Natural & Transitioners, How long does it take....


Well-Known Member
To do your hair in the morning before work? I can't imagine taking out a twist out or braidout in the earlier morning before going to work. How do you manage your hair so it won't take you a long time to do your hair in the morning?

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Less than 10 minutes for a bun and to fluff a twistout. If I'm really pressed, I've been known to do it in the car en route to work. :)

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it depends.

if i'm doing a bun, i cowash/detangle in shower, blot dry, add moisture and oils, then brush back into bun and slick sides with gel of choice. Not including cowashing (because its part of shower), it takes about 5-15 minutes.

Taking down my twist/flat twist or braids/cornrows or bantu sets depend on how many sections i have. If i know im going to rush in the morning, i only do about six or so big sections all over my hair at night. in morning, I oil my hair lightly with my olive oil spray before i take down, and everything takes about 5-10 to take down. I really dont count the time, i'm estimating because its so quick but i still get good results. Styling after takedown (separating curls or waves, shaping, pinning, etc) may take another 5-10 or so. when i'm short for time, its all really under 15-20 total for me in the morning, but again, it depends on how many sections i have to tend to, as more sections = more time for me

If i'm really trying to be quick, on wet/moisturized hair I finger comb and brush it back, pin it up or use a claw clip or cute hair comb to hold it back and a head band in front with a little hair left out to frame face in front. a little aloe vera gel (soft hold and light in my hair) for strays and edges. That takes about 5 minutes.

I'm not a morning person, so i tend to rush a lot but i'm getting the hang of it. I'm quick with my hair, but still delicate and gentle so I haven't seen any damage from my practices and everything usually comes out looking good.
I do WnGs, but I try to make them last for atleast 3 days. On the first day I just cowash and put in my leave in. At night I will Pineapple my hair and put a scarf around it. In the morning I put some coconut on my hands and fluff my hair out. On day 3 I'll put it in a puff. Then start all over again. So it takes no time to do my hair. Maybe 5 minutes. 10 at most if I cant stop looking at my hair... :look:
untwisting and unbraiding takes less time than putting the twists or braids in. about 10 minutes in the morn.
I personally think it depends on your hair type. Ex. Curly hair vs. afro hair slicking it into a bun is a different ball game.
5 minutes to bun. I simply wet the hair and twist it back.

I don't wear -outs. If I bother to twist them, I leave them that way for a week and undo the night before I wash. I can't make a twistout last for more than two days, and I'll be a monkey's uncle if I retwist every night.
untwisting and unbraiding takes less time than putting the twists or braids in. about 10 minutes in the morn.

Esp. twists---they come out so easy. Braids take a little longer, but the process is not that lengthy at all unless you're taking out mini twists/braids. I normally have 15-20 twists on my head and it takes less than 5 minutes to unravel.
15 minutes! I moisturize and seal by spritzing, applying my moisturizer, sealing with oil, using curly pudding, and applying gel. At work, I normally sport a bun and that's it!
Going to be the outlier here and say less than 5 min. No really, I either pin or twist (or a combo of both) the night before then wake up undo the few twists, either pin up or not, and that's it, If I did a braid out it takes less time (I don't fluff a braidout either).
Less than 10 minutes for a bun and to fluff a twistout. If I'm really pressed, I've been known to do it in the car en route to work. :)

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Lol ^Ive done this too. I flat twist and I only do a few twist so its doesn't take me long to take them out. At night though I dont retwist I lean forward then tie on my satin scarf so all my hair is on top of my head then in the morning just take off my scarf and fluff this takes like 5 mins tops in the morning. The
twist themselves which I do on sunday evening take about an hour but thats because Im usually taking my sweet time and watching tv. I can make a twist out last for 5 days when it starts looking fuzzy I just start pinning it up in different styles for exp. half up half down pushed to one side etc..and I get away with it.
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I shower in the evening, air dry, and go to bed. Wake up in the morning and don't have to do anything to it 9 days out of 10. On a humid or bad hair day, I just put it in a bun.
(I'm transitioning) I made clip ins with some Kinky Curly hair I bought so it takes less than 10 minutes to pop them in and finger style.
the longest it takes me is to take down twists for a twistout - maybe 10 mins

normally abt 5 mins if that much to moisurize twists, refresh/ refluff twistout or re-do puff
I do wash n go's so it takes about 15 min to wet, and scrunch. I usually wash and do the major detangling at night.
It sounds like the average is 15 minutes for morning hair styles. That doesn't sound to bad. I have to be at babysitters by 6 and work at 6:30. I'm going to start some protective styling and don't want to be late for work because I was doing my hair. Now it take me about 2 or 3 minutes just to unwrap my scarf, moisture, and go with my pony tail.

I need to make some changes......

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It takes me abt 1 min to do my hair...and that consists of taking off my scarf, spraying on my moisture spray/fluffing the hair, gelling down edges. I style my hair in twists or some type of style like a bun or French roll about once per week. I maintain the twists for 1-2 weeks, then wk 2 I undo the twists then rock a twist-out for 2-5 days, or as long as it looks good.

I shower, wash, and style in the evening, and I always do a style I can keep for 4 days minimum without having to fully re-do, including buns...I keep my hair tied down while I'm at home to increase style longevity.

I don't wear my hair "out", only while twisted does my hair actually hang down, but when I do a twist-out, I put it up in a 'fro puff or curly, touseled bun/pony. Wearing my hair out and free is too much work! It just doesn't do right for me--well I'm not a WNG girl or 'fro-wearer comfortably yet. :look:

I can't stand for my ends to rub on my clothes, plus I like PS better than having hair get in my face. I've perfected twists, and I'm so happy. This is a style that I can keep for 2-3 wks, only doing touch-ups and adding gel or hair butter to frizzy areas and re-twisting as needed.

I work from home so I sit at my PC, work, and answer my ph in my PJ's, lol but I still keep my hair styled and it helps so much with getting out of the house with a toddler when it's time to go! I HATE styling before going somewhere it just adds to the rush and aggravation if my hair won't do right!
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