Natural/Organic Shampoos=Hard Hair?

I didn't know hair could detox. Learn something new everday...

MeechUK said:
Hi Africa,
the reason these shampoos make your hair hard is because your hair is being detoxed of the chemicals found in regular shampoos. This first hurdle is always the worst and most people give up, but it is worth sticking it out. When your hair becomes accustomed to the shampoo after about 6wks you notice the difference and they really start to work wonders.

Divine Inspiration said:
Co-sign. Jason's Biotin has done really well on my hair and Sea Kelp has too. I agree that AO poos are HORRIBLE, and Giovanni's are iffy, but Jason's poos have done me right thus far.

Great ! I can not wait for my Jason Sea Kelp Shampoo and Jason Sea Kelp Conditioners to arrive ! Now I know for sure that I am going to love it !
Just wanted to say I tried Giovanni Triple Treat on a whim because I heard recommendations posted about it here. I just washed my hair and I'm impressed!! It is not hard! It didn't soften my hair like Elucence but it feels clean--not stripped and hard. This is a first for an organic/natural shampoo with me. Just wanted to share.

Thanks Enchantmnt and Angelbaby for the recommendation.