Natural Story: Things I Wish I Knew about Being Natural


You are an inspiration gurl! I'm going to be watching you and your techniques. Stunning...
rabs77 said:
Great thread :clap:
Its a tough journey. I wore braids/weaves for 2 1/2 yrs straight. And thats how I got through :)
I love everything you said Sunshine Lady-I am def in agreement.
Recently I got sooo sick of my hair I was thinking about relaxing but knew that my fine/thin hair couldn't take it. So I put in some small twists and I love my natural hair again.

I also thought my hair was going to have the perfect ringlets, but it's been a learning experience. I'm glad you summed up everything many are probably feeling
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This is a great thread! I wish I'd known about scab hair also when I first went natural. I kept cutting my hair because it just didn't feel right.
Great thread :yay: . I recently got a cut instead of a trim by default and no one knows unless I tell them :cool:. I think I will start trimming on a regular to keep the knots at a minimum. My ends feel so much better without them.
Thank you....Im not natural or going natural but since being on this board Ive been entertaining it and this one post is soooo informative and pretty much gives me more than just the after pictures to consider if its a journey I decide to embark on!

Great Post....
Thank you!!! This is great advice! I'm almost 5 months into transitioning and in this little bit of time, I am learning so much about my hair and how to care for it!
So much of that is thanks to LHCF ladies!!!
this thread is for sure making me want to go back to my natural hair..Its just so hard to mantain it on a daily basis, esp. in this Texas heat..Im relaxed right now..but I know I would probably acheive more length if I just left my hair alone and chemical free...I will heavily have to think about this.
Great thread!

I wish I'd known that I didn't need moisturiser! I guess it doesn't work for everyone, but daily rinsing or cowashing does not require a moisturiser afterwards!!

Bravo!!! Bravo!!!!

I am running to into similiar realization about my own hair. Not as thorouh as your list.

I love my natural hair. We are just getting to know each other better. Right now my hair revolting from something I have done. :lol: We are spending quality time to figure it out.
When I was natural, I wish I knew that it was okay to go back to texlaxing or relaxing whenever I wanted. I thought I owed it to myself to keep six years of natural hair.

Finally I decided to be true to myself and texlax my hair, which was the best thing I ever did. And guess what? My hair is longer now that it's ever been before, the breakage stopped (because I wasn't using heat as often). 45 mintues of blow drying went down to FIVE minutes, yes I said FIVE minutes.
2 hour of flat ironing went down to 20 MINUTES....

I still do the same deep conditioning, prepoos and moisturizing. But if I had known when I was natural that my hair could become "this" head of hair now...I would have done it sooner. Now I know what beautiful hair is, because I have it. :)
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Chloeshan said:
Scab hair is like racism, no one knows about it unless they go through it.

What I thought was scab hair was my hair with product build up that needed to be clarified.

Hand In Hair Disease is dangerous to your hair, it can cause breakage, splits, but it feels so good to molest your hair. Keep it to a minimum.

lol so true... I like this thread. I want to add that nobody said this was going to be easy. A lot of people feel like it's just hair and I just decided to chop it off and go natural (which may be true for some people). But realistically, it's bigger than that. Just because you've gone through a mental transition and are comfortable with your hair in its natural state doesn't mean everybody else will be. Also, we have to realize that some people aren't to that point yet, but they will get there eventually. So bear with them. I'm sure there are plenty of us who had the same gripes and issues about natural hair that other people express to us at one point in time too.
sunshinelady said:
Hi ladies,

I have been natural for about 7 years after not being able to afford a relaxer ($80) while in Wash, DC doing an unpaid summer internship. I was thinking about everything I wish I knew about natural hair and thought I would list it here.

1. Products that worked on your relaxed hair may not work on your natural hair. Experiment until you get it right.

2. That first little new growth that you get when you need a retouch is not what it will look like after the big chop. Sometimes it will look better, sometimes worse. Some people call it "scab" hair. I thought my newgrowth was so shiny and curly...when I did my BC I was like "What in the world".

3. Don't relax your child's hair until after they are 13. I got my first relaxer at 7 or so and my hair did not return to its previous texture after going natural. I learned that a child's hair follicles are not fully formed until around 13 and perming earlier could permanently damage follicles.

4. Just because you are natural does not mean that you can stop getting your hair trimmed. Get it trimmed at least every 2 months if you want to keep your ends healthy.

5. When you get the urge to get a relaxer go get a wig or get braids. It will help you get over the hump. Just have one on hand for events that you want something different. I really wish someone told me that when I hit that "not cute" 1.5 year mark. It was a rough period and I should have just gotten braids.

6. Condition your hair as often as necessary. I had to co-wash my hair everyday and people thought I was crazy. I had to in order to get my hair in a puff. If you don't wash, at least spritz it everyday.

7. Not everyone's hair is meant to look like a video chick's. For the longest, I desperately wanted my 4b hair to curl into ringlets and shine. I wasted a lot of time and money. Highly textured hair does not shine without a lot products, but that does not mean it is unhealthy. Your hair is beautiful and work with what you have.

