Natural moms, when do you find the time to take care of your hair?

Great thread, OP. I have 2 DDs, ages 6 and 7 with very thick BSL 4a natural hair. I stagger our hair days---wash day for DDs is on Saturday, and I keep it simple with twists or braids. My wash day is on Tuesday and Sunday with twists or a bun.

All that hair can be overwhelming at times so I give myself a break every so often--for this spring break I took them both to the salon for cornrows and twisted my own hair. Hopefully that will buy me at least weeks without styling.

I used to really dread their wash days--but as I've learned to better manage their hair, I actually look forward to it.
I have a 3 year old and one on the way. My 3 year old is a boy, but I've always found time to do my hair. I either:

-wait until he's asleep for the night
-taking a nap
-staying with a friend
-do it during a movie time (this is not one that I do a lot as he does not watch much tv)
-just tell him "mama is doing her hair". He doesn't like to hear this, but he has learned that this is something that I need to do. He busies himself somewhere :)

Of course it was easier to do my hair when I was a stay at home mom, but I find time in spite of work now. When this new one comes, if it's a girl, I plan on keeping her hair in a protective style that I will probably redo once every 2 weeks.
If you look at my LHCF album you'll see all the women in my house that rely on me to do their hair. Its ALOT of hair, plus my own.

I guess I see it like this... once you're a mom there are so many things you will be responsible for. For me hair is a hobby so I don't see it as another chore. I work 50-60 hours a week, go to school, clean, cook, pay bills, etc. so doing my DD's hair is the least of my worries. Plus it gives me time to bond with my girls.

ETA: My girls are 20, 13, 11, and 9.
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I've been wanting to post this for SO long. How does everyone else do it?!?!? LOL

I have 2 boys and daddy just cuts their hair so I don't have to 'mess' w/their hair. As for me, I'm a wigger. Yep I said it, a wigger. Like right now, I'm teaching myself how to cornrow and my hair is in 5 cornrows (since Saturday) and I've been wearing wigs every day since then.

DC's don't take that long, just slather it on and clean up the house! LOL I rinse and cowash in the shower.

Now the twisting, braiding and all that can be VERY time consuming and thats why I don't do it often (as a style). I usually wear twistouts so I can twist while watching them but if I'm twisting for a style, I just think of all the time I'll be saving by not having to do my hair for at least a week.

ETA: I work full time too....

But I have exams coming up, Bible Study (which I take very seriously and take up 75% of my time) and of course a household to keep up. My hair fits in just right b/c God has taught me great time managment skills as long as I keep him first :)
I have a almost 2yr old girl. I wash her hair on saturday and mine on sunday. I give her a bath later on saturday... closer to her nap time and when she wakes up, she has flat twists and bead or box braids. I have to be at work early so I usually set mey hair in a style for the whole week. twists, braids or a bun(on stretched hair) that only takes two minutes to smooth back in to place.

she understands, "Mommy is doing her hair" too, actually a little too well. She likes to put on my blow dryer bonnet, open rollers, comb her baby's hair and I have to keep the brush away from her...

The most important thing I've learned it to give my self a pass for not being perfect. I used to try to make sure her hair was perfect everyday. It was a struggle and I felt like a bad mother. Now her hair is pretty and good enough... especially on Friday. We are both alot happier and she's retaining more length.
I have a 3 year old and one on the way. My 3 year old is a boy, but I've always found time to do my hair. I either:

-wait until he's asleep for the night
-taking a nap
-staying with a friend
-do it during a movie time (this is not one that I do a lot as he does not watch much tv)
-just tell him "mama is doing her hair". He doesn't like to hear this, but he has learned that this is something that I need to do. He busies himself somewhere :)

Of course it was easier to do my hair when I was a stay at home mom, but I find time in spite of work now. When this new one comes, if it's a girl, I plan on keeping her hair in a protective style that I will probably redo once every 2 weeks.

Congratulations on the upcoming new addition
I keep it simple. I also don't have a problem taking a few days to complete a set of twits or braids. I'll start at the front and pin the back up while completing a row or two at night when the baby is asleep. I've got 3 kids 16 (he handles his own for the most part) 6 & 4 months.
I have two kids a boy and girl 4 and 22 months. My son has a big afro I guess stretched it's about APL I usually keep his hair twisted and I cowash every two weeks and retwist at about 3 weeks. He sometimes wears wash no goes but not often.

My daughter usually wears simple braids, plaits, or twists that are cowashed weekly and redone every one to two weeks. I freshen both kids' hair by spraying with water and applying some castor oil daily.

I keep it very simple for me. I cowash weekly, typically on saturday mornings when DH is home. I usually DC overnight or apply DC early in the day and wash out after the little ones are in bed.

My daily style is a bun that takes me about 5 minutes to do when I'm actually trying to make it neat. My other style is a wash n go which is also super fast. I am considering wearing cornrows or twists for two weeks at a time to change things up sometimes. My bedtime routine is also very quick and simple. I spritz and seal my hair and sleep with it in a loose bun.

I spend far less time on my hair as a natural than I did with a relaxer. As moms we have to make some time for ourselves.
I have two boys, 18mos and 4yrs old. I do wash and gos, braidout/twistouts, twists, rollersets. The time consumers are rollersets and twists. 8pm is bedtime, so I do my hair @ night. Rollersets are movie time for me and the boys. Twists, I do as much as I can after bedtime for the kids and then it takes all day to finish the last part in between feeding, changing ect ect lol! Its challenge, but can be done!
Good question. I have two sons, ages 3 and 9.

I try to KISS...buns, wash n gos, etc. Also, whenever I am doing my hair, I keep the bathroom door open so they can come in and out and talk to me. I also do some things to my hair while my 3 year old bathes, since I have to be in there to supervise and assist him anyway. I often deep condition overnight to save time and I wash my hair in the shower. I also do my hair after they are in the bed or while they watch a Disney movie.

I am home during most days. My son is in school. I have tons of "me time".
Even when he is home it doesn't matter, since he insists that I leave him alone.:lol: