Naturals and Hair Measuring


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I need some advice from other NATURALS heads about how they gauge or measure length.

My first goal length of SHOULDER seems so far away when my hair still growing straight out versus (hanging down) likes relaxed or pressed hair.

I really don't want to have to blow-dry just to see the length, but my SHRINKAGE is not joke! My sides are past my ear lobe and nearing my shoulders, BUT only when I hold it down. :ohwell:
i would like to know too. i think i may have to start an album and monitor growth that way.
This was a problem for me until I colored my hair with Bigen Oriental black. Now I can see my real color (not exactly black) at the bottom of the hairs, including some grays :grin:
So I measure the color of my real hair and that tells me how much it's grown! Good luck!
I actually use a tape measure with the one piece of hair behind my ear (see my album).
For the longest time, I thought my hair wasn't growing so I wanted to keep track better.
I measure while my hair is wet. I measure from my hairline to the ends. It really doesn't matter what spot you measure from, as long as it is consistent. You can choose a way to measure and then stick with it everytime to record the difference.

Too much measuring makes me crazy. So, I do it about every two or three months. Taking pictures is even better for me, as far as motivation is concerned. I compare them with older pictures and I can see the difference. I do this every three months, as well.
Wouldn't a good way of measuring be checking if you hair can pull back into one, and then checking the size of your afro puff? I discovered 2 days ago that my hair had really grown when most of it pulled back into two little puffs!, except for the hair on the very top of my head!
I also use a tape measure. Depending on if I wash at the sink or shower I can tell by how much hair is in front of my face or how far down my back I can feel it. And the reactions of other people: I wore my hair in a puff ponytail on Monday and someone commented that it had gotten longer.

ETA: I personally can't tell by the size of my puff because it's not the size I want it to be so in my mind it's always small. Other people have to point out difference to me.
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I just pull a strand and see how far it goes down my back. I did this tonight. My hair is really growing (sorry no pics just have to take my word for it :lol: ). It is getting really thick.
I measure 3 ways...
1) pulling a strand (usually my nape) & take a pic of it (to compare later)
2) when wet, I visually measure how long my nape hangs
3) occasionally, i'll take a conditioner pic... that gives me an idea of my hair semi stretched.
Peachtree said:
I measure 3 ways...
1) pulling a strand (usually my nape) & take a pic of it (to compare later)
2) when wet, I visually measure how long my nape hangs
3) occasionally, i'll take a conditioner pic... that gives me an idea of my hair semi stretched.

I agree with you on this one peachtree, pulling a strand is most effective for me now. 2) when wet things stay the same 3) I haven't found that right conditioner where i can just run one finger in halfway through my hair :perplexed
i either pull a strand and take a pix, and/or i use my tape measurer and measure from roots to ends diferrent strands from hairline, sides, nape, back,crown as your hair dont grow the same way everywhere as for me. so i have a little booklet where i wrote ok start up twa june, then i wrote 2"everywhere (june/july)and then i wrote 5"inches everywhere except back 6"(aug/sept), then hairline crown 6" sides 6.5" and 7"(oct /nov). thanks to this way of measuring the key points i can know for sure where it grows faster and which slower places i need to baby. so i know now that my hair grows faster on the sides and nape/kitchen so i need to focuss more on the hairline and crown its kinda more accurate then just from hairline to botton of my head that i use to do when permed or transitioning as i dont use heat and i measure dry not wet
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I just pull down my hair in a few differents spots and compare with body parts - armpit, waist, top of panties etc...
I measure the length of the hair that shed naturally (white bulb on the end). I just will lay a couple of the strands against a ruler and measure.
Thanks for all of the advice! ;)

My hair is not all the same length, so using a tape measure sounds like the best way to measure each section-top, sides and back. I guess I need to focus on inches, and not focus on the ear, shoulder, or armpit labels.

I guess I'm just a little frustrated that I can not see the length at this stage.