Natural: Jus Realized Why My Hair Is Breaking Left and Right


This past week, my hair has been HORRIBLE. I keep finding little broken pieces like C's. Little C's in the shower..little C's in my hand when I go through my hair.

I've also been cutting my hair EVERYDAY. Everyday I'm finding these single strand or group knots. And knots at the very end of my hair strand.

Than I realized the little C's that keep breaking off are the pieces of hair beneath the knot. That is why I keep finding stands with the knot at the very end of my hairstrand. The hair is just snapping beneath the knot. WOW!

Has anyone else gone through this? What did you do?
I keep saying I am going to wear my hair straight. I say it in every post. HAHAHA! But, I haven't done it...I'm frontin' because it's so easy to do my nappy hair. Really simple especially since I keep it pinned up in bobby pin styles or just in crazy looking twist.

But, this right here might just send me over the edge. I want alot of hair be it nappy or straight. So losing hair due to breakage/knots is not an option.

I'm sitting here DC with the salt DC and I hope it helps with the tangling of my hair.

ETA: Obviously I am having problems with the T on my keyboard. Last week it was the E, C, and S. WOW!
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When is the last time you had a thorough trim? when you detangle, what are you using to remove shed hair?
When is the last time you had a thorough trim? when you detangle, what are you using to remove shed hair?

10-18-08 And than Like Wednesday before Thanksgiving. And I've been cutting all over for the past week or so.

I use my fingers to do most of my detangling and as I detangle I am pulling hair out with my fingers too. Than I get out of the shower and I use a bone comb. And if I feel like stuff is catching towards my ends I use a Denman Brush.

But, when I got my trim on 10-18-08 (somewhere around this date) I could still feel knots further up the strand. That is why I trimmed like a week later too and have been doing it ever since. However, I am trying to calm down because I do recognize that knots come with being nappy for some and I don't want to cut off all my hair trying to kill the knots.

I might just have to make a drastic change.
Trust--do you use grease or a heavy pomade? I had to go back to good old fashion grease and that stop those type of knot curls thingys for me. I used to have little c's on the wall, my hands, the floor....and grease stopped that for me. Just a thought...
Thoroughly detangling, keeping my ends stretched, and castor oil on my ends stopped the knots. Now the only time I get them is if I let my hair shrink up.
10-18-08 And than Like Wednesday before Thanksgiving. And I've been cutting all over for the past week or so.

I use my fingers to do most of my detangling and as I detangle I am pulling hair out with my fingers too. Than I get out of the shower and I use a bone comb. And if I feel like stuff is catching towards my ends I use a Denman Brush.

But, when I got my trim on 10-18-08 (somewhere around this date) I could still feel knots further up the strand. That is why I trimmed like a week later too and have been doing it ever since. However, I am trying to calm down because I do recognize that knots come with being nappy for some and I don't want to cut off all my hair trying to kill the knots.

I might just have to make a drastic change.

I'm not completely natural yet, but I've been contemplating the same thing. It's kind of a tinkle or get off the pot type thing for me right now.
Trust--do you use grease or a heavy pomade? I had to go back to good old fashion grease and that stop those type of knot curls thingys for me. I used to have little c's on the wall, my hands, the floor....and grease stopped that for me. Just a thought...

Nope. Don't use anything heavy. All light products. So how did you use the grease? Because I have no problem going back to grease it never did anything wrong to me. And I need these knots stopped in their tracks FORRREAALL. Because I am going to be learning how to be a pressed woman. I kid you not.

Also I am like a weekly washer trying to be come a 2x a week washer to DC twice ya know.

And I just found some BB SuperGro grease that my roommate had. (Yes, I have permission hahaha I asked her for some grease..she said search for it girl).
HELP ME! Thanks.
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If your hair is snapping, it sounds like your hair doesn't have the elasticity that it needs. I'm natural and lately, I've been doing a fair amount of deep conditioning with heat and a plastic cap. My hair feels like a superstar and no knots. I'll DC with Joico or some other conditioner.

My natural hair Meetup group met this weekend to (...drumroll please), talk about hair. And the speaker said that salt is bad for your hair...which is why when you sweat, it's important to clean your scalp soon thereafter.

Nonetheless, if there's a salon in your area that offers steam treatments, that's another way you can incorporate moisture back into your hair and aid the elasticity.

I can comb\detangle my hair best with thick conditioners. Try JASON 84% Pure Aloe Vera Conditioner (available at Whole Foods). It's super thick and may help with the knots.

I deep condition at least once a week. I than use creamy leave in products that aren't protein based, but more moisture based.

And the salt and conditioner is a concoction tried and tested by the ladies of LHCF and I read atleast a 90% success rate in the thread. It's called the Kiya Fizzle or KF solution. lol I just tried it and my hair was definitely softer but nothing magical. So I guess I am in that 10%. I may give it another try with a different conditioner.

Do you think I should start DC twice a week? I wanted to start that...but man now it's raining etc. Are there any leav ins that you use? I just started a flat twist style and I am using AO HSR as a leave in. I am going to start using moisturizing conditioners as leave ins..and just not products that say "leave in".

And my hair isn't just breaking off any and's breaking off at the bottom of the knots. So I need to figure out how to prevent knots. I've read may threads where most of the naturals have knots and a few have limited them greatly and than the very rare few like you have eliminated them.

I hope DC isn't the answer to eliminating them, because I keep my hair fairly that means I have a very slim chance of eliminating the knots.

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Have you tried coconut oil? I use it almost daily, and I haven't had any problems with knots since I started. Before I started, my hair was really acting up. Everyday, I had really bad knots and breakage.
Qhemet Heavy cream and drying in braids will keep the knots at bay...The cream goes on kind of icky but when my hair dries it feels smooth like butta, not grease at all... My hair soaks it up and stays moist. I'll always keep the heavy cream on hand for my ends..always...:yep:

ETA: once per week I use the denman under the shower to brush out the shed hairs....and a medium-fine tooth come once through after detangling while to get the shed hairs out or else.
The knots are causing the hair to tangle and break. Ask how I know, I'm a natural! Some people here seem to complain about never ending knots, while others offer solutions...maybe they'll help. I just cut them off when I see them and get really annoyed, but get over it. I don't think it's elasticity as the knots are strangling your hair so to speak and twisting it in on itself and that's what's causing your breakage. Try searches for knot remedies. Mine has been to braid my hair up or straighten it with a flat iron (gasp)
Qhemet Heavy cream and drying in braids will keep the knots at bay...The cream goes on kind of icky but when my hair dries it feels smooth like butta, not grease at all... My hair soaks it up and stays moist. I'll always keep the heavy cream on hand for my ends..always...:yep:

ETA: once per week I use the denman under the shower to brush out the shed hairs....and a medium-fine tooth come once through after detangling while to get the shed hairs out or else.
co-sign on the fine tooth comb. I've been doing that and received lots less
The knots are causing the hair to tangle and break. Ask how I know, I'm a natural! Some people here seem to complain about never ending knots, while others offer solutions...maybe they'll help. I just cut them off when I see them and get really annoyed, but get over it. I don't think it's elasticity as the knots are strangling your hair so to speak and twisting it in on itself and that's what's causing your breakage. Try searches for knot remedies. Mine has been to braid my hair up or straighten it with a flat iron (gasp)

I agree, sometimes all you can do is search and destroy. If I get a really bad knot that I can't break up, I just cut it off. You're not cutting off any length because from the knot down, it's just shed hair. I can tell because every knot I break up, has a white bulb at the end.
I put a little water just on my ends at night, seal with castor oil, then baggy. So far no knots with this method. I skipped a night and the next morning a had a nice knot.
How are you wearing your hair mostly? I notice more knots if I'm wearing my hair out a whole lot. I agree about getting the shed hairs out on a regular basis. Large toothed combs don't always get everything in my case. My denman usually gets the rest.
Just came back to second my own post. I skipped castor oil baggy last night and what do you know- found a big knot in the shower this am. Lost some hair. I think heavy oil/ grease works even if you wear your hair out a lot.
Trust--do you use grease or a heavy pomade? I had to go back to good old fashion grease and that stop those type of knot curls thingys for me. I used to have little c's on the wall, my hands, the floor....and grease stopped that for me. Just a thought...

