Natural thinking about texturizing...HELP!

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I got my hair lightly texturized in January, and I have come to regret it.
:( My hair did not break off or anything, and no one can tell that it's not my natural texture. It did reduce the bulk, and very slightly stretch out my naps.

However, it is NOT a option that will cure all of your hair woes. A texturizer will not transform your hair into something it was not before. The difference will be very subtle. If your hair was nappy before, it will still be nappy afterward. If it was thick and time consuming before, it will still be thick and time consuming afterward, but just a tiny bit less so.

The downsides are that by putting chemicals in it, you are weakening the hair. My untexturized hair is a good deal healthier and more vibrant than the texturized part. You also have to worry about the touch ups, because you might get it right the first time, get breakage with the touchups. Not to mention that the touchups, when done correctly, take a LOT of time.

Texturizing is not one of the worst things you can do to your hair, but you do need to really lower your expectations about what it can do for you. You also need to think about your particular hair type and whether it will actually work for you. If your hair did not do well with relaxers before (mine didn't), chances are it won't do well with a texturizer. For me, the reduction in bulk I got and the slight stretching out of my curls was not worth the damage and the hassle.

If you think about it, you can just about count on one hand the people who texturize their hair for longer than a few months. There is a reason for that.

Another thing you need to consider is that you have very long hair. I was also at armpit length when I texturized. This really increases my regrets because I just keep thinking how great my hair could have been if I had just worked through my hair issues--gotten synthetic twists or braids or something. Now I have over a 2+ year wait until I get back to where I was.

Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide. When I was in your shoes a few months ago, nothing was going to stop me from doing it. At the very least by texturizing, I know that I can rule that out as an option. It may be that you just need to try it and see how you like it. Your hair will grow back either way. :)
I texturized my hair in May and I could not be happier. The detangling process was the most difficult part for me with my natural hair. Detangling got a whole lot easier, fewer knots, and my hair straightens pretty well with just a blow dryer when I want to go for straight styles. The bun in my avatar is what I am able to do with my hair being texturized. My experience only others may vary. I understand what you mean by those twist taking forever. HTH
nappykat2000 said:
I'm a natural looking for a quicker styling option than twists since I have a little baby at home now.:) My hair is armpit length when stretched and detangling and doing my twists takes to much time. Does anyone here texturize with conditioner added to the relaxer? If so, how much conditioner do you add? Thanks in advance.

Girl, I'm sorry so many people used your question as a jumping board to try to "school you" or put you on the spot. People have issues but instead of dealing with 'em, they love to project onto others;) Anyhoo...I think you should try doing a search and see what you find about the conditioner and relaxer combo. If you do decide to texturize or whatever, take some pics so I can see. I've been thinking about texturizing or relaxing myself, not because I have children or because my hair is hard to manage...just because I sometimes like the idea of having straight hair blowing in the wind:grin:

I have to agree with the OP that natural hair can be time consuming for some people. I CANNOT do wash and go styles. I've tried several products in my hair and it always looks a frizzy mess once dry. Even to get a decent fro I have to use some type of roller set or dryer technique. The only quick thing I can do with my hair is put scarf over it. I keep my natural hair in twists so I understand the OP's issue.
I also post on black hair media and they have a whole section devoted to texturizing. I think the info there might be very helpful for you and people in that section are very open minded about the whole texturizing issue and provide good advice. My hair is thick, coarse, and time consuming to manage and when I was in grad school I ended up w/damage because I didn't have the time to spend hours detangling and styling. I did wash and go styles and my hair ended up dryed out and damaged. Everyone's hair is not the same,even when it's so called the same type. Do what works for you!
Poohbear said:
Exactly! I didn't ask "why do you want to texturize your hair?" I asked "how is a texturizer going to save time with small children?" That is a valid question based on what she had posted! I'm annoyed by you too trying to make me sound like I'm contradicting myself. You know what I'm talking about and the reason why I asked. I was trying to get her to see that there are quicker styling options besides twists with natural hair. I guess you thought you were trying to help her with your link about texturizing, huh, just so you can live by what you said earlier about "if you're not answering her specific question, you're not helping". HAHA! How funny!

