Natural Remedies For Hair Growth


Well-Known Member
hello ladies,
it's been a while since I've posted in this side of lhcf :bighug:,
I've been trying to get away from processed products and try natural remedies for hair growth, I am currently between bsl and top waist length( I'm a slow grower ) I want to be tailbone length ( im sure I have hairrexia :lol:
I've heard of fresh garlic oil mixed with coconut oil , and rice water ....not sure about these because these were given by Indian ladies
have any of you all found natural concoctions that work for maximum hair retention or even natural foods that speed up growth
maybe we can make this thread as a trial and error ( hopefully less error) place for those trying to get away from chemicals or at least less chemicals so we know what we are putting on our hair
what say you my fellow hair growers?