Natural Ladies in Corporate America

In the words of Paul Moon when your hair is relaxed white people are relaxed. If your Hair is nappy white people aren't happy LOL But seriously it depends on what part of corporate America you work in. If you are in the part where you have to deal with people outside vendors on a day to day then seeing natural hair to SOME people is like a person with a mohak. Its fine for when you are out with your friends or when you were a kid but not in the work place. I work in IT but I'm a programmer so I don't have to deal with people on the day to day. So I wear my hair how I want. If I have meetings set up I will have it in buns or press my hair. I guess to me when it comes to work its about looking the part and being about business. Although hair shouldn't matter its the society we live in. When it comes to anywhere else. Love my hair or leave it alone.

LMAO @ the Paul Moon quote! :lachen:

Thank you for reminding me why I love Paul Moon so much!

Anyway, I can sort of relate to this enlisted, the hair regulations basically expect your hair to be tightly sealed in a straight and sleek bun. Not exactly easy if your hair is curly. And if you choose to have a bob cut it is basically expected for it to be a straight bob, too, though I have seen women with curlier short chin length hair worn down (but there are certain inches it can't go past in width and height which makes it difficult for curly hair, especially if thick). It's just less polished-looking to most people. A part of me agrees that a sleek look actually is just a neater appearance typically, but at the same time if the curly hair is well taken care of and moisturized, shiny, full, healthy then that's showing good standards and effort and it's definitely nice to look at. So yeah, I can relate in a way.
I normally wear my hair well combed anyways... so it's not like I'm going to bust in the hotel with my hair all over the place ... :lol:
I'm actually having this issue now. I thought since I'm at an accounting firm in NYC, people would be more liberal about my looks buuutt, I can't tell if it's me or, them.

For example, I have coworkers coming up to me and TOUCHING my hair. I don't like it. I mention it to them and it creates this awkward tension that I WANT (so they dont do it again) but they do it again!

I don't know. I got a weave. I don't like getting the weave but, I don't really have any good options. right now I'm not in a weave but I get my hair blown out and it's damaging my hair. I don't recall why I went natural, but I do know that it shouldnt matter, the point is I'm not making a political statement.. sorry this has turned into a vent and is not helping..
^^ That is so odd that they want to keep touching it. It's not like it will feel any different from day to day. Maybe you should apply some smelly sulfur product and some gooey sticky product like jheri curl GEL (not juice) or Castor oil so that the next time they touch it, they're left with some slime.

I've never had anyone disrespect me and touch my hair uninvited. Maybe it's because I'm so ready to discuss it and will even ask them to feel a section. They look nervous as they approach :lol: but then are surprised at how soft it feels and tickled by the tiny coils. When someone has been so fascinated as to ask me how come it looks long sometimes and short sometimes, then I promise them to do a demo one day. So the day I'm in the mood, I will show them a stretched section and then CW it in the b/r sink and let them marvel at it shrinking. :lol:

So my hair, while very fascinating to them, is no longer a 7 day wonder. Maybe some of them just do it coz they know it pisses you off. Either gross them out by making the hair untouchable, or wear it in the same style for a week and if they return to touch it, remind them it's no different from the way it was before. If you have a puff, bring it to work and put it on the desk of one of them and tell them to pass it around the next time they feel like feeling your hair. Better yet, "Date a black person with hair like mine and feel THEIR hair all you want."