Natural moms, when do you find the time to take care of your hair?


November 2020 --> 14 years natural!!!
I'm natural and don't have children yet so I do find the time to take care of my hair, mostly during the weekends. But how do you natural moms with children under 10 do it? Especially for the ladies that have girls also, whose hair you also need to take care of, when do you find the time?

What prompted this question is the following: I'm in the braids challenge so I'll be braiding my hair throughout the year and it takes 14 hours to do them - 7 to 8 hours to take them out - and then when I take them out it takes a bit longer to detangle since I keep them for three months...etc. I just can't imagine having children and spending this much time on my hair :s.
I MAKE time to DC but the rest comes easy... bun! I have 3 boys, 4yrs and under and the task is usually THEIR hair, which ranges from below shoulder to mid-back, although their curls shrink up to cute curly fros. I personally don't do ANY daily styles on my hair that requires more than 10 minutes, no time! On the occasion that I want to wear my hair loose, I braid before bedtime, then take them loose the next morning.
I have a 1 yr old, and I wear my hair in braidouts mostly. I use his naptime as my "hair time" when needed. Also, when DH gets home, I'm able to break away and do my hair as well. Not to mention, my son is in bed by 8:30pm at the latest, so once he's in bed I have the time as well. None of my hair styles prep time takes longer than an hour--maybe two if Im doing twists, so there's no issue.
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I am natural with a 4 year old natural girl.

Sundays is also my hair day. I am a heat stretched natural so I do my setting/flat ironing on Sundays (2 hour process max), and not again for another 7-10 days. Just roll on satin rollers at night, and take them out in the morning..takes maybe 5-10 minutes for me to style during the week.

I do take the time to retwist my daughters hair every morning b/f work, even though she is just going to her paternal grandmother's house. That process takes about 10-15 minutes. I am sure I could probably skip doing that every day, but I am kind of anal about my puddin's hair looking neat. Labor of love.
My hairstyle requires no "doing" at all. 10-20 mins max. Although sometimes I find it difficult to fit in wash days. I need to make sure I have 2-3 hours clear to fit in a DC and detangling session. Its really not easy to find the time. Its for this reason I want to relax, I like straight hair but there is no way I want to spend time always straightening.
I have a 4 and 8 year old, I usually do my hair when they are playing the Wii.

or while they are in school. My stand up dryer is quiet enough to run while the TV is on, So I will play the Wii with my 4 yr old while I DC under the dryer, and my 8 year old is off in his room drawing. Every now and then my oldest will say aww you are doing your hair again. LOL

I just tell him, you might as well stop complaining now and get use to it, one day you are going to be married and I am sure your wife will want to take the time necessary to groom herself. God willing you will get a DIYer, wife like me, and save thousands.

He usually gives me the ole eww gross and leaves me alone :rofl:
My hairstyle requires no "doing" at all. 10-20 mins max. Although sometimes I find it difficult to fit in wash days. I need to make sure I have 2-3 hours clear to fit in a DC and detangling session. Its really not easy to find the time. Its for this reason I want to relax, I like straight hair but there is no way I want to spend time always straightening.

Im so there! The only thing that is stopping me are the stories I hear of ladies going from natural to relaxed, only to regret it and BC again in 2 months! lol
great thread. I am not a mom but i usually do my hair around midnight until 2 a.m on weekends. My best friend who has a child usually wears braids extensions and does them every 3 months. When she has to put the braids on, she sends her kid to his auntie
My hairstyle requires no "doing" at all. 10-20 mins max. Although sometimes I find it difficult to fit in wash days. I need to make sure I have 2-3 hours clear to fit in a DC and detangling session. Its really not easy to find the time. Its for this reason I want to relax, I like straight hair but there is no way I want to spend time always straightening.

I'm playing with this thought also, but I'm gonna have to get more information from the relaxed ladies on how much time they spend on their hair.
mmmh i have three girls, aged 7rs 5yrs and 3yrs old. we're all natural as well, and i have to say it isnt easy. i keep it simple with my own hair care , just bun, only wash bi-weekly and same with the girls.were all between apl and bsl, and soetimes i wonder if i can even handle caring for hair longer than this :look:
I'm playing with this thought also, but I'm gonna have to get more information from the relaxed ladies on how much time they spend on their hair.

its funny, when i was relaxed i spent the same amount of time on my hair as i do now. i just have to keep it simple cos of the kids i guess.
I dont have the time...I have a 5yr old boy and Iwork full time and am in Grad School so I dont even have time for sleep..:grin:

.... I wore weaves and braids this entire winter although I do plan to wear my hair out during the summer break, since my schedule will free up a bit...

Usually when I have to do anything that requires any long block of time studying, laundry etc. Daddy, Nana, or Godmother come in handy.... Also Weekends, Late Nights and Early Mornings are your best friends :yep:
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I have a son who is almost 2 and I usually do it when he's napping or after he goes to bed at night. I'm newly natural so I don't have much to do to my hair so I guess I need to answer this question again in about 6 months. But relaxing again is not an option for me so i will try my best to always find time.
When I worked, I'd do my hair once a week early in the morning, and my hairstyles were low maintenance and the washing process along with styling took no more than an hour. My styles consisted of--flat twist-outs, fingercurls (on shorter hair), puffs, and buns. These styles are not time-consuming at all.

I have two girls, and they both sported box braids in school, so I wouldn't have to do their entire head except once a month--I would neaten the front of their heads weekly, but rebraiding the front braids that were the frizziest, and that took about 1/2 hr once a week.

I am now down to just doing one of my DD's (the youngest) head. The oldest can do her own, but I might flat-iron the back of her hair, she does the front.
Zioninspireme and Maracuja, I am so there with you. I have done so much research on LHCF re: relaxing. I really get the impression that I may regret it, or have a horror story. I think the detangling may be reduced though I don't know........ I'll make up my mind eventually.
Multi-taking at it's best is all I can say.

I work full-time, go to school full-time, have a dh and 5 kids and let me tell you... It's not easy! Even with my TWA!!! LOL (twa needs attention to) :lachen:

I try to PLAN...PLAN....PLAN is all I can say. Doing WNG helps to! I usually DC overnight because there's not enough time during the day...
Multi-taking at it's best is all I can say.

I work full-time, go to school full-time, have a dh and 5 kids and let me tell you... It's not easy! Even with my TWA!!! LOL (twa needs attention to) :lachen:

I try to PLAN...PLAN....PLAN is all I can say. Doing WNG helps to! I usually DC overnight because there's not enough time during the day...

Zioninspireme and Maracuja, I am so there with you. I have done so much research on LHCF re: relaxing. I really get the impression that I may regret it, or have a horror story. I think the detangling may be reduced though I don't know........ I'll make up my mind eventually.

I need to do more research about it too. Although the detangling time may be cut down, what happens after you wash and dc? You have to style some way and that usually involves a hair dryer or a flat iron and like Renibell said, it took her the same amount of time natural or relaxed:ohwell:.
My hair needs are very simple and many of them can be done when I shower. Shampooing, regular conditioning, deep conditioning, oil rinsing, etc. I do it all whenever I feel my hair needs it (not at once of course). Moisturizing is easy because I do that when I do my WNG's. Plus I don't use any heat on hair. So the amount of time I spend on my hair isn't much. Things have been this way for years, long before DD came into the picture.
I have a twa so it's pretty simple to care for. The only thing that's time consuming is dc'ing. I wait until my DD is asleep. She's in bed at 7pm so the rest of the night is to me and DH. I also do DH's hair at this time (braids, flat iron, dc, etc). My DD doesn't have that much hair but I do it every day whether we go out or not. I have to wash or cowash and style it (no pony tail just styling product) everyday or it tangles HORRIBLY. It's a part of my morning routine.
I was thinking about this the other day as my ds was trying to get into the shower with me. I have a VERY active 22 month old so it's hard for me to do anything during the day. If I want to henna, do a serious detangle, or DC, I have to do it at night after he is a sleep. That means I have to pull an all-nighter because he doesn't go to bed until 9:30/10.
I definitely tip my hat to the mothers as well. I am especially interested in what the longer haired dense (thin or thick but dense) 4's have to say (because that's my hair type and my hair is also long but I take forever to detangle,style when I need to...which is why I've been braiding it up and leaving it alone so I don't go insane).

Are you out there, or did you just slap on a relaxer lol! I'm looking out for ya'll and hope you come in and shed some light on what you do. I don't have children but I have wondered this myself, because sometimes though I love my hair it annoys me just in detangling time alone(and I mean it) so I can only imagine another head. Where my bsl and longer 4's at?:sekret::sekret::eh:
Man I must admit that when I first became a mum it was a real challenge to me. When I was about 7 months pregnant I decided to lock my hair as I thought that would be the most low maintenance option for me. When it came to it, I just wasn't ready for that messy phase and when the little one was about 9 months old (Jan 2008) I just cut it all down to about 3 inches long. I forgot that whatever stage of length my hair is in, it will need looking after!

