Natural/Transitioning Type 4s tell me about when you first showed your texture!


Well-Known Member
I haven't had a relaxer in 9-10 months and I'm finally trying to wear my hair out in some texture showing styles instead of under a sew in or in a damp bun:rolleyes:. I've been doing this since this since tuesday. I tried a flexirod set :ohwell:, and a bantu knot out:nono:, and they both failed, but I tried to manipulate them into styles-- one was a faux hawk, one was a cinnabun attempt. Well, I've been noticing the more I wear it out the more reactions I've been getting, and I was wondering about other people's---especially transitioning 4a/b/c ladies-- experience wearing their texture out. People in the street have been staring. So many people are staring! It's pretty wierd/slightly uncomfortable. I really feel self conscious, but ppl seem to like it. It takes getting used to.

What reactions did you get/have you been getting from coworkers? friends? people in the street? Family? SO?

My reactions have been as follows:

From coworkers(AA): The women try to sneak and look at it when they talk to me. No drama with this, we're all cool, it's just a really different look for me. After hours of analyzing my hair "secretly" they told me they liked it. A lot of girls I work with are naturals who straighten. One told me about her bkt (as if I hadn't heard of it) and one said if she could do styles she would wear her hair out, and she was gonna try tonight :yep:!
The men didn't say anything.

Coworkers (other): Your hair is awesome! You look like an African Queen:look:!I love your hair! Suprisingly no one has asked to touch it. I guess they don't wanna f with royalty :rolleyes:.

Men(AA): seem to be looking at me a little more discreetly, and not bumping into me drunk and asking for my # (I work at a lounge) But I still get no shortage of goons hollering when I'm walking to the train.

Men (other): Are noticing me a little more openly. One stopped me to say "Well aren't you beautiful!"

Family: My family's cool, they like it.

SO: I don't have one right now, but my ex said he liked my hair, appreciated it's beauty, thought it took strength to rock it like that.

What about you?


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Coworkers: They compliment my hair whenever I change it so that didn't change when I was transitioning in braids, wearing my natural hair with in cornrows with an afro puff, wearing my hair out in a pulled back afro puff, or wearing my hair straightened. They liked my hair. My boss, who's a guy, loves my natural hair worn out and will walk up and admire it, even asking me to turn. My former boss too (female) will do the same. I love to talk about my hair :giggle: so I take pleasure in it being a topic of discussion, but it's always been a positive reception.

People in the street: I get kudos from a lot of black guys when I wear my afro puff or twists looking like locs. From women, I get compliments on my braids and get asked who did them and if I do other people's hair. I tend to be very distant so I don't engage in a lot of convos with strangers and so reactions from people on the street that I notice are only if they walk up to me and say something. I've never had anyone say anything bad.

Family: My family seems to love my hair regardless of what I do to it. As I've mentioned before, growing up, hair was just hair. Relaxed, natural, cut short, straightened, long as it looked neat, it was beautiful. That has not changed. My family, except for my sister, are all natural. It's the way we have mostly had our hair.

SO: He met me when I was relaxed and was along for the ride when I transitioned to relax anew ad didn't mind when I didn't relax after all. He didn't like one of my favorite hairstyles ("Tarantulas" he called it :lol: ) and he might've been more used to relaxed hair, but I think it's because he didn't believe natural hair could grow long and he loves long hair. The only time he expressed total disgust was when I let some SHS cut my hair. He hates short hair. In fact, Janet Jackson is the only woman with short hair that he has actually said looks good. Or maybe he's changed his tune. :lol: I just asked him what's up with that and he's chosen to plead the fifth. :lol:
Hmm.... I've worn my natural hair out since the beginning of May (prior to I was experimenting with Yarn Braids) and I haven't noticed... anything yet... However, I was with one of my newly natural friends and one other friend at Six Flags one day. While we were waiting in line to get on The Hulk (a rollercoaster) she told me that a group of black girls were talking about our hair at that very moment, I just kind of dismissed what she said and continued what I was talking about... :look:

Honestly I don't let things like that bother me. When I was elementary school, it was my big nose that was the talk of the girls who thought they were prettier :rolleyes: and better than everyone else :rolleyes:. So I've already had my practice with ignoring ignorance.
My bffs just saw my hair naked for the first time. I never walk out the house like that. With product, my Afro flops into a mass of curls, without it it's just a hedge of frizz. I was scurred and I could see them looking at me funny. I quickly flat ironed it because all I had access to was some biosilk. If I had more length, I think I'd feel more comfortable in situations like that.

When my hair is styled, braids usually, I do get quite a bit of attention. Women ask who braided my hair, how long it's really not that labourous. Men tell me I'm beautiful. Im not sure if there's really an increase from my relaxed days but I would say better quality men, very polite and geniune.
When I first started wearing textured styles, I had great reactions from classmates (I was still in College). People asked to touch it, and all that.

People on the street: I honestly think that I was much more conscious of stares than there really were. A lot of it was in my head, but I'm sure a lot of it was people looking too. *shrug*

Family- The family... was... interesting. They were lukewarm. My mother wanted me to continue wearing straight weaves (that I wore for a while to help me transition at first-- I had NO idea how to do anything with hair... still don't really lol)

Friends (AA) - ugh! !! !! !! !! I think that this girl is not a true friend, and I'm actually not her friend anymore but she talked **** about me... said it looked terrible, blabla, that everyone was talking about me behind my back.:angry2:

AA (male) friend just insisted that I "comb" it, take a flat iron to it, that he'd pay for it to get done, ANYTHING to change my hair. It was SO SO annoying.:wallbash:

SO: I had JUST started dating a guy then. We met when I had straight hair, a weave. Then on our second date, I had a textured style. He loved it. We are still together :drunk:

Men: I get more positive attention in general... but I think it is much more respectful now. Less hollers, less callin from dudes in the car, like the hard stare people love to do in Chicago:rolleyes:

I've chopped now, and I love it so much more. Bf still loves it. :)
I just can't wait until mine is long, nappy AND gray. That should turn some heads. :lachen:Seriously. I think it's great to wear your hair in whatever shape, form or fashion suits your very own, little ole fancy. And if anyone doesn't like it s/he can ---how does that Christian childrens' song go..."sit on a stick?"

Fro grow on ladies!
Okay I attached thumbnails of my failed flexirod set, turned pinup style. I don't have any of the cinnabuns, my camera died, so I didnt take any pics. I will do better next time lol. Please excuse my beady beads, I didn't think they were that bad until I saw them in this pic, and I cut them out right after I took this pic lol.
I always get compliments :) never had anyone to say anything negative about my hair. Some family members ask questions but that's about it.