Natural Thinking Of Texturizer...advice

!!! I think that I answered my own question. We moved! We now have well water, TBH I think we did before but the filtration system at our condo isn't the same as what we're using now and this water is hard (not overly so) with minerals. THAT is probably what's been causing these knots more than normal!
if you have well water try a chelating shampoo. you may have mineral deposits that keep your products from working
i use a clarifying/chelating shampoo almost every wash. i have fairly hard water here.
I use Quantum from Sallys
if you have well water try a chelating shampoo. you may have mineral deposits that keep your products from working
i use a clarifying/chelating shampoo almost every wash. i have fairly hard water here.
I use Quantum from Sallys

Thank you! I'd not heard of it before. I'll look into that!
I texlaxed my hair a little over a year and a half ago because of my frustration with knots, tangles and not having much progress. I found out afterwords (even after a strand test) that my hair is much, much more resistant than I could have imagined. My hair is not particularly course and my curls are not super tight (4a/3c) but my hair kept reverting. I can tell the difference but most people think I'm still natural. My tangles was only slightly easier to deal with. My hair now have the tendency to fuse together in the straighter sections, creating a lock. My mother shipped me a spray detangler what works wonders thankfully. That, and frequent conditioning and LOC after washing.

My other issue is touch ups and the multiple textures it creates since my hair doesn't relax the same each time.

I'm having a much easier time now that I'm washing my hair every 2-3 days for health reasons. My retention has been so much better. I'm stretching right now and wonder if I should just transition (similar health reasons). I like the extra "length" my texlaxed hair gives me but its a real PITA.
@greenandchic Thank you for that personal experience! Based on everything the texturizer is definitely off of my radar now even if the MHM, or heat doesn't work well for me. It seems like the challenge is more than it's worth, when the point is to help the hair.

I wash my hair regularly but I like the of doing it more often. Especially in summer. I used to do that, but I stopped.
@greenandchic Thank you for that personal experience! Based on everything the texturizer is definitely off of my radar now even if the MHM, or heat doesn't work well for me. It seems like the challenge is more than it's worth, when the point is to help the hair.

I wash my hair regularly but I like the of doing it more often. Especially in summer. I used to do that, but I stopped.

I don't use heat on my hair, I don't think it really does well with it except for the occasional blowout, and even that's rare. Last time I had my hair flat ironed was back in 2002, and it was damaged as a result.
Oh, this is me! I'm actually totally ready to do it, once my stylist has done enough research that she feels comfortable doing it. I just do not want to give as much time to my hair as it requires while natural. I have tried many, many things over the years and have been natural for 2 decades now, so I feel like there's not really anything out there left for me to try. My best results so far have been regularly blow drying with warm air, but still, it's more work than I want. I just want good looking easy hair :) Locking is probably in my future.
Oh, this is me! I'm actually totally ready to do it, once my stylist has done enough research that she feels comfortable doing it. I just do not want to give as much time to my hair as it requires while natural. I have tried many, many things over the years and have been natural for 2 decades now, so I feel like there's not really anything out there left for me to try. My best results so far have been regularly blow drying with warm air, but still, it's more work than I want. I just want good looking easy hair :) Locking is probably in my future.

Locs are nice! Do you blow dry it completely straight or just enough to open the cuticles?

I'm definitely ready for my hair being easier to take care of. A co-worker told me of a woman that she goes to who Blow dries well but is really cognizant of healthy hair care. However she's at least an hour and 10 minute drive away and I'm not sure I want to go that far. Once my products come in, I'm going to see how MHM works for my hair.
Locs are nice! Do you blow dry it completely straight or just enough to open the cuticles?

I'm definitely ready for my hair being easier to take care of. A co-worker told me of a woman that she goes to who Blow dries well but is really cognizant of healthy hair care. However she's at least an hour and 10 minute drive away and I'm not sure I want to go that far. Once my products come in, I'm going to see how MHM works for my hair.
I don't blow dry completely straight. I don't even have the skill to do that if I wanted to. I also don't use high heat, but use very warm air. I always use a comb attachment though. If you don't like Mhm, you can try periodically blow drying with an attachment, if tangling and shed hair is a big issue for you. I recommend Yellow Bird
Do you know how hot it was?

