Natural Instinct Hair Color


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I kinda want a change with my hair color. After reading some reviews I decided on natural instincts hair color in Midnight Black. As I was reading the directions and precautions I noticed it said if you use "gradual color restorer, HENNA, or metallic dyes don't use Natural Instincts until your hair has grown out and the colored areas have been cut off" Well I am not going to cut off my hair just to color it but I do use henna sporadically. Is this something I should be worried about or is the normal precautions that I will find on most semi-permanent hair colors
i don't think you can dye previously henna'ed hair. i wouldn't try it. but i'm no expert.
I've used Natural Instincts over Henna. I had a few inches of new growth and the rest was Hennaed. I think I used the color Ebony something. It made my hair darker but the Hennaed part was still red, you could only tell in the sun. I've also had permanent color done and instead of brown it was red. From my research it seems like as long as you use body art quality henna, not the stuff with the different colors, you will be fine except you don't know what results you will get. There will always be a hint of red in your hair.
Thanks ladies. I took the color back because I got chicken and didnt want a setback over something like that. I will henna indigo my to get the black I want