NATURALS: Did you HAVE to...


Well-Known Member
... get your hair shaped in order to wear WNGs and stuff? The reason I ask is because I have certain goals I would really love to reach by December and don't want to lose a lot of length. But I also don't want to look crazy when I go to wear a WNG. But then again, I don't plan to wear a WNG until next August when I'm done with hiding my hair. But then again, if I HAVE to, I'd rather do it now while it's still short rather than having to cut a whole bunch later.
I'm sure that was confusing. The basic question is, do you have to have your hair shaped in order to wear a WNG? Also, does your hair have to be a certain length in order to get it shaped, and do you suggest getting it now or after it's longer?
The answer is yes and no...

When I did the BC back in 2007 my hair was all 5 inches in diameter all around, which meant it was going to grow in layers because the 5 inches on the top was going to take forever to catch up to the 5 inches in the nape area. As it grew, my wash and go's had a weird mullet. I knew I could get it shaped and have my curly styles look decent. I realized that for ME it meant cutting the back shorter, but I wanted to grow out my hair. When I started to straighten my hair it looked just fine. Curly not so much...

Fast forward 3 long years and my mullet is FINALLY gone. I had to wait it out, fluff my hair up and tuck it in the back to look less "mullet-y" if that's a real word LOL but that's just me and I don't want to discourage you. I am WSL now and I finally have hair that looks decent straight and curly. I go back and forth every other week between curly and straight so for me it wasn't worth cutting my hair.

So I guess it all depends on what you are trying to accomplish and if you will wear your hair out curly. I do more buns and curly ponytails and I was ok with that. I'd go to a salon and see what the stylist can do for you.
I'm so torn because I love the WNGs that are that perfect shape and I KNOW I will have a mullet because the hair at the back of my head is looser than my crown and sides. Maybe I will just pin the back up like you said Boston... I don't wanna cuuuuuuuut! Lol.
I didn't...but I will say that my hair was already in layers...I cut my natural hair in layers because I wore my hair straight for about 4 years and I love layers, I wasn't even thinking about how my curly hair would look, but the cut framed my natural hair nicely. Now that my hair has layers and growing out also so my wash and go is beginning to look different...and eventually when I reach MBL, I will probably cut more layers, but not before then.
Whenever I do wngs it looks like an upside down triangle...I refuse to call it a mullet lol. I've had to cut and trim so often that it is mad I care NO!! It doesn't look uneven even though it feels that way. So lately I have been using a knee high and putting in a puff.
I'm so torn because I love the WNGs that are that perfect shape and I KNOW I will have a mullet because the hair at the back of my head is looser than my crown and sides. Maybe I will just pin the back up like you said Boston... I don't wanna cuuuuuuuut! Lol.
Same thing here my curl is looser and hangs lower in the back. I defintely have the mullet going on. I found it looks ok if i put on a headband but I do think Im gonna have to get it shaped but Im hiding my hair until December so I will decide then.
I will say looked and fell MUCH better after my curl friendly stylist/friend cut it for me. HUUUUUUUGE difference.
I'm with vainjane. I have a mullet and will not be cutting not a hair. Yes, I'm looking crazy with my WNGs because the crown is a tighter curl than the back but it's just going to have to stay like that because I can now get my hair into a ponytail all be it a tiny (it's screamin'!!). I will rock this severe mullet because I have worked to hard to get this far and so have you. My advice would be to leave it alone be use it might grow out to look good next year:yep:
I will say looked and fell MUCH better after my curl friendly stylist/friend cut it for me. HUUUUUUUGE difference.

Dangdabit. Darn you and your logic! My hair will be hidden until December as well so maybe I will make a decision at that point. Even better, I don't REALLY plan to wear a WNG until next August so maybe I can push it back to then... :perplexed
Dangdabit. Darn you and your logic! My hair will be hidden until December as well so maybe I will make a decision at that point. Even better, I don't REALLY plan to wear a WNG until next August so maybe I can push it back to then... :perplexed

i can show you better than i can tell you...

BEFORE my cut...

After my cut...(obviously the vid is older and my hair is longer now but yanno)

Fast forward to June 2010...

See the difference??
thanks girl! but let me tell you, it was starting to do that triangle thing which was NOT the biz on my head, esp since the front of my hair is wavier. then when i flat ironed i got it trimmed again so i have long layers now which is how im going to keep my hair.
Well I think what I'll do is let it grow into whatever natural shape it will take on. Right now it's kind of too short to tell at this point, so I think by the time I will attempt to wear a WNG, I can make an informed decision. Thanks so much for your input.
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I did a thing that I don't necessarily recommend (it went well and I'm satisfied, though). I cut it myself. I wanted long layers, so at some point I cut it in the back.