8. Ignore your family and friends if they don't like your hair as long as you are well-kempt. Offer to allow them to pay for your weave or wig if they hate it so much. Their dislike of your hair has more to do with them than it does with you.

9. Nearly every natural will get the itch to relax their hair when it gets to be about ear length, do whatever it takes to fight this urge if you want to stay natural (see #5). I did this and found that my head looked HUGE. I cried and got braids down to my waist. Edit: My suggestion for this is to get braids before you get a relaxer. It will give you some time to think.

10. If, after trying to stay natural, you decide that manageability or any other reason makes you want to go back to a relaxer, then Do It! One thing I have learned after being natural is that natural hair is a lot of work. You don't owe anything to anybody and it is YOUR hair. Don't be a prisoner. These days, a relaxer has little to do with wanting to be white and everything to do with wanting to easily comb your hair. And sometimes, you don't want politics to play out in your hair. Just make sure you keep your hair healthy.

Hope this helps someone go natural, stay natural, or get a relaxer without guilt!

P.S. Learn to cornrow, it is really important.
P.P.S. Some people's hair texture changes as it gets longer. Mine has changed a couple of times.

P.P.P.S A really positive thing about being natural is that you lose your dread of hair cuts (at least for me). I doesn't bother me too much when I go to get a trim and it turns out to be a cut. It all looks the same when your hair is shrunken.

P.P.P.P.S. Knots seem to be a way of life, trimming will help, but don't beat yourself or your hair up about them.

I think I'm going to officially call you the NATURAL HAIR GURU!!!

You have helped tremendously. God bless you!:D
lana said:
When I was natural, I wish I knew that it was okay to go back to texlaxing or relaxing whenever I wanted. I thought I owed it to myself to keep six years of natural hair.

Finally I decided to be true to myself and texlax my hair, which was the best thing I ever did. And guess what? My hair is longer now that it's ever been before, the breakage stopped (because I wasn't using heat as often). 45 mintues of blow drying went down to FIVE minutes, yes I said FIVE minutes.
2 hour of flat ironing went down to 20 MINUTES....

I still do the same deep conditioning, prepoos and moisturizing. But if I had known when I was natural that my hair could become "this" head of hair now...I would have done it sooner. Now I know what beautiful hair is, because I have it. :)

:ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: Now, look what you don' went and did...makes me want to texlax right now....SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!!:look:
This is a great post and I really like the one about getting a relaxer if you really want one. I was struggling with getting a texturizer about 6 months into transitioning because of all the negative feedback I was getting. However I did it and found that my new growth when wet was so much easier to manage and I will probably do it again when it becomes hard to comb in the wash. I still have my natural texture because I used a mild but 1/2 the hassle.

Thanks for posting this wonderful post!
Nice & Wavy said:
:ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: Now, look what you don' went and did...makes me want to texlax right now....SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!!:look:

Me too, twin, ME TOOOOOOOO...somebody help us!!!!!!!!!! :drowning: :drowning:
sunshinelady said:
4. Just because you are natural does not mean that you can stop getting your hair trimmed. Get it trimmed at least every 2 months if you want to keep your ends healthy.

5. When you get the urge to get a relaxer go get a wig or get braids. It will help you get over the hump. Just have one on hand for events that you want something different. I really wish someone told me that when I hit that "not cute" 1.5 year mark. It was a rough period and I should have just gotten braids.

6. Condition your hair as often as necessary. I had to co-wash my hair everyday and people thought I was crazy. I had to in order to get my hair in a puff. If you don't wash, at least spritz it everyday.

9. Nearly every natural will get the itch to relax their hair when it gets to be about ear length, do whatever it takes to fight this urge if you want to stay natural (see #5). I did this and found that my head looked HUGE. I cried and got braids down to my waist. Edit: My suggestion for this is to get braids before you get a relaxer. It will give you some time to think.

10. If, after trying to stay natural, you decide that manageability or any other reason makes you want to go back to a relaxer, then Do It! One thing I have learned after being natural is that natural hair is a lot of work. You don't owe anything to anybody and it is YOUR hair. Don't be a prisoner. These days, a relaxer has little to do with wanting to be white and everything to do with wanting to easily comb your hair. And sometimes, you don't want politics to play out in your hair. Just make sure you keep your hair healthy.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Especially these five. This is what's happening to me right now. I Keep thinking about relaxing because I can't seem to get the hang of managing my 4zzzz natural hair.
joyousnerd said:
I wish I had known that no matter what I'd have little knots in my hair that cannot be gotten rid of.

Yeah I'm more than a little pissed about the knot situation.

There has got to be a way around this other than cutting off my progress on the regular.
This is an excellent post. After 2 years of being natural, I am on the fence about my next hair move.
wonderstar88 said:
Great thread :yay: . I recently got a cut instead of a trim by default and no one knows unless I tell them :cool:. I think I will start trimming on a regular to keep the knots at a minimum. My ends feel so much better without them.

I didn't know u got your hair cut!
Thanks for sharing! You really hit home for me on several points, such as: it’s a lot of work dealing w/ natural hair, comments people can make and changing the style- wig/ braids when in doubt. It’s nice to know other females have the similar obstacles.:grin: