Natural World Hair Show 2010


New Member

This weekend Atlanta had The World Natural Hair Show at the Georgia International Convention Center and was there covering the event and capturing black women and men with their hair in it’s natural state. Thousands of people showed up to the event from all over the country including some from as far as St. Lucia. Ms. Jessie’s hair care was in the building along with hundreds of other vendors and hairstylist. Below you can see some of the pics scored at Thirsty Roots…






Did anyone from here go?
No, but we are suppose to be having something like that here in Raleigh, NC. I am trying to go to it. Did you go?
Too funny! The second pic is a member here...I forget her name but maybe she'll come in. I love her hair though...I live in Atlanta, but I was out of town this weekend. How was it?
im so sad i was supposed to go. took off work and everything but i couldnt get the time i wanted for a flight and my SO didnt want to drive. i told him i would drive the full way but he was too worried about getting lost. im so upset.
Hey. Yes that was me--my hair looked a hot mess that day and I didn't realize until I saw all the pics lol. haha. It was alot of fun. It was smaller than last year though....I wouldn't have traveled in for it AT ALL...but it was nice. Miss Jessies booth had a DJ so that was cool and they did consultations again. Uncle Funky's Daughter had a nice setup- last year they had a small booth. They have grown alot. Darcy's Botanicals was there- the owner is super sweet. Jane Carter was there as well. I had fun. Here are some more pics


I went. It was nice, but there were a loooooooot of people there. I think from now on I will go on Sundays. Last year I went on a Sunday and there were a lot of people, but it didn't seem overcrowded.

I bought some goodies from Darcy's and Jane Carter. I wanted to buy the SuperCurl from Uncle Funky's Daughter, but they sold out....after I had stood like forever in that long, congested line. Talk about being salty, lol. But I quickly got over it as I left the show and went to Return to Eden to pick up some Qhemet products.
I went also!!! :)

Oh wow Lexi i saw you at the booth. I thought you looked familiar. Your hair was lookin very nice....

Yes I agree it was VERY crowded and i could barely move around and shop like i wanted to. I had set up in my mind to go on Sunday but instead i was so excited i went on Saturday.

But i did get 3 for 10 of shea butter(that will probably last me until next year) and I brought 3 for 26.00 of Dicks Smooth Edges.(i was so happy to find it because my weave stylist used it before on me and i was thinkin about ordering it but it was 13.00 plus s/h online and I KNOW it wouldve been more than that)....

They had ever namebrand their I wanted to go back and take a look at the Kinky Curly but looked at the crowd and was like forget it...

Next time i'll bring enough cash to not have to stand in a LONG line for the ATM machine also.
There has got to be SOMETHING like this in LA?!?!?!?! Right?!?!?!?

Com'on ladies let's find out. I soooooo want to go to one of these. I will travel to LA or San Diego.

I wish I could have went to this one in ATL.
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I went and had a great time but I was disappointed that SatinSakks wasnt there because I had it set in my mind that I was going to get a few more sakks in different colors to make sure I keep my sexy.
Hey PrissPot. Nice meeting you. You look just as pretty as you do online. Great makeup of course.

I havent heard of a natural hair type of show in LA. I will be on the lookout for one though.
There has got to be SOMETHING like this in LA?!?!?!?! Right?!?!?!?

Com'on ladies let's find out. I soooooo want to go to one of these. I will travel to LA or San Diego.

I wish I could have went to this one in ATL.

MsCoco if you find it let me know, I'm willing to travel up the coast and down the coast, heck even Vegas..It would be so cool if we could have a natural convention.