Oooh, I guess you toldeded me.

Yay for you!

Poohbear said:
So I guess you thought you've said something, huh?

The state of your hair has NOTHING AT ALL to do with having small children and anything that takes up your time.You know why? ANYONE can easily style your hair in a quick style whether natural, texutrized, or relaxed. That's the point I am trying to make. The extra stuff I have said just came out. When I asked those questions, I was making a point. It was more like a rhetorical question to think about. In reality, there isn't a valid answer or excuse for the question I asked. And no, I am not saying the life of one natural with kids is the same as another natural with kids .... Get it right, don't try to twist my words. I was just simply saying there are plenty of natural women with small children. Whether it's your job, children, activities you do throughout the day, etc. should not be an excuse to texturize your hair. It makes no sense because you can do quick styles with natural, texturized, and relaxed hair!!!! She don't have to do twists all the time. That's the point I am making. Stop making it like I don't know what I'm talking about.

The problem is that you DON’T know what you’re talking about. Your first response in this thread questioned the OPs reasons behind her request for help instead of just offering HELP. You didn’t offer anything other than an unsubtle condemnation of her decision, her question and the reason behind it. Then your later posts were along the lines of “I know others in your shoes who are doing wonderful things with their hair!!!” Save it. You don’t know anyone in her shoes. You don’t know what she’s dealing with, or what she wants outside of her simple question about texturizing her hair. And question – if you’re not texturized then why respond in the first place? IF she’d asked about member’s thoughts about going from natural to texturized – then by all means speak. She didn’t. She asked for experiences going from natural to tex’d and mentioned that she was considering doing so because of X,Y and Z changes in her life.

You took that mention and ran with it which is not something I think a new mom needs to deal with. Scratch that – no one should have to deal with it.

And yeah, you were “just simply saying…” ok fine. Just simply answer the question posed if you can. Otherwise zip it.

OR – an option – leave her reasons out of it. Offer some alternative styling options for natural hair in general. Save the “Tex’d hair won’t mean you save time!!! Why do you think...??....I know mom’s with natural hair who are able to style their hair while caring for their children!!...What’s wrong with you???”

Because again - you do not know what you’re talking about. For one person natural hair styling is the easiest, fastest way of going about the day. For another person the easiest option is going to be tex’d, fully relaxed or just shaving the whole thing off and enjoying bald scalp.

IF she does tex, relax or even shave bald and regrets the decision later then oh well – its hair, she’ll regroup, recover and move on. But your posts come off as condemning her for considering a new hair option – OPTION mind you! – simply because she mentioned that part of her reason for it involved the care of her baby. Her reasons are irrelevant.

And I have to focus on this one statement where you said:

Whether it's your job, children, activities you do throughout the day, etc. should not be an excuse to texturize your hair.

An excuse? Who needs an excuse to do ANYTHING to their hair? If I launch a post stating that “Hey! It’s Monday and I’m going to bleach my hair Platinum Blonde because I think (fill in the blank).”

No one needs an excuse to do anything with their hair.

Do I need to come in here and start singing Kumbayah? :look: I think the personal attacks are better left for private messages, ladies.

While I can't add much to the topic at hand, I wish you luck in whatever you decide, nappykat2000!
Laginappe said:
The problem is that you DON’T know what you’re talking about. Your first response in this thread questioned the OPs reasons behind her request for help instead of just offering HELP. You didn’t offer anything other than an unsubtle condemnation of her decision, her question and the reason behind it. Then your later posts were along the lines of “I know others in your shoes who are doing wonderful things with their hair!!!” Save it. You don’t know anyone in her shoes. You don’t know what she’s dealing with, or what she wants outside of her simple question about texturizing her hair. And question – if you’re not texturized then why respond in the first place? IF she’d asked about member’s thoughts about going from natural to texturized – then by all means speak. She didn’t. She asked for experiences going from natural to tex’d and mentioned that she was considering doing so because of X,Y and Z changes in her life.
What in the world are you talking about??? I did offer other styling options besides twists on natural hair. The original poster made it like twists were the only style you can do on natural hair. I did not condemn her at all. I didn't say any of the crap you have just said! I didn't say I know people in her shoes. I didn't say I know what she's dealing with. I didn't said I know what she wants! Stop saying things that I didn't say! You're really blowing it out proportion!
And like I said before, you must take the whole post into consideration. She didn't just ask a question. She said more. This is a forum and different parts of different posts are going to affect people differently.
You took that mention and ran with it which is not something I think a new mom needs to deal with. Scratch that – no one should have to deal with it.