I used this technique on dry stretched hair (gently brushed with conditioner and oil and a brush with soft bristles, so that it looked like a blowout) and I always trim like this:

except: I keep my ponytails facing downwards for a very gradual effect. The less I pull them far from my scalp, the more that section of hair resembles a blunt cut in a "u" shape, which I like. The more I keep the ends of the ponytails far from my scalp, the more I'm layering. I always make sure they face downwards and I try to make more ponytails (in a frohawk direction) and I trim them gradually.

When I cut my hair in the back, I kept the top half of my hair untouched and only did this to the bottom part until I was satisfied. I then only dusted the top part. This gave me a non mullet, non triangular shape / long layers.

PS= you can try with some non expensive wigs if you have patience. I hate going to a salon, that's why I did it.
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Yep. Some shaping has to be done, IMO. You'll soon see that with WnG's it's all about the cut/shape--it definitely can make or break it's wearability. It takes it from looking like you literally just wash an "go'd", to looking like a "style".

I shaped mine, by trimming/evening up the bottom layers so as not to have that "mullet" look.
Yep. Some shaping has to be done, IMO. You'll soon see that with WnG's it's all about the cut/shape--it definitely can make or break it's wearability. It takes it from looking like you literally just wash an "go'd", to looking like a "style".

I shaped mine, by trimming/evening up the bottom layers so as not to have that "mullet" look.

totally off topic, but you are my hair idol, who knew you had a blog and a youtube.. off to do my happy dance:yay::yay: and stalk both.

back on top-i think i have a mullet thing going on, but i just deal. some wng's are better than others. i always like day two wngs any way. once it is completely dry, i sort of tug and pull into the shape i like
Girl.. let it grow! I would never ever think about cutting my hair to get it into "shape"! If the whole idea is for you to grow out your hair why cut it? No one cares about shape when its hanging natural and if they do then they need to get a life!

My wash n go is very uneven!!
Yep. Some shaping has to be done, IMO. You'll soon see that with WnG's it's all about the cut/shape--it definitely can make or break it's wearability. It takes it from looking like you literally just wash an "go'd", to looking like a "style".

I shaped mine, by trimming/evening up the bottom layers so as not to have that "mullet" look.

Yeah. Some have curls that just look like they're...just THERE and then you see some curls that are fly!!!! Cause they got a little shape going on that works for them.

My hair is still in the shape (give or take) the way my friend cut it for me months ago and I'm still glad I let her because to me it looks soooo much better.
Thanks for the responses ladies! I do plan to go my own shaping, but right now, since it's hidden, I'll leave it alone. I'm sort of afraid to cut it now while it's so short. I'd rather have more hair to work with. Plus, my hair is really weird because it would have a nice shape but these two pieces on either side of my part at the hairline grow extremely slow, whereas the shapes I've seen, those pieces sort of blend in and the back is shorter. I am hoping that they will have grown in better by the time I want to shape. If not, I guess I'll just have to deal.
put it this way, if it looks fine to YOU right now then just let it be.

now when your hair starts getting longer, the curls have more weight to them and if you get the roof thing going on and that starts annoying you, look into getting a shape.

my hair was doing the roof thing and it was annoying the hell out of me so i wanted it to be shaped. now whenever i get a trim i just keep it consistent with the curly cut and im fine.
Let me just show you all what I mean by a weird shape:


See how the hair in the front is really short as if I had cut in a bang or something? Yeah... I didn't.


And I know I will have to cut the hair above my ear because it randomly is significantly longer than the rest of my hair. But I don't really know how I can shape it with this random natural bang unless I attempted to shape it around the bang and wear one with my WNG (which sounds extremely stupid-looking to me). I've seen twist and braid outs with bangs that look cute, but yet to see a WNG with one.

I PERSONALLY love shaping, it gives your hair a style. It's a necessity for me. It's what ever floats your boat for the look you are trying to achieve.
don't worry about shape yet.. as your hair grows you will know if you need shape or not ... i know its exciting .. but don't get ahead of your self.. take it from a one time newbie scissor happy fool
don't worry about shape yet.. as your hair grows you will know if you need shape or not ... i know its exciting .. but don't get ahead of your self.. take it from a one time newbie scissor happy fool

Hahaha. I am significantly less scissor happy than when I was transitioning, but I still do get the urge!