Natural Vitamins / 'Half Your Plate' Challenge


Active Member
Hi ladies,

So I'm pretty bad about taking vitamins most of the time, but I know I need the nutrients to grow this hair (and be healthy in general, I guess :lol:). So I've been trying out the new USDA recommendation that "half your plate" should be fruits and veggies:

So for the past week I've been doing it religiously -- at least half my plate is fruits and/or veggies for every meal and every snack. (Okay, honestly, last night I didn't, but I regretted it afterward.)

I find it easy and it feels very healthy, and without changing anything else I lost maybe a half a pound last week. And, I feel like I'm getting a lot more vitamins/minerals and that makes me feel better about disliking taking vitamins.

So anyway, I am making this a personal challenge to continue till the end of the year and thought some other health- and hair-minded ladies might like to join. Who's with me?

If so, just post and say (a) why you're doing it and (b) how long you plan to keep it up. Hope to see you all there! :wave:
Hello, great idea! I'm off to bed but saw this and thought I'd post now! :)

I'm in! I'm doing it just because I feel I could use the extra veggies and fruits. I'll be doing this at least until the end of the year. Also will smoothies count? I drink those kind of often! :)
Hi I'm in, this is just what I need. I know this is exactly what my hair needs. I will juice green veggies in the morning for breakfast and then have them with dinner.

ETA: I forgot to add, I will commit to doing this until the end of the year.
I am in! (a) I am doing it bc I don't eat enough fruits and veggies; and I know healthy eating will help with my skincare & hair goals. (b) I will commit until the end of 2011.

fantastic thread!
I know we will as well, when I was sticking to a vitamin reggie on a regular basis my hair looked awesome.
Yay! :) I'll be having some kind of smoothie today for sure-I have mangoes and peaches, as well as a big jug of some green veggie and fruit mix from the store and a bag of baby spinach. I'll be making a grocery store run sometime soon also, so I'll update then
Any other joiners? To up your vitamins with fruits and veggies? Breakfast today is three big slices of canteloupe with wholegrain toast and peanut/flaxseed butter, and tea. Lots of vitamin A, E, B-complex, protein, and omega-3's for hair, skin, and nails!
i'm joining :)

green smoothie made with green powder, water, and frozen bananas

org. tomato and roasted red pepper soup with injera bread and steamed organic broccoli

:lol:this technically is not a challenge for me cause i eat like this on the regular, but i'm hoping i can be an inspiration to some folks. the middle of this month i will be one year vegetarian and i do not eat meat ( fish is flesh, too!).

2 small pears
raw kale chips in sour cream and onion flavor
brazil nuts

beverages: herbal tea , water, runa tea

supplements: flax seed oil ( in smoothie), msm powder ( in tea once its cooled), will take hair-skin-nails formula from along with his digestive enzymes tonight

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