Natural-looking natural hair extensions!


New Member
Ladies, I saw a woman at an African festival who had gorgeous "natural" hair! It looked like an old twist-out but with great body and more curl definition - perfect hair! I rolled right up to her and asked her how long she'd been natural and who her stylist was. She told me that the ends of her hair weren't hers but extensions. I did a doubletake! Not only that, but she told me that she had been wearing that hair for about 4 months! Ya'll, this woman's hair was beautiful! When she danced, those twists were everywhere! I wish I had taken pictures of her dancing, but I was too late on that one. I may have a picture of her from behind, but since I was taking a picture of something else you may not be able to see the detail in her hair. I will work on it and see if I can post it, but for now here is the website of the salon that styled her hair.
Those hairstyles look great. Thanks for posting this site. Do you know if these extensions are removable. It seems scary to wear them for up to 4 months.
They are definitely removeable. When she said that she had worn them for about 4 months I was wondering how in the world they had not begun locking on her, or at least looking matted, but when you see it...! She also told me that the hair was silk something or another, but I don't remember what it was. My mind was in "park mode"; her hair was just that beautiful! I've never heard of this, but since I saw it first-hand I would be willing to put some money into a hairstyle that would look that good after 4 months. This woman's hair texture looked to be 3c/4a, so I imagine that on 4a/b and 4/b hair it would look even better. I just couldn't get over how natural it looked.
It's located somewhere in DC. Go to the homepage: and the address is there. You know, it would be too convenient for me for it to have been located in NC. I have to travel for EVERYTHING!
I love the hair color and style. I want my natural hair to grow longer. I don't want to add extenstions.