And yeah, you were “just simply saying…” ok fine. Just simply answer the question posed if you can. Otherwise zip it.
Like I said before, you have to take the whole post into consideration. I can respond to any part of the post as I please. I have no answer to her question, I'm not texturized, but I have the freedom to post on how I feel about what has been said. You should know that. It's a forum! Yeah, I could have very well kept my mouth shut since I'm not texturized nor do I have children and nor did I have an answer to her question, but I chose not to because of the first two sentences she posted.
OR – an option – leave her reasons out of it. Offer some alternative styling options for natural hair in general. Save the “Tex’d hair won’t mean you save time!!! Why do you think...??....I know mom’s with natural hair who are able to style their hair while caring for their children!!...What’s wrong with you???”
If you go back and READ before ATTACKING me, you'll see that I suggested natural styling options thank you very much. As I will repeat again, she can do wash n gos, ponytails, buns, and more. Those are quick and easy styles to do on any type of hair.

Because again - you do not know what you’re talking about. For one person natural hair styling is the easiest, fastest way of going about the day. For another person the easiest option is going to be tex’d, fully relaxed or just shaving the whole thing off and enjoying bald scalp.
I don't think you know what you're talking about because I agree with what you said here. No one's denying that. However, if you look at what nappykat2000 said in her original post, she said she was looking for a QUICKER STYLING OPTION than twists!!!!

IF she does tex, relax or even shave bald and regrets the decision later then oh well – its hair, she’ll regroup, recover and move on. But your posts come off as condemning her for considering a new hair option – OPTION mind you! – simply because she mentioned that part of her reason for it involved the care of her baby. Her reasons are irrelevant.
That's just what you think. I wasn't condemning her thoughts. And she hasn't even made a decision. Look at the title of the thread, she said she's THINKING about texturizing. I wasn't forcing her to do anything. I can't and it's not my place to. And do I have to suggest how to texturize just because she asked about it? NO! And if her reasoning was irrelevant as you said, she wouldn't have said it. And
Stop making me out to be something that I'm not!!!

And I have to focus on this one statement where you said:

An excuse? Who needs an excuse to do ANYTHING to their hair? If I launch a post stating that “Hey! It’s Monday and I’m going to bleach my hair Platinum Blonde because I think (fill in the blank).”

No one needs an excuse to do anything with their hair.
That's what I was trying to say!!!! There's no excuse to do anything with your hair!!!! Since there's no excuses, don't use any excuses!!! Geez, please think before you type!!! :smirk: and stop picking on me!
Candiss said:
Girl, I'm sorry so many people used your question as a jumping board to try to "school you" or put you on the spot. People have issues but instead of dealing with 'em, they love to project onto others;) Anyhoo...I think you should try doing a search and see what you find about the conditioner and relaxer combo. If you do decide to texturize or whatever, take some pics so I can see. I've been thinking about texturizing or relaxing myself, not because I have children or because my hair is hard to manage...just because I sometimes like the idea of having straight hair blowing in the wind:grin:
No one tried to school her or put her on the spot. Don't try to talk about me indirectly. I don't have any issues here that I'm projecting on her. I deal with any issues I have personally thank you very much.
Anyhoo, I was trying to make a point that texturizing isn't the only quicker styling option for natural hair plus a baby. There are quick style options with natural hair! Twists aren't the only natural style. How come you all don't see that???
Poohbear said:
What in the world are you talking about??? I did offer other styling options besides twists on natural hair. The original poster made it like twists were the only style you can do on natural hair. I did not condemn her at all. I didn't say any of the crap you have just said! I didn't say I know people in her shoes. I didn't say I know what she's dealing with. I didn't said I know what she wants! Stop saying things that I didn't say! You're really blowing it out proportion!
And like I said before, you must take the whole post into consideration. She didn't just ask a question. She said more. This is a forum and different parts of different posts are going to affect people differently.
Like I said before, you have to take the whole post into consideration. I can respond to any part of the post as I please. I have no answer to her question, I'm not texturized, but I have the freedom to post on how I feel about what has been said. You should know that. It's a forum! Yeah, I could have very well kept my mouth shut since I'm not texturized nor do I have children and nor did I have an answer to her question, but I chose not to because of the first two sentences she posted.
If you go back and READ before ATTACKING me, you'll see that I suggested natural styling options thank you very much. As I will repeat again, she can do wash n gos, ponytails, buns, and more. Those are quick and easy styles to do on any type of hair.