You know, I don't. My hairdresser at the time did it. I flat ironed my hair weekly for years, so it wasn't just a one-time event. I tried to flat iron my hair a few times over the years but it always looked a HAM. I don't have the skill do do it so I just leave it be.
I don't blow dry completely straight. I don't even have the skill to do that if I wanted to. I also don't use high heat, but use very warm air. I always use a comb attachment though. If you don't like Mhm, you can try periodically blow drying with an attachment, if tangling and shed hair is a big issue for you. I recommend Yellow Bird

Thanks for the recommendation! Speaking of which, thanks for posting about Karizas a few years back. I wound up buying about 10 off of Ebay and they come with me on every vacation. I'm hoping to find or make some cotton versions in the future.

I've been reading about diffusers so hopefully one thing or a combination of both will help me on the path that I hope to travel hair wise.

You know, I don't. My hairdresser at the time did it. I flat ironed my hair weekly for years, so it wasn't just a one-time event. I tried to flat iron my hair a few times over the years but it always looked a HAM. I don't have the skill do do it so I just leave it be.

Same here. It never comes out the way I want it to.
@Honey Bee So the last items came in. KKCC and a friend uses Keracare defining custard so I bought that too. Right now my hair is in twists that I put in on Sunday and will take out tomorrow or Thursday. They'll I will start my MHM routine!

I did try some of both of the above, but I didn't use it on sopping wet hair, so I have to say I'm rather disappointed. They defined a bit, but I obviously still need a lot of moisture retention and I don't know how they'll be with knots. I did lightly blow dry to add a bit of heat and hopefully "set" it.
@Honey Bee So the last items came in. KKCC and a friend uses Keracare defining custard so I bought that too. Right now my hair is in twists that I put in on Sunday and will take out tomorrow or Thursday. They'll I will start my MHM routine!

I did try some of both of the above, but I didn't use it on sopping wet hair, so I have to say I'm rather disappointed. They defined a bit, but I obviously still need a lot of moisture retention and I don't know how they'll be with knots. I did lightly blow dry to add a bit of heat and hopefully "set" it.
You have to try the whole regimen, that's where the moisture retention comes from. The stylers don't really matter. They were only chosen because they don't mess up what the rest of the reggie already established. As for knots, I find that I can do anything to my hair, as long as I use a clay rinse, I'm good. I had a lot of ssk's on my transitioning hair, but I haven't had any at all since I've been all the way natural.
You have to try the whole regimen, that's where the moisture retention comes from. The stylers don't really matter. They were only chosen because they don't mess up what the rest of the reggie already established. As for knots, I find that I can do anything to my hair, as long as I use a clay rinse, I'm good. I had a lot of ssk's on my transitioning hair, but I haven't had any at all since I've been all the way natural.

oh I will. I was just waiting for everything to arrive before I started. I wish I could say the same about my knots! LOL
I haven't but I use oils and oil based products on my hair, wouldn't that be similar?
No, it is something you do right after rinsing your shampoo b4 deep conditioning. There is a very long thread on here about oil rinsing. A lot women credit if for eliminating ssk's.
No, it is something you do right after rinsing your shampoo b4 deep conditioning. There is a very long thread on here about oil rinsing. A lot women credit if for eliminating ssk's.

Interesting, I'll look up those threads. Thank you!
So far so good ladies. The Maximum Hydration Method process is pretty time consuming, so I've been combining it.

I use:

Conditioner (3/4 - 1 cup inexpensive Suave or V-05)
Honey (1/3 cup)
3/4 tsp of Baking Soda
Olive Oil (1/3 cup)
Bentonite Clay (1 cup)

I mix it all together, apply it to my hair in small sections while stretching it. I put a cap on and leave it there for about a half an hour. I take co-wash it with the Giovanni conditioner mentioned above, use KCKT and my Africa's Best Cream or Pomade and twist it. I'm noticing less knots and my hair is definitely holding more moisture. I've done this twice so far since Thursday. I'll probably do it again this coming Thursday as I've a busy weekend. I'll try to update in about two weeks to see if there is any significant progress made.

