
Well-Known Member
I am natural and have been doing braid and twist outs since summer 06 but now transistioning into Fall. I am wanting to know are you still keeping the same routine moisturizing? freqent CO Wash? Gels? how do you stay natural in the winter ? This will be my first winter totally natural.
Congrats Shalita,
This December will be my 2nd year as a natural. The hair style I usually 'rock' is braids (like the growafrohairlong website) - this is because it has been the most beneficial style for me. As it is winter I now have a trendy cornrow style. This gives me less manipulation compared to 'individuals' and it keeps my hair and new growth flat.Oh and this style keeps my head warm compared to 'individuals' as well. :)
I'll be two years natural this winter. I'm in the south so our winters are short and mild, but it still gets cold enough for coats and hats. I plan to wear styles that will work well with hats, such as two strand twists, flat twists, braids, low buns and maybe a twist out or two. I will probably also wear it flatironed once or twice during this time.
I agree with braids. (then again I wear braids all year round!)
I get them in in Nov. and take them out Mid. March and I usually get 3-4 inches of pure growth from this. So as island folks say 'left it alone', and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
I'm going to get a friend to twist my hair over the weekend. If that works out (cause I can't seem to do a good job myself :ohwell:), that's the way I'm going to go for these cold months. I sooooo need a break from my hair! (before I do something drastic! :eek:)
protective styles, no cowashing/daily rinsing anymore, more deep conditioning, hats or scarves while outside...
I keep it in braids and twists. While in braids I gently mist with a light oil/water/cheap condish several times a week since synthetic hair tends to dry out our hair. Since the weather is turning cooler I try to do light moisturizing with a plastic cap during the day when I don't have to go out.
I'm going to hide my hair away in a weave or kinky twists this winter. But if you have your hair out I've read that if you are a frequent conditioner washer its best to do it at night so you wont go out into the cold with a wet/damp head. I've read that some naturals who live in dry climates do more deep conditioning and hot oil treatments in the winter to keep the hair strong and keep the moisture in their hair. And of course protective styles. It rains out here sometimes but most of our winters are warm. But if it happened to rain or be to darn cold I would wear my hair in any style were my ends were not exposed. hth :)
Same routine really-

Pre-poo w/some cheap conditioner
Wash 1 x per week (I will try to stretch it to two weeks cause of my sched)
Deep condition for 20-25 min after each wash w/my Elasta DPR mixture
braid my base then twist
Pull my twists up into a knot w/a small scrunchie

I also will be using the baggie method and creams, oils and/or grease to my ends almost every night.
Wear a scarf every night.

No conditioner washes for me.
If I keep my hair mositurized daily, I should be okay for the winter.
I'm in the Northeast and it's already starting to get cold a dry, so I'm going to get it cornrowed next weekend. After that, I'll probably get tiny twist put in...either way, I don't plan to see my hair again until spring.
Even in the winter I still CW and leave the house wet. I'm just going from my house to the car and the car to the building. My energy seems a lil low this year tho, so I'm a lil worried about colds. Now that it's longer I will try to do twists more. I want to wear hats. I never wore them even when I was relaxed because I didnt want to mess up my hair. Tonight I am experimenting with a roller set to see if how it looks once its dried. It will be my first since I've been natural. I used to do them all the time when I was relaxed, and just seperate it and wear it curly. If you need to do wash and go's just get a diffuser for your dryer so you can dry it before you leave.
I don't plan on doing anything different except not washing my hair as much. Conditoner washing and moisturizing routine will stay the same - always done at night so I don't leave home the next morning with wet hair.
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most winters I would straighten my hair the entire winter,(every 6-8 weeksor so) because it will hold untill i decide to wash it again even after working out ext. but this winter i am on the GHLW challenge and i wasnt properlly taking care of my hair b4.

i plan on generally doing braidouts, i havnt quite figured out how to twist my hair:perplexed yet but once i do ill be doing those.

I also plan on co washing once a week and deep conditioning, ans pooing every 2 weeks. my hair is a little past my shoulders when curly so its at a kinda odd length IMO but i am tryin to grow it out so i will probably wear it in a bun alot also to protect it this winter. \

but who knows for sure i might change that up depending on how dry my hair feels
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Not much will change for me.

I will still:

Wash & deep condition once a week. Apply moisturizer daily or as needed.

But I will also try to wear twists more and not just the buns. My hair needs a serious break from being pulled back in the bun.
I'll be ditching my wash and go's for the good old bun and 2 strand twists. Also won't rinse my hair as frequently and I will be wearing more hats
This is my first winter in YEARS with my hair loose - I'm seriously considering getting kinky twists, and keeping them in for most of the winter - taking them out and letting my hair rest for a week inbetween, so I can slip a henna and a couple of DC in....
I still will probably wear puffs, the only thing is that I'll either co-wash the night before and spritz in the morning or I will use my new diffuser to dry quickly. I ALWAYS wear a hat lined with satin. I will probably do more twists this winter since now I can do them in about 2 hours (major improvement for me).

I deep condition weekly more faithfully in the winter and I use a thicker leave-in mix. this will be my 2nd winter natural. :D
this is my first winter as a natural..also ..hmm this should be interesting..but at least i have a nice thick head of keep me warm..yay!!
Another 'first winter as a natural' here.
Any type of extensions are out of the question due to my previous braid experience, I'm not using heat so can't straighten, I can't do twists properly, my braidouts look lame, I can't cornrow, I don't go to hairdressers/salons...


I'll probably be increasing my banada and hat usage, for when my hair looks bad (99% of the time when I don't wash it in the morning) but it's too cold to CO wash.
Also, I'm going to see if I can get a puff to look ok without having to wash my hair.
shalita05 said:
I am natural and have been doing braid and twist outs since summer 06 but now transistioning into Fall. I am wanting to know are you still keeping the same routine moisturizing? freqent CO Wash? Gels? how do you stay natural in the winter ? This will be my first winter totally natural.

i'm a natural most recently as of a few weeks ago (this will be my first winter being natural since the age of 8) and i find myself trying to throw my hair up in an itty-bitty ponytail but applying some type of treatment to it (dr. miracles oils and cremes, other thick creams, and butters) that way my hair won't fully be exposed and that way the treatment creams can do their thing without much interference from me or from weather...

i wet my hair daily and i also try to shampoo or if not at least condition each time i'm in the shower with burts bees....i think also i'll be applying plenty of thick creams and leave-in moisturizers and wrapping my hair up at night and in the morning and evening before and after work to avoid any harsh weather or winds on my sounds like a good idea to me just to not only maintain my style, but to help prevent splits, and dryness!

tell me what you think!