you don't, please don't use this thread to object those who do. :)*

Also, pardon me if this question has been asked already.
I just BC'd a couple of months ago and I haven't straightened my hair, and would like to because I think I need a trim AND yes, to see the length of my hair. I have a friend who has never been relaxed and swears by the hot comb. She goes to the salon to get it pressed and she's able to wear her hair down.

I'm leery of that uncontrollable amount of heat on my hair, (I'm aware they have electric ones, however) and want to know what method other naturals prefer and why. Which one has the least potential for heat damage?
I prefer flat iron b/c I can handle it easier than the hotcomb. I use the comb chase method w/the flat iron to get the best results. If I could get proper technique down for my pressing combs (I have electric & regular), then I wuld use more often. By the way, you should make this a poll.
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I used an electric hot comb most of my life, but at the end of last year, there was a Maxiglide craze around here, and I succumbed to the temptation and bought one. I can't see myself using the hot comb anymore; the Maxiglide works sooooo much better, with less effort. I used to burn my hair regularly with the hot comb, but I haven't burned my hair at all with the Maxiglide.
I like the flat iron. I get very straight results and I feel comfortable using one. The pressing comb intimidates me and I'm afraid of it from my childhood years. :look: A stylist used one on my edges during my transition and I suffered heat damage.

For a nice sleek press I use both I just did a press on my mom for mothers day and blew her hair out small section by small section using the denman brush and my andis colorwaves blowdryer on warm and high air flow which got her hair really close to straight to begin with. I followed that up with a single pass of my hot tools hot comb on setting 8 then finished it off with my amika flat iron on the highest setting which is 392 degrees and her hair was sleek straight bouncy and shiny....that press LASTS too.

As long as there is heat protectant around and I know my technque is on point after honing it all these years...I am not afraid of heat at all.
I used to have my hair pressed with a hot comb when I was a kid by my mom and one of my aunts. My hair looked pretty but they would burn the holy #@*&^ out of my scalp and ears! Even thinking of using a hot comb these days makes me break out in a sweat! I prefer a flat iron.
Thanks for your responses! @yamilee21, I have the old Maxiglide but it was too big for me handle.
i like both... i dont use both at the same time though. just depends on the look i'm going for. if i want a super sleek look i will flat iron. but if i want something more airy i guess... i go with the hot comb. i do think that the flat iron straightens better and is faster lol
Flatiron FTW. I'm in awe of those with pressing-comb technique, I might add. Unfortunately, I'm just too heat-shy to fiddle with them.
flat-iron on my own cause i don't even have a hot comb.
i let my stylist use a hot comb when i see her, though.
both are fine with proper technique.
I prefer my hot comb. I have an electric one, so I get to control the heat.

The comb chase method with a flat iron is a lot of work to me, maybe I need more practice with that.

I think the maxiglide might be the perfect compromise, but I haven't tried it yet.
Flat iron. But I use this comb with the flat iron using the comb chase method. Gets my hair straight like an ol' school press.

i like the flat iron because of the heat control as well. those stove irons can get up to 500 degress i hear. thats just too much heat for me, even with a heat protectant. i cant imaging that the hair would expierence some type of damage using that much heat.

As long as there is heat protectant around and I know my technque is on point after honing it all these years...I am not afraid of heat at all.

Sorry, this is a little off topic but BMP, what kind of heat protectant do you use?

Flat iron. But I use this comb with the flat iron using the comb chase method. Gets my hair straight like an ol' school press.


Yeah, I'd like to know the name of this comb too!
i like the flat iron because of the heat control as well. those stove irons can get up to 500 degress i hear. thats just too much heat for me, even with a heat protectant. i cant imaging that the hair would expierence some type of damage using that much heat.
I can't speak for anyone else but whenever I reference hot combs....I always mean the electric ones with manual temp controls....never the stove irons.

Sorry, this is a little off topic but BMP, what kind of heat protectant do you use?
This :)

Tiny bit of serum for blowdrying and a few sprays for flat ironing.

