Natural who transitioned long term


New Member
I have a question for the natural ladies who transitioned long term. Did you have a reduction in shedding after you were completely natural? I am currently in my 12th month of transitioning. (WOOP WOOP!) and I have about 60% new growth, but it seems that I have horrible shedding. I don't use heat and try not to manipulate too much but this is getting crazy I have strands of hair everywhere :nono:

I'm still not ready to chop yet but I am hoping that this won't be as bad when I do. Ladies chime in and let me know about your experience.
Hey am in my 15 month of transition. I keep my hair in box braids. I wash my hair once a week with my hair braided. At the end of each month I redo the braids.
The amount of hair I have come out is the amount I would have come out in one week of. Keeping my hair braided cut down on the tangles and pulling.
I can't cut all my hair off either! I feel you on this one.
How do you wear your hair?
You sure its shedding and not breakage? Why would shedding decreased once you're fully natural? I'd love to hear other ladies' responses.

My hair sheds something crazy but I've always been a heavy shedder, whether I was natural, relaxed or now transitioning. Only diff is when I was relaxed, I didn't notice my shed hair as much because it wasn't getting trapped and probably fell out during the day.
Favorc: I wear my hair in many different ways. Twist outs, braid outs, buns mostly. I don't like keeping my hair restricted for long periods of time. However, I do like short term protective styles like buns and twist.

LaFemmeNaturelle: I'm not really sure but if I had to guess I would say that it is probably a mixture of shedding and breakage. I asked the question because I've always heard that transitioning hair is more fragile because of the two textures. While relaxed by hair did not shed or break as much. I'm hoping that once I'm all natural my hair won't break or shed as much then either.
I transitioned a year and while I transitioned I had no shedding. I used braids every 2 weeks. After going natural I didn't have any shedding til about the 2nd year.
I transitioned for 14 months (I think) and I also had what I thought was shedding.
After my bc I had almost NO shedding so I think it was breakage. But since it was only the relaxed hair it didn't effect my natural hair at all.

So don't frett, inte the long run it won't matter.
How long are you going for?
I transitioned for 14 months (I think) and I also had what I thought was shedding.
After my bc I had almost NO shedding so I think it was breakage. But since it was only the relaxed hair it didn't effect my natural hair at all.

So don't frett, inte the long run it won't matter.
How long are you going for?

I'm not really sure yet how long I plan to transition. Once I chop, I want to have enough hair to pull back into a bun so maybe in another 6 months I will chop. Due to shrinkage my new growth can be decieving though so its hard to tell. I have a patch of hair where I did a test chop and when stretched its much longer than I expected.

At 14 months, how long was your hair when you chopped?
I want to go natural...I really really really do but gosh I don't want to do big chop and be bald...

I know my hair grows faster natural....
I transitioned for 14 months (I think) and I also had what I thought was shedding.
After my bc I had almost NO shedding so I think it was breakage. But since it was only the relaxed hair it didn't effect my natural hair at all.

So don't frett, inte the long run it won't matter.
How long are you going for?

Same here. I found out it was definitely breakage and not shedding. Once all of my relaxed ends were trimmed off it stopped considerably. Maybe it will encourage you to trim a little more frequently and become 100% natural sooner rather than later :grin:.
I want to go natural...I really really really do but gosh I don't want to do big chop and be bald...

I know my hair grows faster natural....


Long term transitioning is not bad at all. I didn't want to big chop either. There are plenty of transitioning styles that will get you through. I transitioned by straightening bi-weekly. I eventually stopped straightening and focused on deep conditioning and nursing my hair back to health to try to regain the curl pattern that was damaged by the constant straightening/heat. It worked for me, but in hindsight I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. I would however recommend protective styles with NO HEAT :yawn:. So....DO IT!
I'm not really sure yet how long I plan to transition. Once I chop, I want to have enough hair to pull back into a bun so maybe in another 6 months I will chop. Due to shrinkage my new growth can be decieving though so its hard to tell. I have a patch of hair where I did a test chop and when stretched its much longer than I expected.

At 14 months, how long was your hair when you chopped?

I had just enough for a high mini-puff. I cut a bit too much in the front because I didn't understand the texture. But that little puff gave my euphoric feelings.


Panic flatiron the day after:

I still had straight ends but I went and got it trimmed 2 weeks after:

Sorry about big pics!
Same here. I found out it was definitely breakage and not shedding. Once all of my relaxed ends were trimmed off it stopped considerably. Maybe it will encourage you to trim a little more frequently and become 100% natural sooner rather than later :grin:.

This gives me hope that it won't be as bad when I am all natural!!!:drunk:
Nina deF that is AMAZING growth for 14 months. I'm not sure if my hair would be that long, but once again shrinkage is very deceiving. Thx for shring your pix.
I have two different textures. U can straighten the hair and trim a little at a time.
This way is better for me.
Keep us posted chica!!
Nina deF that is AMAZING growth for 14 months. I'm not sure if my hair would be that long, but once again shrinkage is very deceiving. Thx for shring your pix.

My hair does not grow fast, like some on this board, but like you said, shrinkage is decieving, especially when one is comparing it to the old relaxed hair.

This had me freaking:

But, with a little force and a lot of gel, it strecthed out goooood:

(Puff is a lot smaller than it seems!)

Long term transitioning is not bad at all. I didn't want to big chop either. There are plenty of transitioning styles that will get you through. I transitioned by straightening bi-weekly. I eventually stopped straightening and focused on deep conditioning and nursing my hair back to health to try to regain the curl pattern that was damaged by the constant straightening/heat. It worked for me, but in hindsight I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. I would however recommend protective styles with NO HEAT :yawn:. So....DO IT!

Thank you so much for this post. I truly needed this advice!:yep: