Natural ladies - how do you refresh your curls?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Right now I'm in the phase of doing wash and go's everyday . . . I don't mind because it's the summer and my hair is still fairly short . . . however, I'm thinking that as my hair grows this might become really cumbersome .. . especially once it gets colder.

Suggestions for products and techniques are welcome!!
Hi! Since I cowash almost every other day sometimes more I just spray a little water and use shea moisture misting spray for 2nd day hair if I'm lucky enough to get that. My hair isnt long but its in that akward stage so I have to do something to it almost every day. I dk about the colder months but would love to hear some more input as well ladies. I'm also trying to find the right styler to go on top of my leave in. I like the shea moisture milk but its so pricey for very little. HTH
I'd just lightly re-wet in the shower. If that doesn't bring them back it has to be soaked and combed out for me.
I spritz my hair with aloe Vera and rosewater. Also flaxseed gel helps and it aids in mild detangling which helps to bring my curls to life.
For me it is more about how I cover my hair at night. I ordered a satin GWrap because my wng's were just crushed in my bonnet. Also, I have been trying to find something to wear to bed that would cause the least amount of friction to my edges.

When I wear the GWrap to bed, all I have to do is get up and shake my hair out. I then take a shower, then stand in the shower with my hair uncovered for a couple of minutes so that the steam can finish the job of revitalizing my curls. I have had three day wng's this way. I have never been able to do that before. I don't have thick hair and it doesn't take much to smash my curls never to return.
I refresh with water, a mix of water and a small amount of conditioner, or a tea spritz (love these)! However, it sometimes depends on what my nighttime routine was the preceding day. If I baggy and pineapple (both) overnight, for example, I don't need to do as much: moisture-wise or style-wise.
Ok, I have no idea how to mention people, someone please school me!

Reeko43 what is a satin GWrap? I googled it and came up with this

And though I think it is very lovely and I bet it's a hit in bed (even more so than my "head sock") I have a feeling this is not what you were talking about.
You can spritz with a product..Or good ole water/little oil to seal/little styling gel on top..

Happy Hair Growing!
I mist my hair with water a couple sprays, smooth a few dabs of leave-in on any fuzzies on my hairline, and then, with about a quarter size amount of leave-in in my hand, flip my hair forward and scrunch a few times.
I'd just lightly re-wet in the shower. If that doesn't bring them back it has to be soaked and combed out for me.

I thought I was the ONLY one. I've seen so many posts from ladies who just spritz with water and add some other product but that does NOTHING for me except make my hair frizzy.

If I'm trying to get defined and sleek curls, its all about re-wetting for me and then adding some product with hold.
I go to bed looking like "Buckwheat." My hair is either in 3 huge plaits or one pony sticking straight up in the middle of my head. I twist the length but not the edges leaving them loose and curly. I spray plaits with different curling spray--whatever I have on hand--and then take loose and go.

I do not wrap head at night but have sewn some 100% silk pillowcases myself.
I've been doing the wash n go routine too. I cowash 2-4 times a week. On days that I do not cowash, I just mist my hair with African Royale BRX Spray and fluff my hair out with my fingers. Sometimes I don't mist my hair at all, just fluff. I do not rake through my hair with my fingers, just fluff and pick from the roots of my hair with my fingers. At night, I put my hair into a pony puff. I just put a ponytail holder around my hair once, no looping around twice or anything.
reeko43 said:
For me it is more about how I cover my hair at night. I ordered a satin GWrap because my wng's were just crushed in my bonnet. Also, I have been trying to find something to wear to bed that would cause the least amount of friction to my edges.

When I wear the GWrap to bed, all I have to do is get up and shake my hair out. I then take a shower, then stand in the shower with my hair uncovered for a couple of minutes so that the steam can finish the job of revitalizing my curls. I have had three day wng's this way. I have never been able to do that before. I don't have thick hair and it doesn't take much to smash my curls never to return.

completely agree with reeko43
For me, once the hair is mushed, it's mushed :lol: the key is to put my hair away the night before in a way that minimizes the amount of hair that gets flattened out.

Most of the time, this means braids, twists, or loosely pinning up sections and tying everything up with a scarf
For me wash n goes got easier as my hair grew. I just hop in the shower in the morning, and while i'm showing I wash or condition. I use my hangs to ring my hair out, and if it's looking a little frizzy I'll put in a light gel or scrunch with coconut oil, then stick it in a bun. I do this daily until i feel like pressing and wearing a sock bun for a few weeks (military so those are my main options throughout the week).
[USER=355437 said:
JBunnie[/USER];16227151]Ok, I have no idea how to mention people, someone please school me!

Reeko43 what is a satin GWrap? I googled it and came up with this

And though I think it is very lovely and I bet it's a hit in bed (even more so than my "head sock") I have a feeling this is not what you were talking about.

I didn't know what a GWrap was either. But this happened to be scrolling in the add banner to the right. Maybe this is what she is referring to.

I am curious why this would work better than a bonnet though.
completely agree with @reeko43
For me, once the hair is mushed, it's mushed :lol: the key is to put my hair away the night before in a way that minimizes the amount of hair that gets flattened out.

Most of the time, this means braids, twists, or loosely pinning up sections and tying everything up with a scarf

i usually gather my hair in a very loose scrunchie and then put on my head wrap. I can't spray my hair with water after it is dry because it will just turn into a frizzball.
Hmmm, I might have to look into this Gwrap and some of these refresher methods.

Total side note: how do I mention people?
I guess it would make sense for me to share how I refresh my curls now. LOL I got so caught up in everything else. I'm still rather new at this but this is what has worked best for me so far.

The front of my hair is heat damaged pretty badly so I twist and curl the front third at night and pineapple the rest. When I shower I tie a scarf around the front of my hair (still in their curlers) like a headband to protect them from the water/steam in the shower. I leave the back two thirds up in its pineapple, uncovered. I shower, letting the steam work it's magic on my hair and immediately after I get out I take down the pineappled portion and divide the section horizontally about 3 or 4 times. I spray each section with a mixture of water, 100% aloe vera juice, some Kinky Curly Knot Today and Kinky Curly Spiral Spritz. (it's essentially everything I put in my hair when I do a full wash or a WnG but instead of layering it's all mixed up into one step. And I use the Spiral Spritz as opposed to the Curling Custard.) Best refreshed day I've had yet!
Unfortunately, I start from scratch each day. All these bonnets and scarves do is flatten my curls. And pineappling only helps a little, it straightens my curls where I put it up.
@reeko43, Why do you think that this wrap maintains your hair better than a bonnet. From the picture it doesn't look to much different. Can you describe your experience with it more. tia

faithVA, I really can't explain other than that the bonnet leaves more room for my hair to move and smush from different angles. I got the gwrap for my edges because although my bonnet doesn't come off, it slides to my hairline. The gwrap doesn't slide for me, that may be another reason why it helps maintain my hair. Also, it is roomy so that when I loop the tails around and tie, there is like a big air pocket left in the crown area. That hair remains undisturbed. I know this explaination is all over the place :lachen:
@faithVA, I really can't explain other than that the bonnet leaves more room for my hair to move and smush from different angles. I got the gwrap for my edges because although my bonnet doesn't come off, it slides to my hairline. The gwrap doesn't slide for me, that may be another reason why it helps maintain my hair. Also, it is roomy so that when I loop the tails around and tie, there is like a big air pocket left in the crown area. That hair remains undisturbed. I know this explaination is all over the place :lachen:

I appreciate it. I knew it would be hard to explain :lol: So its all good. Of course now I want one. I will put it on my wish list.