I didn't have any luck with that comb. I'm about to return it to sally's. The teeth were too small for my hair even though I detangled, I felt like I was pulling out my hair. I guess it could be that I need to perfect my technique, though.
/\ Its all about starting off with a very thorough blowdry that already has your hair mostly straight to begin with. At that point you can do the comb chase with even a fine toothed comb through the hair...I just did this method on my moms 4b/a hair and it worked beautifully:yep:

I may start a thread on how I go about this...
I didn't have any luck with that comb. I'm about to return it to sally's. The teeth were too small for my hair even though I detangled, I felt like I was pulling out my hair. I guess it could be that I need to perfect my technique, though.

yea, it's technique. When I flat iron my hair, I do two swipes. The first swipe is to get it as straight as possible without the comb. Then after that I run the comb through the section to get rid of any snags, and THEN that's when I do the second swipe comb chasing with the comb.
I flat iron (Maxiglide) 'cause it's easier to handle AND because i've never in my life used a hot comb (not necessary for my hair journey!)
Flat iron is easiest because I don't have to keep running between the stove and the bathroom like I do for pressing. Oh, when I use a pressing comb, I use the old school one (kizure), the kind you put on actual fire. I don't burn my hair because I know how to test if it's too hot. Anyway, I use the flat iron more regularly. I never get my hair straight, but it's stretched enough for my purposes. I do believe that nothing can straighten my hair like a pressing comb, though. Before wearing my hair kinky, I was a press and curl girl. I hardly ever had a relaxer. Same for my whole family. We straightened with the comb.

Flat Iron!
-I make sure I only straighten my hair after a Serious Moisture DC.
-I use some kind of serum like Sabino Moisture Block or Chi Silk Infusion, etc before I blow dry. Blow dry as straight as possible
-Then spray heat protectant and then Flat Iron
*usually my reversion is low but If work out 2- 3 times a week + need a touch up I use a Hot Comb!
Flat iron is easiest because I don't have to keep running between the stove and the bathroom like I do for pressing.

They do make individual stoves for those who are interested.


Or you could just use the one that plugs into the wall. :grin: Hot combs on the stove feel better to me, though.

Anyhow, I prefer a hot comb. The results last longer, my hair feels softer, I've never had any damage, etc. Flat irons, while more convenient, always left my hair feeling chewed up.

If you are leery of an uncontrollable amount of heat on your hair, by all means, go the flat iron route. However, you should know that companies do make electric hot combs with temperature regulation.
I love to flat Iorn with my frizzease thermal protectant, Dax, and I use the chase method with a Brush. I have a maxiglide that I am in love with, that gives me weave looking hair lol. It's so shiny and bouncy I love my maxi glide
This :)

Tiny bit of serum for blowdrying and a few sprays for flat ironing.


/\ Its all about starting off with a very thorough blowdry that already has your hair mostly straight to begin with. At that point you can do the comb chase with even a fine toothed comb through the hair...I just did this method on my moms 4b/a hair and it worked beautifully:yep:

I may start a thread on how I go about this...


For a nice sleek press I use both I just did a press on my mom for mothers day and blew her hair out small section by small section using the denman brush and my andis colorwaves blowdryer on warm and high air flow which got her hair really close to straight to begin with. I followed that up with a single pass of my hot tools hot comb on setting 8 then finished it off with my amika flat iron on the highest setting which is 392 degrees and her hair was sleek straight bouncy and shiny....that press LASTS too.

As long as there is heat protectant around and I know my technque is on point after honing it all these years...I am not afraid of heat at all.

1st - great thread OP!
2nd - I just got a professional blow dry & flat iron for my trim. My hair has not reverted yet. It makes me think that I should stay away from any type of heat. I specificly asked if they were using a heat protectant etc. In fact this is the salon that convinced me I could be natural and straight. Would it be terrible of me to ask (or off topic) how long it should take for my hair to revert or how to get it to revert once you wet it again. Its been 2 weeks and I'm still waiting:sad:.