Girl--- I thought ...I was the only one experiencing the lil' c's on the wall, floor, my hands & shirt. I'm gonna try your suggestion cause I'm tired of seeing all the lil' c's every place!
Qhemet Heavy cream and drying in braids will keep the knots at bay...The cream goes on kind of icky but when my hair dries it feels smooth like butta, not grease at all... My hair soaks it up and stays moist. I'll always keep the heavy cream on hand for my ends..always...:yep:

ETA: once per week I use the denman under the shower to brush out the shed hairs....and a medium-fine tooth come once through after detangling while to get the shed hairs out or else.

I really want to try this too. But, I do not like ordering stuff online. I really need to go to a LA meet up and hopefully someone has this stuff for trade or sell. But, I found a cream that is kind of heavy. Kids Organics Scalp and Hair something....Anyway it makes my hair really soft. I used the grease and oil last night and my hair isn't greasy now, but my hair is in flat twist now so I guess you can't tell.
Twisties might have a point. With heavier product I would get less tangles when wearing my puffs. I used shea butter to seal the ends after I moisturized them. That's a thought. I must agree Trust, nappy hair is easier in my opinion. Keeping it straight is stressful to me. My hair WANTS to be nappy!
The knots are causing the hair to tangle and break. Ask how I know, I'm a natural! Some people here seem to complain about never ending knots, while others offer solutions...maybe they'll help. I just cut them off when I see them and get really annoyed, but get over it. I don't think it's elasticity as the knots are strangling your hair so to speak and twisting it in on itself and that's what's causing your breakage. Try searches for knot remedies. Mine has been to braid my hair up or straighten it with a flat iron (gasp)

Yep, I'm on a search and destroy mission too. But, this is getting old. I am going to try to coat my ends more for like another couple weeks and than might start developing a more heat stretching regimen if things don't turn around.

I realize I rather have a lot of hair than 100% nappy hair. However, I never NEVER want to have the limp relaxed hair I once had and I never want to have relaxed hair. So the heat thing might be trial and error, but I have to start developing a new regimen.
How are you wearing your hair mostly? I notice more knots if I'm wearing my hair out a whole lot. I agree about getting the shed hairs out on a regular basis. Large toothed combs don't always get everything in my case. My denman usually gets the rest.

I wear my hair mostly in large twist. I use my fingers and a comb mostly. I should start using my Denman, but it does cause it's own breakage ..well in my case. I might have to start trying to figure out how to use it so it won't. Because you are right obviously I'm not getting all the shedding hair.
I do the search and destroy method. I recently added a mid week overnight co wash to my regimen and have been mixing castor oil to my creamy moisturizer. This has also helped reduce my breakage.
Trust--do you use grease or a heavy pomade? I had to go back to good old fashion grease and that stop those type of knot curls thingys for me. I used to have little c's on the wall, my hands, the floor....and grease stopped that for me. Just a thought...

I was just wondering why(and thankful)that I Never had any knots.I have been using BB grease all along and I'm still trying to figure out why so many people are against it.Once I went natural I already had grease around my house so my plan was to use it up and then move on but it works fine and..If it ain't broke....:yep:
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Nope. Don't use anything heavy. All light products. So how did you use the grease? Because I have no problem going back to grease it never did anything wrong to me. And I need these knots stopped in their tracks FORRREAALL. Because I am going to be learning how to be a pressed woman. I kid you not.

Also I am like a weekly washer trying to be come a 2x a week washer to DC twice ya know.

And I just found some BB SuperGro grease that my roommate had. (Yes, I have permission hahaha I asked her for some grease..she said search for it girl).
HELP ME! Thanks.

Love it.I use the white jar with the orange letters......I love all of BB's products that I have tried especially the "pink hair lotion" looking stuff.It smells so good.
Love it.I use the white jar with the orange letters......I love all of BB's products that I have tried especially the "pink hair lotion" looking stuff.It smells so good.

Yep that's the exact one my roommate had. How do you use it? I just did these flat twist which I am about to make a thread about and I concentrated on the last 2 inches of my hair.
Thanks for posting this. I just found out the hard way after having serious breakage for the past few days. I was really confused because I knew my hair had enough protein and moisture. Last night I cowashed, and instead of detangling my whole head in the shower, I detangled in four sections -- left conditioner in each section and twisted it up. When it dried, I didn't have any knots or tangles. I usually always have them if I just detangle and put my hair in a bun to dry. :wallbash: I had no idea.
Thanks for posting this. I just found out the hard way after having serious breakage for the past few days. I was really confused because I knew my hair had enough protein and moisture. Last night I cowashed, and instead of detangling my whole head in the shower, I detangled in four sections -- left conditioner in each section and twisted it up. When it dried, I didn't have any knots or tangles. I usually always have them if I just detangle and put my hair in a bun to dry. :wallbash: I had no idea.

Oh yea this is a BIG HECK NO for me. I usually always detangle and put my hair into large twist. Last night I was doing a style and got tired and decived to pony the section that was not finished. HUGE MISTAKE! I never do this so I didn't know that it would cause a problem Took me like 4 hours to detangle and finish flat twisting this one top section of my hair.

It was jus a horrible wash day. I tried to wash with the salt conditioner..which didn't leave my hair buttery soft or smooth. han went on to massive tangles and stuff that I'm just not use too.

I will never try that again. Trust.
Jane Carter Nourish & Shine might be a good sustitute for the Qhemet Heavy Cream. You can get it at Whole Foods or many health food stores. You can view the products on her website Although I use Qhemet products, I also use Jane Carter as back up.

I really want to try this too. But, I do not like ordering stuff online. I really need to go to a LA meet up and hopefully someone has this stuff for trade or sell. But, I found a cream that is kind of heavy. Kids Organics Scalp and Hair something....Anyway it makes my hair really soft. I used the grease and oil last night and my hair isn't greasy now, but my hair is in flat twist now so I guess you can't tell.
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Nope. Don't use anything heavy. All light products. So how did you use the grease? Because I have no problem going back to grease it never did anything wrong to me. And I need these knots stopped in their tracks FORRREAALL. Because I am going to be learning how to be a pressed woman. I kid you not.

Also I am like a weekly washer trying to be come a 2x a week washer to DC twice ya know.

And I just found some BB SuperGro grease that my roommate had. (Yes, I have permission hahaha I asked her for some grease..she said search for it girl).
HELP ME! Thanks.

I use grease after I co-wash my hair. I use Blue Magic Cocunut Oil (easy to find), Nature's Blessing (I buy it my salon and Amazon carries it) or plain old vaseline while my hair is still very wet. I make four sections. I then rub a little of the pomade/grease in my hands and put gently spread thru each section. My hair stays soft when I do this and 90 % of knot thingys were reduced. Shea Butter could work for some, but it dried out my hair plus it turned out I was allergic to it so that was out for me. BB SuperGro should work too. I think Aveda makes a pomade to that is "natural based" but I have never used it.

I only use the grease once on wet hair until the next wash. After that I use a moisture lotion or plain water in a spray bottle to fluff up the twists, plaits or puff.

Lightly pressing your hair can reduce them too.

I hope you can find a solution!