NATURAL LADIES ONLY! Aphogee Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor... Yes or NO?


New Member
Please give me your personal testimony of how the Aphogee Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor has worked or not worked for you. Please only respond if you are Natural. I am considering purchasing, but I am concerned over the damage or protein overload a this reconstructor can cause to hair in a healthy state.

Please also include your hair type and if you are African American/Caucasian/Spanish/etc.


Added 3/20/10
PS... Please spare me the lecture about hair type being a better way to determine product success. I am not a believer in the Andre Walker system, therefore I do not CHOOSE to use it. I determine which products to use based on the ratio of successful usage to unsuccessful usage by African American women. Please respect the way that IIIII choose to care for MY hair. Thanks in advance.
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I think you'll get more responses if you edit out that part about nationality. That has nothing at all to do with hair type.:perplexed:look:
Well i dont think nationality has anything to do with it but...
Im natural and I use it. Im 4a i believe. I use it occasionally when i experience breakage as a natural. I follow up with a moisturizing conditioner since it contains proteins. It is a light protein compared to the aphogee hardcore. But just to be safe I do follow up with a deep conditioner. It works wonders!
I am 4a/b Natural. And it works great when I take out my braid extensions I put it on for about 10 min then follow with a moisturizing deep conditioner. It is a reconstructor, so it is a mild/medium protein and really strengthens the hair. Because you are natural your hair probably doesn't need as much protein, so the hardcore aphogee might be too much, but this is great. A light protein would be the aphogee green tea restructurizer which is really good too.
Natural, 3a/3b, getting closer to full HL......should be there by summer ;0)

I use it weekly on wash day. I don't have breakage, damaged hair or anything like that. My hair loves it so it's a staple.
I'm a 4a/b natural, my nationality is Angolan. I like this product, I use it as a dc when my hair is in need of protein. It's like a light protein treatment to me.
I use it bi-weekly on my daughter who is natural. Her hair is 4c (very tightly coiled, cotton candy texture) It results in her hair being a lot softer and moisturized.

Thank you to those of you who have useful feedback.

Race has a lot to do with the way a products react to our hair. If that weren't. True, companies wouldn't
make products that cater to one race. IE. Pantene for Relaxed & Natural with natural oils like Jajoba. Their regular products don't work well on African American hair because of the alcohol levels. AA hair is already dry. Caucasian hair on the other hand has no problem with dryness as their hair is very oily. Infact they have to wash daily because of it. So, yes, I would like to know that the feedback and I am taking advice from is the same races as me. If you don't care, to each is own, but I do. And not to say I don't want other race to answer... I'm sure they would be very helpful to others with their hair type as Thousands of other women read these threads.... And besides all of that...
I really don't feel like checking the hair type chart for every person who posts a reply!

Thank you Natural ladies!
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My daughter is natural and I use it on her hair about twice a month..but I always follow up with a moisturizing condish and leave it (MC) on for an extended amount of time (1 hour to overnight) - no breakage...
I think ur using the wrong word.

nationality would be american, or british or jamaican. Nationality has no colour or race.
Personally the 2 minute works well for me IF I'm doing the 2 step and balancing with it BUT alone it's a TOTAL NOOOOOOO NOOOOOOO. I don't think it gave me protein damage but the odd stiff dryness ewwwwwww. If I were you I'd do the aphogee balancing moisturizer you can use it no matter if you 2 step or not I think I do anyway. hth
Yep she's right if you moisturize conditioner after it should be fine but if not omg

My daughter is natural and I use it on her hair about twice a month..but I always follow up with a moisturizing condish and leave it (MC) on for an extended amount of time (1 hour to overnight) - no breakage...
I think ur using the wrong word.

nationality would be american, or british or jamaican. Nationality has no colour or race.

Yep! Hair type would serve you much better IMO.

Unless Pantene is now marketing products for "American" hair....

Anyways, it's pretty obvious that most of the board members are of African descent, as folks would say. (Yea I won't argue about how really everyone is of African descent...)

Thanks for the comments ladies, this is interesting. I'd be scared to use the regular Aphoghee on my hair but I didn't know there were other versions.

Nationality has a lot to do with the way a products react to our hair. If that weren't. True, companies wouldn't
make products that cater to one nationality. IE. Pantene for Relaxed & Natural. Their regular doesn't work well on
African American hair because of the alcohol levels. AA hair is already dry. Caucasian hair on the other hand has
no problem with dryness as their hair is very oily. Infact they have to wash daily because of it.

I'm a natural 3b/3c and use it with positive results on dry and wet hair.

Side Note: [Not intended in disrespect] But hopefully, you will have the opportunity to spend more time researching LHCF. It may better help you to understand why few (if not more) on LHCF consider "nationality" a non-issue when it comes to hair care. IMHO, Haircare is really about discovering about what's right for your hair's needs not necessarily the origin of your birth.
Also alot of Pantene products that are not in the Relaxed and Natural line works wonderful for their conditioner for curls....many products that are marketed to white women work well for our hair as nationality (which would be the country you're from) race or ethnicity really doesn't matter. It's hair type you're looking for!
No it does not. I'm American, can you guess which hair type I am by me stating that?

You can be African American and Caucasian and be the same nationality. But don't believe me feel free to check it out.


Thank you to those of you who have useful feedback.