I don't think you know what you're talking about because I agree with what you said here. No one's denying that. However, if you look at what nappykat2000 said in her original post, she said she was looking for a QUICKER STYLING OPTION than twists!!!!

That's just what you think. I wasn't condemning her thoughts. And she hasn't even made a decision. Look at the title of the thread, she said she's THINKING about texturizing. I wasn't forcing her to do anything. I can't and it's not my place to. And do I have to suggest how to texturize just because she asked about it? NO! And if her reasoning was irrelevant as you said, she wouldn't have said it. And
Stop making me out to be something that I'm not!!!

That's what I was trying to say!!!! There's no excuse to do anything with your hair!!!! Since there's no excuses, don't use any excuses!!! Geez, please think before you type!!! :smirk: and stop picking on me!

Woo woo. You're right. I'm big and bad and being mean by picking on you. You were just trying to help and here I come hindering your efforts. Shame on me! Imma tell my momma what you said so she can lay down appropriate punishment. That whole "thinking before you type" thing obviously only goes one way.
OMG!!!! I had to come out of lurk mode to post this: Not every hairstyle is the same for everyone. Leave people alone. How do we know her lifestyle? What if someone has a child with special needs and cannot even afford the time o twist or detangle (and don't day detangling natural hair is breeze). Gosh just let it be and let people make their choices.
Laginappe said:
Woo woo. You're right. I'm big and bad and being mean by picking on you. You were just trying to help and here I come hindering your efforts. Shame on me! Imma tell my momma what you said so she can lay down appropriate punishment. That whole "thinking before you type" thing obviously only goes one way.
The sarcasm is uneccassary. You're not fooling me with what you've been saying all along. Please, just PM me if you still have a problem with me... No need for us to parade this thread with further nonsense. :cool:
We need the nappy police to keep our heads looking how THEY want to see them looking.

And yeah Pooh, I'm talking bout you, no need to be indirect.

One of the few things left about this board that I like is that people have always been able to post about their hair concerns without being made to feel ashamed about their decisions.

But if it keeps the peace, I will keep my mouth shut and folks can get harrassed bout why they don't want to be natural no mo.

I'm done with this thread. I hope the OP got the answers she needed and that any lurkers won't be scared to post questions.
Poohbear said:
The sarcasm is uneccassary. You're not fooling me with what you've been saying all along. Please, just PM me if you still have a problem with me... No need for us to parade this thread with further nonsense. :cool:

How could I possibly have a problem with you? You were only trying to help right?
RavenIvygurl said:
OMG!!!! I had to come out of lurk mode to post this: Not every hairstyle is the same for everyone. Leave people alone. How do we know her lifestyle? What if someone has a child with special needs and cannot even afford the time o twist or detangle (and don't day detangling natural hair is breeze). Gosh just let it be and let people make their choices.
No one knows her lifestyle. No one even said they knew her lifestyle. Who said she needs to find the time to twist and detangle her natural hair? Who's not letting her make her own choices??? NO ONE!
Poohbear said:
No one knows her lifestyle. No one even said they knew her lifestyle. Who said she needs to find the time to twist and detangle her natural hair? Who's not letting her make her own choices??? NO ONE!

oh nevermind, it seems like everyone else has the problem, not you. I don't have the energy.

To the OP, I really hope you texturize you hair if you want. If you find it's not easier then maybe you can relax. If you find that's not easier, then maybe you can transition again. Its your choice and you don't have to justify that to ANYONE.
JCoily said:
We need the nappy police to keep our heads looking how THEY want to see them looking.

