Naturals: Easier to comb wet/dry?

Combing ease?

  • Combing my hair when wet

    Votes: 107 89.9%
  • Combing my hair when dry

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • I don't use a comb/fingers only

    Votes: 12 10.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
I am an extremely tenderheaded 4a so combing AT ALL is like pulling teeth. I just want to get a hand count of those who find it easier/less shedding/breakage if you comb while your hair is wet, damp or completely dry. I want to try that Eqyss Survivor Detangler once its time to take my braids down but I'm a little reluctant. Any suggestions for combing without the tears? lol
Wet, a thousand times WET!!!!

I'd have an easier time combing fire wood than trying to mess with my hair dry.
I found more of my hair comes out whilst its wet.:perplexed Yet I hear that's the best way to detangle.
I only use a comb to part my hair, and that's when it's wet. I use a brush or my fingers to detangle when it's wet and full of conditioner. Otherwise, it's an excercise in futility to comb through my hair dry. I think for many naturals, one of the first things they learn to give up is doing very much to dry hair.
I only detangle while my hair is wet and has lots of conditioner in it. I often do it directly under the shower spray which seems to assist me in getting the tangles out. I finger comb first and then use a wide tooth seamless comb. I don't comb or brush my hair when it's dry. That's a fast way to a rat's nest, not to mention snags, snarls and really angry hair. ;)
Wet and loaded with conditioner here too.
I don't comb that often though (once or twice a week). I usually finger comb.

I don't think I've ever combed my hair dry since being natural!

When you take your braids out I think it's best to detangle before you wet your hair though.
There used to be a video on Robin Woods' site about taking them out. Don't know where it's gone.
Here's the link anyway
Thanks ladies. I feel stupid now cuz I don't think I have ever combed my hair while in its natural state while wet and with conditioner in it. I always used to comb it dry right after I take out my braids and detangle with my fingers. I really need a good detangling spray.
I mean, it makes since to comb wet because then the hair has "slip" to it and can allow the comb to glide through it. Like butter on your finger when you try to get a ring off..:confused: lol the only analogy i could think of on the spot.
I think I'm the only person who chose dry.... :look:

Both methods work great for me! When I twist, I comb my hair while its dry. That means parting (for flat twists), and combing through the sections that I finger part after I apply shea butter.

The shower however is the greatest way to comb my hair. The comb glides right through w/ the help of conditioner or shampoo.

But in the end I always wind up combing dry hair because I've stopped twisting on wet hair!
Wet wet wet, with some kind of conditioner on. The only time I've combed my hair when it was dry recently was when I blew it out. Even then it hurt.
I only comb my hair when wet with tons of conditioner on it. I cowash/wash about 4 days outta the week. On the days that I dont I use a liquid moisturizer like hawain silky and comb it if neccessary but not usually.
I comb my hair wet - always wet - UNLESS I'm trying to 'stretch' it out, and even then, I comb and detangle WELL while it's wet, braid it up and let it dry, then comb it out again once it's mostly dry. I RARELY do this though, because it makes my ends snap off - I end up surrounded by little curlicules of hair....not a happy sight.
ITA with wet and lots of conditioner...I tried to comb while dry...let's just say my poor comb didn't have a chance:( Also I was doing more damage than good combing while dry (I think I ended up hating myself for causing me pain :lachen:)
I only comb when wet and loaded with conditioner or detangler. It's alot easier that way, way less tangles and knots. Otherwise I end up with loads of hair in the comb.
Wet, but sometimes I comb when dry when I want to get all the curls/waves out, and when I want my hair to look thicker. I also have to comb when it's most dry when I want to wear an afro puff.
I rarely comb my hair, but when I do I like my hair to be damp/wet, but not with a lot of stuff in it.
I prefer to detangle with my fingers, though, which I usually do on damp hair. I will finger detangle dry hair sometimes if it's just a little knot or something I have to get out.
I voted for both easier to comb wet and dry. For me, it's the same amount of is not easier than the other.
I always comb my hair when it's wet. If I comb it when it's dry I make sure to use a leave-in spray conditioner or detangler.