Naturals: Do you get and maintain growth with TWISTS?


New Member
My hair will actually hold twists now and I have been experimenting with fat juicy twists and smaller ones. Before they would mat and tangle but if I do them dry, my hair likes them. Now I want to try them as a weekly style to rest my hair. I am still scared to rinse my hair with them in but I will experiment with a couple left out of my cap in the shower and see how they do. Are they as effective as braids or cornrows for growing out the hair and minimizing any combing for days at time? I want to see if I can accumulate a few inches before Christmas. Who has had lots of success twisting their natural hair? What about flat twists?
I have been able to retain length by leaving my hair in twists about 80% of the time each month. ( big twists, little twists- all that) I am sure I would see drastic growth if I cut back on my heat usage a little more.