And yeah Pooh, I'm talking bout you, no need to be indirect.
I knew someone would say this crap sooner or later. Thanks for calling me a name. I'm not trying to have nappykat keep her hair like I want it. I was just suggesting simple natural styles. What in the world is wrong with that? Yes I asked how is texturizing a quicker styling option? How is that condemning and being like a nappy police? It was a valid question, especially since I am a natural head myself. If you don't understand that and just wanna keep pestering this thing on, sobeit.
Geez, I'm not even going to ask why you even said this. I'm just going to tell you JCoily like it is... You are one ignorant woman. (Yes, I called her a name).That's all I have to say. And don't come back in here with your stupid sarcasm. If you still have a problem with me, just PM me.
And since you Laginappe have decided upon yourself to post another sarcastic comment, you obviously do have a problem with me. Just shut up!!! Yes I said it, so what! Shut up Laginappe ... and JCoily. Yall aren't helping nappykat either with your mess about me. You can continue to ridicule me in this thread all you want. It still will not prove anything.

I am done.
Poohbear said:
No one tried to school her or put her on the spot. Don't try to talk about me indirectly. I don't have any issues here that I'm projecting on her. I deal with any issues I have personally thank you very much.
Anyhoo, I was trying to make a point that texturizing isn't the only quicker styling option for natural hair plus a baby. There are quick style options with natural hair! Twists aren't the only natural style. How come you all don't see that???
Girl, YOU do have issues:grin: I wasn't even TALKING specifically about anyone. I don't even KNOW you. Please, stop the paranoia. I GUARANTEE that I have no reason in heck to "talk around you" I am more than willing and capable to tell YOU directly if I have an issue with you. But I didn't, cause up until two minutes ago, when I read your response, I didn't even know you existed. ANYHOO, we all know there are other options, I have been naturel for several years now. The OP asked a question and didn't need to be schooled and put on the spot as she has been. Now, you disagree, fine, this is the U.S. OF A. so please disagree, as you wish. Eat up my words, as you wish. Respond, as you wish. Keep thinking I know you and care enough to veil my words about you cause I'm too afraid to talk to you directly, as you wish. Continue to try and create drama when there is and was not any. Girl, continue to DO YOU;)
All can say is W:eek: W, it seems like everytime someone natural mentions a relaxer/chemical all heck breaks loose and pple try to convert them or keep them converted. What happened to good old advice and all the Congrats! Way to go! Good Luck! and Enjoys! :confused:
BeautifulWideEyes said:
All can say is W:eek: W, it seems like everytime someone natural mentions a relaxer/chemical all heck breaks loose and pple try to convert them or keep them converted. What happened to good old advice and all the Congrats! Way to go! Good Luck! and Enjoys! :confused:

I was wondering the same thing... I'm surprised this thread hasn't gotten the clink clink yet. I've only been following this thread bc I had the same question that the OP had as I am thinking about texturizing my hair as well. Now I'm kind of glad I didn't post my message after seeing this thread. Personally, when I read the response to the OP, I got the feeling to that "She shouldn't be using her child as an excuse to texturize her hair" like texturizing was bad or selling out or something. And that if she wanted to tex, she should just say that. That was the vibe I got from the post, Idk if it was meant that way or not but I didn't say anything...

OP, I hope you got the advice you needed and please let us know what you decided to do with your hair and how it turned out. Thank you. I'm still undecided about texturizing my hair, I guess I'll just have to do more research on the topic.
nappykat2000 said:
I'm a natural looking for a quicker styling option than twists since I have a little baby at home now.:) My hair is armpit length when stretched and detangling and doing my twists takes to much time. Does anyone here texturize with conditioner added to the relaxer? If so, how much conditioner do you add? Thanks in advance.

have you tried keeping it stretched for long periods of time (ie. a week). im learning now that the accessibility of styles for a person with nappy hair stems from the preparation. if you get the preparation out of the way early in the week, you are set to style your hair any way you want...

