Natural Ingredients that Loosen Curl Pattern


New Member
I want to identify all the possible natural ingredients that could loosen one's curls, coils, Z-pattern, etc after repeated use.

I DON'T want to inadvertently loosen my curl pattern, so I'd like this info to avoid that. But feel free to use the info in order to loosen your pattern if you'd like :grin:.

So far I've learned about:

1. Henna
2. Coconut milk
I know henna definately makes my new growth softer and easier to detangle but I'm not sure about it loosening its texture. How does coconut milk loosen texture?
I don't know for sure how coconut milk/cream loosen the pattern, but someone in another thread mentioned it was a source of protein.

Doesn't hena have the same effects on hair as a mild protein treatment?

Do you think that could be the key--protein??
I have two tutorials about this on my blog using sour cream and lemon and using conditioner and baking soda that work very well for me.

i found this recipe to loosen curl pattern in a beauty store newsletter, i hope it helps!
it says: quote " this concoction is not a relaxer, it will with regular application, will eliminate frizz, soften the hair and temporarily strecth and elongate the natural curl pattern..."

recipe: 1 tin of coconut milk, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, the juice of 1 lime, 2-3 tablespoons of cornstarch, 2 tablespoons of natural live yoghurt, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoon of coconut oil.

how to make:
empty the milk, oils and lime into a sauce pan and whisk until well blended and lump free. the heat the saucepan very gently. thicken the mixture and achieve a conditioner-like consistency, not cook it!!!!
keep whisking while you add the honey then gradually add cornstarch and once it is well blended, and thickened, leave to cool completely follow with the live yoghurt and mix well.
refrigerate for around 20 min before applying on the hair.
apply it as if you applying a relaxer, concentrate on root if you are transitioning from relaxer or perm to natural. using a wide tooth comb, comb through gently until smooth.
cover with plastic cap and ideally, steam for 30min to an hour, if you don't have asteamer leave on hair for 1-2hr.
next rinse, and deep condition!!!

depending on the lenght and thickness of the hair, the mixture will be enough for 1-3 applications. you can keep the rest in a plastic jar and freeze until next time needed!

sorry about the lenght of the reply, i hope this helps, if you decide to try it, please give feedback!


I want to identify all the possible natural ingredients that could loosen one's curls, coils, Z-pattern, etc after repeated use.

I DON'T want to inadvertently loosen my curl pattern, so I'd like this info to avoid that. But feel free to use the info in order to loosen your pattern if you'd like :grin:.

So far I've learned about:

1. Henna
2. Coconut milk
Well moisturized hair can hang more, and also appear like the curls have been loosened and they really haven't (ie coconut milk/cream and similar ingredients).

That being said, someone told me that their hair straightened using aloe vera juice before (straight, not mixed in a product).
I've used buttermilk a couple times and that worked, but it was definitely temporary. My curls reverted back in less than week.
The caramel treatment is a moisturizing d/c that loosens texture

I think the main ingredients are: honey, molasses, a banana, acv, and any oil you chose. You can use the search for a better description.
I'm glad I read this because I don't want to loosen my curl pattern, so I definitely won't be trying some of these natural ingredients. However, I think someone mentioned that Aloe Vera juice is known to loosen the curl pattern, but that's definitely not the case with my hair. It doesn't affect my curl pattern at all.
you can cancel out the loosening effects of henna with alma though. And though it loosens for some that's not the case for everyone.

i found this recipe to loosen curl pattern in a beauty store newsletter, i hope it helps!
it says: quote " this concoction is not a relaxer, it will with regular application, will eliminate frizz, soften the hair and temporarily strecth and elongate the natural curl pattern..."

recipe: 1 tin of coconut milk, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, the juice of 1 lime, 2-3 tablespoons of cornstarch, 2 tablespoons of natural live yoghurt, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoon of coconut oil.

how to make:
empty the milk, oils and lime into a sauce pan and whisk until well blended and lump free. the heat the saucepan very gently. thicken the mixture and achieve a conditioner-like consistency, not cook it!!!!
keep whisking while you add the honey then gradually add cornstarch and once it is well blended, and thickened, leave to cool completely follow with the live yoghurt and mix well.
refrigerate for around 20 min before applying on the hair.
apply it as if you applying a relaxer, concentrate on root if you are transitioning from relaxer or perm to natural. using a wide tooth comb, comb through gently until smooth.
cover with plastic cap and ideally, steam for 30min to an hour, if you don't have asteamer leave on hair for 1-2hr.
next rinse, and deep condition!!!

depending on the lenght and thickness of the hair, the mixture will be enough for 1-3 applications. you can keep the rest in a plastic jar and freeze until next time needed!

sorry about the lenght of the reply, i hope this helps, if you decide to try it, please give feedback!


Bumping up this old a$$ thread just to see if anyone has tried this recipe. It sounds interesting.
powdered msm

I started adding this to my daughters shampoo because she has seborrhea dermatitis. Ive noticed over the last month that her curl pattern looks a whole lot looser. I've added it to her shampoo over 6 months ago and she shampoos at most every week and at least once a month.
Im going to take it out now because it is just too much of a drastic change.
I don't know for sure how coconut milk/cream loosen the pattern, but someone in another thread mentioned it was a source of protein.

Doesn't hena have the same effects on hair as a mild protein treatment?

Do you think that could be the key--protein??

Protein brings out my curls in a big way.