Naturals, does your hair smell fresh after you flat iron it?


Well-Known Member
And not that burnt or heat protectant smell. Whether you do it at home or at the salon? How do you keep your hair smelling fresh when you flat iron?
Mine does stay fresh, but I don't use a lot of product (or a heat protectant) when flat ironing...a little argan oil and shine serum after I'm done. I know that's probably blasphemy here, but it works for me. :) I don't flat iron more than 4-6 times a year. To maintain, I make Bantu knots at night, sealed with a little argan oil. The more product I use, the stinkier and stringier my hair becomes.

But if it does start to smell from just being out and picking up scents, I use a little dry shampoo to keep it fresh. Or go all out, slap some really good smelling butter on it, and do two French braids and wear a braid out until my next wash.
Mine does stay fresh, but I don't use a lot of product (or a heat protectant) when flat ironing...a little argan oil and shine serum after I'm done. I know that's probably blasphemy here, but it works for me. :) I don't flat iron more than 4-6 times a year. To maintain, I make Bantu knots at night, sealed with a little argan oil. The more product I use, the stinkier and stringier my hair becomes.

But if it does start to smell from just being out and picking up scents, I use a little dry shampoo to keep it fresh. Or go all out, slap some really good smelling butter on it, and do two French braids and wear a braid out until my next wash.

What flat iron do you use? And what dry shampoo? I've never used dry shampoo before. lacreolegurl
I use Oscar Blandi's dry shampoo that I got from Sephora. There's another thread here that has some other dry shampoo suggestions...but out of the ones I tried I like this one best. It doesn't leave that white film that you get with some of the others and I've gotten compliments on the scent when I've used it.

I have a CHI that's several years old. I only need 2 passes max with it.
A tip I learned from youtube to maintain fresh smelling flat ironed hair is to blow dry your hair on low heat vs high while using minimal product. Try it ! it works.
I hate flat ironing my hair because of the smell so I'm going to go to the Dominicans and get a rollerset to see how straight it gets my hair. I already talked to the lady and she said I can bring in my own deep conditioner. Hopefully the rollerset gets it straight because I don't want to blow it out.