Nationality has a lot to do with the way a products react to our hair. If that weren't. True, companies wouldn't
make products that cater to one nationality. IE. Pantene for Relaxed & Natural. Their regular doesn't work well on
African American hair because of the alcohol levels. AA hair is already dry. Caucasian hair on the other hand has
no problem with dryness as their hair is very oily. Infact they have to wash daily because of it. So, yes, I would
like to know that the feedback and I am taking advice from is the same nationality as me. If you don't care, to
each is own, but I do. And not to say I don't want other nationalities to answer... I'm sure they would be very
helpful to others with their hair type as Thousands of other women read these threads.... And besides all of that...
I really don't feel like checking the hair type chart for every person who posts a reply!

Thank you Natural ladies!

Thank you to those of you who have useful feedback.

Nationality has a lot to do with the way a products react to our hair. If that weren't. True, companies wouldn't
make products that cater to one nationality. IE. Pantene for Relaxed & Natural. Their regular doesn't work well on
African American hair because of the alcohol levels. AA hair is already dry. Caucasian hair on the other hand has
no problem with dryness as their hair is very oily. Infact they have to wash daily because of it.
So, yes, I would
like to know that the feedback and I am taking advice from is the same nationality as me. If you don't care, to
each is own, but I do. And not to say I don't want other nationalities to answer... I'm sure they would be very
helpful to others with their hair type as Thousands of other women read these threads.... And besides all of that...
I really don't feel like checking the hair type chart for every person who posts a reply!

Thank you Natural ladies!

Really? It's all marketing! Compare the ingredients, you'd be shocked. Oh and by the way, I'm a natural 4a with an oily scalp. When I straighten my hair, after day 3 it is an oil slick. I have white coworkers with naturally straight hair who suffer from dry scalp and dry hair.

Aphoghee products are great, you should try the 2 minute reconstructor and follow up with the deep conditioner like many other ladies suggested.:yep:
OMG... Please! Pretty Please forgive me for using the incorrect term, "nationality". I meant "race". But if you still disagree, I can respect that it doesn't matter to you, but it matters to me. If that bothers you, there's nothing I can do about that. Simply ignore that part of the question.
If you want to debate something... Write the powers that be about the word "negro" on the census forms. This hair stuff is soooooo not that serious.

Please continue to post useful comments to those naturals wondering about Aphogee and lets not get way off subject and turn this into a discussion about nationality. Because I'm sure everyone will agree that there is nothing more annoying than reading through a thread for information that you really need and having to sift through a thousand posts that have nothing to do with the original subject.

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Personally the 2 minute works well for me IF I'm doing the 2 step and balancing with it BUT alone it's a TOTAL NOOOOOOO NOOOOOOO. I don't think it gave me protein damage but the odd stiff dryness ewwwwwww. If I were you I'd do the aphogee balancing moisturizer you can use it no matter if you 2 step or not I think I do anyway. hth

Thanks misslittlelala!

I would definately like to know the good and the dark side. Lol. Why do you think the Reconstuctor works better with the 2-step than alone? Most people say they get stiffness with the 2 step.

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Thank you to those of you who have useful feedback.

Nationality has a lot to do with the way a products react to our hair. If that weren't. True, companies wouldn't
make products that cater to one nationality.
IE. Pantene for Relaxed & Natural. Their regular doesn't work well on
African American hair because of the alcohol levels. AA hair is already dry. Caucasian hair on the other hand has
no problem with dryness as their hair is very oily. Infact they have to wash daily because of it. So, yes, I would
like to know that the feedback and I am taking advice from is the same nationality as me. If you don't care, to
each is own, but I do. And not to say I don't want other nationalities to answer... I'm sure they would be very
helpful to others with their hair type as Thousands of other women read these threads.... And besides all of that...
I really don't feel like checking the hair type chart for every person who posts a reply!

Thank you Natural ladies!
I think you mean umm race or ethnicity. Edit. Nevermind.
Sorry Lol. Well, I want to know about this product as well.

Well, it seems like everyone likes it for the most part. Do you (or does anyone) know what happens if you stop using it or maybe only use it once a month? Will the protein that fills in eventually just wash out?
I am going to try it tomorrow, and I will post the results. I received my Design Essentials products, and FHI Runway in the mail this week and I have been LONGING for Friday eveing so that I can try everything out! LOL
Well this has nothing to do with aphogee, but the design essentials 6n1 reconstructive conditioner worked very well in my natural hair...i dont know whether to categorize it as a light or medium protein though
Well this has nothing to do with aphogee, but the design essentials 6n1 reconstructive conditioner worked very well in my natural hair...i dont know whether to categorize it as a light or medium protein though

Thanks, LaFemme! Do you know where I can purchase from? The DE sight sells that particular product to stylists only.
Wow...folks were just jumping all over OP...good grief...

Anyway, I just wanted to chime in to say thanks for posting this...I have not used the Aphogee 2 min since being natural, and I'm thinking it's about time for a little protein - actually I went to pick this up last week, but the BSS was all out. Hopefully, some more naturals will respond.
my hair loves protein so I do the hardcore 2step every 6 weeks "& the 2min every other week.. I do not do a DC after I apply hawaiian silky 14-in-1 to "every strand" "& im set to go.. I just started the 2min last week bec the 2step every 6weeks wasn't enough.. I can already see less breakage.. HTH =)

0h.. and as a side note Pantiene Curls in the white bottle is a staple of mine.. so don't knock the "white products" you could really miss out!! Happy hair growin'
Natural 4ab (but coloured and BKT-ed) I use this weekly when I flat iron, if not maybe once every 2 weeks. I was also using it when I wasn't coloured/BKT-ed at least every week/2weeks (especially if co-washing frequently) with no problems but check its response to your hair. I think its agreat mild protein treatment.
I'm a natural 4a and I love the 2 minute for my protein fix during co-washes. I'm black British by the way.