Naturals: Breakage or just Short Pieces of Hair?


Well-Known Member
Do any naturals have breakage around the edges? I'm noticing that I still have breakage in the nape on the left side at the very edge. It's the same spot where I had really bad breakage when I was relaxed. But when I was relaxed it had gotten so bad that it had spread up to my ear on that one side. I thought it was the relaxer all that time before, but I guess not. My hair dresser said that a lot of times breakage could be hereditary. But IDK about all that. It's not that bad though just the very edge but it bugs me.

And I'm starting to see all these short pieces of hair all around my edges. Like near my hairline mostly a little above the temples. Could it just be baby hairs? How can I tell if it's just baby hairs or if it truly is breakage? I haven't been seeing any pieces break off but maybe I'm just not paying enough attention. Some of it looks like it's starting to grow down my face (Sideburns) and neck too. I never had that problem before and it's driving me crazy. And I'm not taking any vitamins bc I was getting excessive hair growth other places. Maybe they're not all out of my system from before? Has anybody else experienced this?
bmoreflyygirl said:
Do any naturals have breakage around the edges? I'm noticing that I still have breakage in the nape on the left side at the very edge. It's the same spot where I had really bad breakage when I was relaxed. But when I was relaxed it had gotten so bad that it had spread up to my ear on that one side. I thought it was the relaxer all that time before, but I guess not. My hair dresser said that a lot of times breakage could be hereditary. But IDK about all that. It's not that bad though just the very edge but it bugs me.

And I'm starting to see all these short pieces of hair all around my edges. Like near my hairline mostly a little above the temples. Could it just be baby hairs? How can I tell if it's just baby hairs or if it truly is breakage? I haven't been seeing any pieces break off but maybe I'm just not paying enough attention. Some of it looks like it's starting to grow down my face (Sideburns) and neck too. I never had that problem before and it's driving me crazy. And I'm not taking any vitamins bc I was getting excessive hair growth other places. Maybe they're not all out of my system from before? Has anybody else experienced this?

hey! im not natural but i notice this too in the same eexact spot you mention, temple area...i honestly dont think its breakage, my friend, who is white, had the same thing a few years ago and swore someone was comin in her room in the middle of the night and choppin off her hair because she had all thes new short little hairs growin out of the front of her head. i think its just new baby hairs :)
FlawedBeauty said:
hey! im not natural but i notice this too in the same eexact spot you mention, temple area...i honestly dont think its breakage, my friend, who is white, had the same thing a few years ago and swore someone was comin in her room in the middle of the night and choppin off her hair because she had all thes new short little hairs growin out of the front of her head. i think its just new baby hairs :)

That makes me feel better. I was like why are these short pieces here?!?!?! It's been driving me insane. I'm seriously considering going and getting my face waxed though. I think I'm growing sideburns. And that's not cute. :perplexed
If you're not seeing little broken bits on hair on your clothes, the floor, the sink and counter... then it's probably just new hair coming in.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Do any naturals have breakage around the edges? I'm noticing that I still have breakage in the nape on the left side at the very edge. It's the same spot where I had really bad breakage when I was relaxed. But when I was relaxed it had gotten so bad that it had spread up to my ear on that one side. I thought it was the relaxer all that time before, but I guess not. My hair dresser said that a lot of times breakage could be hereditary. But IDK about all that. It's not that bad though just the very edge but it bugs me.

And I'm starting to see all these short pieces of hair all around my edges. Like near my hairline mostly a little above the temples. Could it just be baby hairs? How can I tell if it's just baby hairs or if it truly is breakage? I haven't been seeing any pieces break off but maybe I'm just not paying enough attention. Some of it looks like it's starting to grow down my face (Sideburns) and neck too. I never had that problem before and it's driving me crazy. And I'm not taking any vitamins bc I was getting excessive hair growth other places. Maybe they're not all out of my system from before? Has anybody else experienced this?

Not sure about the nape but I'll bet your hair around your temples is growing/filling in...
My hairline is completely fuzzy, it's breakage, just like when I was a little girl. It comes from headbands, and ponytails and daily manipulation of my hairline. Nothing I can do to prevent it. I even have breakage up and down my center part. If I don't gel my hair, I'm a fuzzy mess. I KNOW 100% that its breakage because 1) I haven't sprouted any new hair follicles all of a sudden and 2) my three gray hairs broke (they are along my center part) and now they all stick straight up as they grow out. I monitor my growth by the longest one. :lol: That one is about 3 inches long now.
It could be the wigs and weaves that you wear? How long do you give your hair a break and how long do you keep them in? how do you wear your hair underneath?
Looking at the ends of the hairs can give you a clue as to whether it's breakage or new growth. If the ends are tapered, it's probably new growth. If the ends are blunt, split or have small white dots, it's probably breakage.
Hmmm... I never thought about it being my hairline filling in. I've never had any problems with my hairline/edges being pulled out in the front in my whole life. But maybe it is new hair sprouting?

Yes I usually sleep with a scarf or a bonnet. It depends on how my hair is. Lately I've been wrapping it and tying the scarf on since I'm wearing straight hair. I don't tie it tight. I rarely see pieces of hair that have come out I just noticed the short pieces around the hair line. The few pieces I have seen have the white bulb but since i don't comb my hair often, I'm assuming they're just shed hairs. Sometimes they have those one strand knots. They're not split hairs though or broken off pieces. My edges in the front are fine other than those little short pieces over the temple. Also, I generally don't gel my edges down. I just kind of smooth them back with my hand and sometimes I use a brush if I'm wearing my hair pulled back. Other than that I just leave them alone. I generally don't wear headbands unless I'm wearing a wig and even then all my hair is underneath and covered up from the teeth on the headband.

The hair in the nape on the left side has continued to break off for the past few years. It's much better now (The patch was HUGE when I was relaxed. Everytime I went to get my hair done the stylists would ask me what happened to it. I would just comb the longer part down over top of it so you couldn't see it because I didn't see the point in evening my whole head out to be an inch long) but I still think it's breaking off. I don't know what to do to stop it. I usually leave it out of the braids for that reason. Even when I was going to the salon weekly and getting my hair treated and wearing it out for a whole year it still did not stop. That was why I went natural because I thought the relaxer was doing it. All the rest of my hair is healthy and growing. It's all the same length and my ends look good. I haven't had a trim since February so I don't think it's breakage other than along that edge in the back on the left.
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