what i do now is stretch it saturday mornings- i put my hair into 4 fat braids and shampoo + condition a section before moving on to the next. that way, my hair gets clean and slightly detangled at the same time. i make sure to braid up each section once im done. that only adds an extra 10 min to my shower time (thats nothing, right?). after the shower, i slightly dry my hair with a towel by squeezing each section within a bath towel. i add my creams + moisturizer and put my hair into 2+ cornrows and leave it to dry for the day. it ends up stretched, clean, and dry by the time im done. takes NO time

if i am pressed for time, i also put my wet hair onto jumbo sized magnetic rollers and sit under my hooded dryer for 30 min. still NO TIME what so ever. im able to study and clean with it on (it is a travel one- i can walk with it on my head). once that is done, my hair is stretched.

out of all of that, it takes an extra 1hr or so. that is still LITTLE time spent on the hair. plus you can do it all at home!

i hope that helps. to be honest, i would like for you to stay natural. but if you really feel that there is nothing you can do, i guess do what you want. just try out some options before you texturize because you never know... you could regret it. i hope youve gotten some ideas and suggestions from this thread

hair takes time... no matter its state.
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TropicalRose said:
have you tried keeping it stretched for long periods of time (ie. a week). im learning now that the accessibility of styles for a person with nappy hair stems from the preparation. if you get the preparation out of the way early in the week, you are set to style your hair any way you want...

what i do now is stretch it saturday mornings- i put my hair into 4 fat braids and shampoo + condition a section before moving on to the next. that way, my hair gets clean and slightly detangled at the same time. i make sure to braid up each section once im done. that only adds an extra 10 min to my shower time (thats nothing, right?). after the shower, i slightly dry my hair with a towel by squeezing each section within a bath towel. i add my creams + moisturizer and put my hair into 2+ cornrows and leave it to dry for the day. it ends up stretched, clean, and dry by the time im done. takes NO time

if i am pressed for time, i also put my wet hair onto jumbo sized magnetic rollers and sit under my hooded dryer for 30 min. still NO TIME what so ever. im able to study and clean with it on (it is a travel one- i can walk with it on my head). once that is done, my hair is stretched.

out of all of that, it takes an extra 1hr or so. that is still LITTLE time spent on the hair. plus you can do it all at home!

i hope that helps. to be honest, i would like for you to stay natural. but if you really feel that there is nothing you can do, i guess do what you want. just try out some options before you texturize because you never know... you could regret it. i hope youve gotten some ideas and suggestions from this thread

hair takes time... no matter its state.
I soooo agree with the bolded part! Natural hair has so much more ease and versatilty for me when I do something like this after I wash it! good luck either way :)
Candiss said:
Girl, YOU do have issues:grin: I wasn't even TALKING specifically about anyone. I don't even KNOW you. Please, stop the paranoia. I GUARANTEE that I have no reason in heck to "talk around you" I am more than willing and capable to tell YOU directly if I have an issue with you. But I didn't, cause up until two minutes ago, when I read your response, I didn't even know you existed. ANYHOO, we all know there are other options, I have been naturel for several years now. The OP asked a question and didn't need to be schooled and put on the spot as she has been. Now, you disagree, fine, this is the U.S. OF A. so please disagree, as you wish. Eat up my words, as you wish. Respond, as you wish. Keep thinking I know you and care enough to veil my words about you cause I'm too afraid to talk to you directly, as you wish. Continue to try and create drama when there is and was not any. Girl, continue to DO YOU;)

Poohbear said:
Geez, I'm not even going to ask why you even said this. I'm just going to tell you JCoily like it is... You are one ignorant woman. (Yes, I called her a name).That's all I have to say. And don't come back in here with your stupid sarcasm. If you still have a problem with me, just PM me.
And since you Laginappe have decided upon yourself to post another sarcastic comment, you obviously do have a problem with me. Just shut up!!! Yes I said it, so what! Shut up Laginappe ... and JCoily. Yall aren't helping nappykat either with your mess about me. You can continue to ridicule me in this thread all you want. It still will not prove anything.

I am done.
Now that didn't seem Christ-like at all :naughty:
To the op: I've never added conditioner to a relaxer, but I did try adding EVOO once, and it was great!

I hope your texturizer goes well, and you enjoy your new style!

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