I haven't decided on a water filter yet, but I'm looking into the best one, and trying to figure out if we should just add one for the house and not just the shower. Last week I did rinse my hair with distilled water. I'm not sure if that made a difference.
So far so good ladies. The Maximum Hydration Method process is pretty time consuming, so I've been combining it.

I use:

Conditioner (3/4 - 1 cup inexpensive Suave or V-05)
Honey (1/3 cup)
3/4 tsp of Baking Soda
Olive Oil (1/3 cup)
Bentonite Clay (1 cup)

I mix it all together, apply it to my hair in small sections while stretching it. I put a cap on and leave it there for about a half an hour. I take co-wash it with the Giovanni conditioner mentioned above, use KCKT and my Africa's Best Cream or Pomade and twist it. I'm noticing less knots and my hair is definitely holding more moisture. I've done this twice so far since Thursday. I'll probably do it again this coming Thursday as I've a busy weekend. I'll try to update in about two weeks to see if there is any significant progress made.

I haven't decided on a water filter yet, but I'm looking into the best one, and trying to figure out if we should just add one for the house and not just the shower. Last week I did rinse my hair with distilled water. I'm not sure if that made a difference.

I was wondering how things were going, I meant to bump this and ask.

You should post in the MHM thread so more ladies familiar with the regimen can look at yours. I personally can't say I've heard of anyone mixing the bs and clay together. I feel like they may do something odd ph-wise, cuz they're both high. Also, I wouldn't encourage using bs that often. Some ladies have had bad results. :nono: I do the whole Cherry Lola treatment about once every two weeks.

I've been doing my 7 day challenge and I really cut a lot of time off.

Step 1: I keep a spray bottle with acv and water in the bathroom (spritz about 20 m before shower, rinse upon entering)
Step 2: whatever 'natural' conditioner I have around (as I enjoy the water and get acclimated, rinse)
Step 3: clay mix in an old Dawn bottle, I can usually get 2-3 uses/ batch (apply before washing, let sit, rinse before exiting shower)

So I can do those steps in under 45 m. :clapping: The other steps are more dependent on how long or thick your hair is or how complicated you plan to style it.
So far so good ladies. The Maximum Hydration Method process is pretty time consuming, so I've been combining it.

I use:

Conditioner (3/4 - 1 cup inexpensive Suave or V-05)
Honey (1/3 cup)
3/4 tsp of Baking Soda
Olive Oil (1/3 cup)
Bentonite Clay (1 cup)

I mix it all together, apply it to my hair in small sections while stretching it. I put a cap on and leave it there for about a half an hour. I take co-wash it with the Giovanni conditioner mentioned above, use KCKT and my Africa's Best Cream or Pomade and twist it. I'm noticing less knots and my hair is definitely holding more moisture. I've done this twice so far since Thursday. I'll probably do it again this coming Thursday as I've a busy weekend. I'll try to update in about two weeks to see if there is any significant progress made.

I haven't decided on a water filter yet, but I'm looking into the best one, and trying to figure out if we should just add one for the house and not just the shower. Last week I did rinse my hair with distilled water. I'm not sure if that made a difference.

Glad you've found something that is making the difference. Your baking soda + clay combo jumped out at me. I haven't ever mixed the conditioner/ clay steps but if I did, I would leave out either the BS, or the clay.

My own regimen (modified MHM) has simplified a lot. I just water rinse, apply my clay (rhassoul + bentonite combo. This is the stage I detangle), either leave on for 30 min or rinse straight away. Then I oil rinse and apply gel. Other days I will do the same, omitting the clay.

I will still use conditioner when my hair needs protein. I prefer the results on my hair compared to the CLCT.
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didnt read all the replies. someone might havementioned rollers. Haveyou tried rollersets? You hair is long so a few big ones should keep it stretched enough to slow down knotting

I can control knots a bit when I keep it straight via rollersets. For me being a 4c the shrinkage is so tight no manner of moisturizing and stops knots. Only keeping stretched seems to do the trick.
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