Naturals - decided to flat iron on a regular basis.Tips please


Well-Known Member
Here goes my bi-monthly moan about my hair.............


This week is my 2 year nappiversay. Almost every day has been a struggle for me. The tangles, the breakage, detangling, the styling takes hours and hours.

I no longer want to look like a 13 year old kid whose mummy did her hair. I'm 31 and deserve to look and feel glamorous without having to wear wigs or weaves because for a long time i just haven't been feeling like that at all.

I thought long and hard about relaxing/texlaxing/texturising but can't bring myself to do it.

I have decided to keep my hair flat ironed but would love some quick-fire tips on how to do it (can't get hold of a maxiglide in the UK so don't suggest that please). How to preserve it and how often you recommending doing it for.

I tried on my own once and the ends were soooo frizzy.

Thanks in advance ladies. x
There was a thread not to long ago about naturals preserving presses....dont remember the title though :ohwell:

For me, I preserve my straightness by:
1 - taking warm not hot showers
2- wrapping my hair nightly
3- keeping a silk bonnet with me at all times lest I encounter moisture
4- coating my hair with a light oil such as sweet almond to prevent reversion

Thats all I can think of at the moment...mine usually last about 3 weeks. I get mine professionally done with the marcels. My hair laughs at electric irons.
Oooh your hair looks lovely.

Thanks i'll have a search through when i have the time.

I thought marcel irons were a no-no.

I had mine hair damaged in places by one of those - then again the hairdresser did go over the hair about 3 times with it!
I flat iron once or twice a month in cooler months. The first couple of times, I had the frizzy ends, but I hadn't trimmed in a while, so I dusted my ends. What works for me...

Check the weather reports. :laugh: No kidding, I've lost all battles with ironing when it was to moist outside. I never try to iron bone straight either.

I always wash, use a moisturizing deep conditioner and use a strengthening treatment (Keraphix, Aphogee or DRC 28) a day or two before I plan to straighten. Then lightly apply oils (nothing heavy).

I have to make sure that my hair is completely dry, if straightening the same day. I've done this on damp hair and it went well, but I got sloppy and did this too often and suffered breakage.

I use Fantasia IC Hair Polisher Heat Protector generously while ironing my hair. At night, I lightly oil or use Mizani Night Treatment, then pull my hair into a loose pony. Then I use a large roller on my ends and tie my hair. The next day, my hair is a little more straight and has a slight bump.

I have a couple of pics of my straightened hair (one with a slight reversion) in the gallery, but they're old and not very good.