I only have one child (so far) and she sleeps well at night so I wash and twist my hair then. When she was younger nap times and bedtimes where when I managed to get my hair sorted out. Funnily enough, because I was always so busy with her, I didn't get to do much with my hair and so it grew quite nicely - proof that low manipulation works well for my hair :)
We're all natural in this household. My husband and 7 yo son both have locks while my 5 yo daughter wears whatever. I typically rock twists and twistouts. It's hard. You just have to make time. I have 4 heads to do. I can usually put off my husband and son since they have locks but not too long or it'll be a matted mess. Since I wear twists & twistouts I can get away with doing my hair once every two weeks. You'll figure it out.
Good Thread! I have 4b natural almost apl hair and 4 kids ages 6,4,2, 5 mos. 3 girls and 1boy. My 6yr old has waistlength thick natural hair and my 2 yr old had midback length hair.

I have not figured out a way to maintain all of our heads. I have been wearing a wig for the past 6 months. I 2strand twist my 6 yr old once a month and do individual plaits on my 2yr old once a week.

Ill be subscribing for more suggestons.
Right now I cowash a few times a week and keep it in two braids, or two banded ponytails and on the days I don't cowash or wash I moisturize and seal. My DC's are always done as a prepoo and left on for a few hours and I'm usually in a bun in case I have to run out for something. For styled hair it's braid outs, wash-n-gos, or I get up early and use my carusos before getting the kids up to start their day, only takes me about 15mins to put those in. I have an 8yr old DS and a 3yr old DD....DH and I are trying for baby #3. DD is BSL and I just wash and DC/prepoo her once a week and braid everyday and take her hair "bouncies" as she calls them out before she goes to bed and rebraid in the morning, only takes about 10-15mins
Thank you , OP! I have thought this so many times while on this forum!

I am natural and currently APL with dense 4a fine strands. I got kinky twists a week before I was due cuz I knew I was not going to have time to do my hair. I was not loving my hair anyway (I had to BC for medical reasons and did not like my twa). After my DS was 12 weeks I took out the twists and blowdried my hair to get them redone and Lo And Behold! My hair was past SL!

I was so pleased and surprised, this is what started my natural HHJ. I found the Crown and Glory method and continued to wear twists for 6 months. After I found this site and Naturally Curly I was too excited to see what my hair would be like so I took them out. But the reality was I didn't have time to try most of the styles I discovered.

My DS is 10 months now and two things I found out on hair forums have been not only time saving but hair saving: Wet bunning & Phony Puff.

I co-wash 2-3x a week, and DC overnight or on weekends when DH can look after DS. Wet bun most days and I baggy under the phony puff. Twist and braid outs when I can be bothered to braid before bed and/or want to wear my hair out the next day. Sometimes sleep in Curlformers overnight for special occassions. I plan to try more W&G when it gets warmer. Oh and try my new flat iron when DS is with the childminder!
I have been transitioning for 10 months and I have two natural daughters that have tons of hair. My oldest is 3c/4a with MBL hair. My youngest has 4a/4b hair that is past SL. They both have the thickest, most beautiful, lush hair and are my inspirations on my hair journey. I wash and condition their hair every two to three weeks (3 weeks in winter/2 in summer). And I must admit it is a job. My oldest daughter's hair is very thick but curly, so the hair is constantly wrapping around itself. It is essential that I use a boar's bristle brush to remove shed hair. My youngest child's hair is actually easier to maintain because of the z pattern in the rarely tangles.

I do my hair on Sunday without fail-prepoo, wash, DC, steamer. I try to do styles where I can keep it up for one week. I do lots of bunning and updo's so that I can moisturize and braid up my hair each night and then pin up in the morning. So far, this transition has been much easier than I ever imagined. I only wish I had done it sooner.
I have two one year old girls at home. Sweetie 1 has type 3 texture which makes her head really easy. She hates ponies and bows so I really just wash, condition, and moisturize her. Sweetie 2 on the other hand has my texture only drier and more coarse. I try to do her hair weekly and sometimes daily depending on the style. I'm stoked when her braids last longer though which isn't very often. Planning is key. It's a little easier for me to take care of our heads because I only work weekends, so I'm at home Monday-Thursday with the girls. . I typically pre-poo and/or wash and deep condition on Monday in anticipation of styling on Tuesday. Nap time and bedtime are prime self styling times. I plan the girls around their fav TV programs.

I will say that when I relapsed and relaxed a few years ago, I spent much longer styling my hair than I do now, but I also started to transition a few months after I relaxed. I really missed my wash and go and my puff. They are life savers.
I keep my hair braided or twisted up, it is the only way. There is soon to be another addition to the family so, I will continue this.