Naturals: Do Any of You Have Hair That Has to Have Protein


Well-Known Member
Because I do-on a very regular basis. I rarely use direct heat, but I have very fine hair strands. My hair can typically handle a reconstructor every other wash (7-10 days) or once a week. I've noticed that since I been moisturizing a lot more my hair is not responding well at all :nono:( and I clarified to make sure that wasn't the problem). My strands just seem weaker since I've only been treatments every 2 weeks to forgo combing.

Is there anyone else with hair like this? If so I how do you know to maintain your protein/moisture balance

OT: I've been using a BT/MN/essential oil mix and my scalp is ITCHING LIKE CRAZY. It feels like it is crawling off my head and I look silly patting and scratching like this-what is going on? I did notice some growth in cornrows I put in friday-maybe that's it?
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Because I do-on a very regular basis. I rarely use direct heat, but I have very fine hair strands. My hair can typically handle a reconstructor every other wash (7-10 days) or once a week. I've noticed that since I been moisturizing a lot more my hair is not responding well at all :nono:( and I clarified to make sure that wasn't the problem). My strands just seem weaker since I've only been treatments every 2 weeks to forgo combing.

Hey kblc - to answer your ?, no, i don't think my hair HAS to have protein but it likes all sorts of products that contain protein, aphogee, protein gels, aubrey's GBP, etc. In another protein thread a poster said her hair feels kinda like it's been rejuvenated. I thought that perfectly describes how my hair feels.

i'm thinking (it may be wrongthinking) that the protein puts a protective barrier around your strands and this barrier protects from everyday wear and tear and any adverse environmental conditions. how else can i explain it, you know?.

my strand sizes vary from medium to large - some of the strands are actually very large, stiff and wiry, some are smooth and others have alot of texture to them and some are just plain thinner and give that fuzzy look to out styles. my hair needs alot moisture too but it's just not due to just using protein products.

what i have noticed is that the entire strands of hair are thick and strong from root to tip and i have no split ends at all and hardly any broken coils on the floors or in the sink :grin:- and i've been checking for them! my regimen has not varied much since i bc'd except i use more moisture. I'm almost 9 months post-bc and my ends look and feel exactly the same as 9 months ago and that's after tons of styling, brushing, combing, shampooing, cowashing, clothes rubbing, being in and out of the elements and all sorts of wear and tear - even using heat every now and then haven't affected it.

Moisture and protein on a regular basis. It's worked since i started transitioning and continues to work now.

Is there anyone else with hair like this? If so I how do you know to maintain your protein/moisture balance.

Now after typing the above, i do occasionally get a case of super stretch and i think that's because i use alot of conditioner-based spritz and use conditioner to comb/brush through my hair. When it feels a little stretchy, i noticed that protein treatments stop that so you may be on to something but, i'm not giving up my use of conditioners because using them is more beneficial than not using. My vo5, suave and HSR have made handling my hair a pleasure and totally painfree :grin:

OT: I've been using a BT/MN/essential oil mix and my scalp is ITCHING LIKE CRAZY. It feels like it is crawling off my head and I look silly patting and scratching like this-what is going on? I did notice some growth in cornrows I put in friday-maybe that's it?

Girl, i don't know about itchies and stuff, well maybe just a little- when i had active alopecia, my scalp would itch something sick just before the hair would fall out but at the same time, when it began regrowing, it itched something sick too. now that the alopecia has run it's coarse i really don't experience bad itchies anymore so i really don't know what's up with that :nono:

i guess the bottom line is listening to your hair and responding to its' needs as soon as possible (which it sounds like you're trying to do).

i think what makes it super frustrating is finding the right product for the job in the shortest amount of time, knowing how and when to use those products and spending least amount of $$ doing it :perplexed

i hope you get it this sorted out soon.
If I need protein I usually just use the right leave in. Giovanni Direct has some protein, I recently fell in love w/Aphogee leave in. THis gives my hair just enough protein w/o making it hard.
OT: I've been using a BT/MN/essential oil mix and my scalp is ITCHING LIKE CRAZY. It feels like it is crawling off my head and I look silly patting and scratching like this-what is going on? I did notice some growth in cornrows I put in friday-maybe that's it?

Whenever I have cornrows or flat twists, my scalp itches like nobody's business. That is one of the reasons why I rarely wear these styles. When my hair is out or I have single twists/braids, my scalp is perfectly fine.
Hrrm, I have fine, natural hair, but I don't think my hair NEEDS protien at all. But then - I henna. Kblac06, Lynnie - do either of yall henna?

This part of your post just popped out at me, Lynnie

i'm thinking (it may be wrongthinking) that the protein puts a protective barrier around your strands and this barrier protects from everyday wear and tear and any adverse environmental conditions. how else can i explain it, you know?.

because that's exactly how henna is supposed to act - and my hair does feel - fresher/newer, somehow, after I henna.

So, if the henna I do on a regular basis (every 4 weeks, shifting to every 6 weeks), acts in the same way as the protien would, I would have to say that YES, my natural hair NEEDS protien treatment, because if I neglect my henna, my hair gets - fragile, like looking at it would cause it to split.
Do you follow up your protein treatments with deep moisturizing condition?

Yes, but recently I think my hair has gotten out of wack with the moisture overload. I did a Nexxus Emergencee/Porosity Control treatment today which helped tremendously.

I also notices that my hair responds better and is TONS more resilient when I use natural/organic products. I had been washing/conditioning my hair with Ion since I ran out, so maybe that's part of the reason also.

I actually think henna is a natural source of moderate protein, as with eggs.

My hair is half-braided (in the front) and loose in the back. I just /measured today that its grown about 1/4 inch (the braids) since last Thursday, and I feel new growth under my rollerset hair. So I think my hair is just growing:ohwell: since I'm not shedding hardly any hair when I comb. It would be nice to accumulate over an inch a month :grin:. But when my hair is going through a growth spurt I usually get very tender-headed (when it's normally hard as a brick), then the itchies come.

Thanks for the advice lynnie :grin:
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