Natural Heads: My Homemade Leave-In Spray, Whats Yours?


New Member
First off I'd Like to say: I Love Rosewater! :yep:

Ok, I've been searching LHCF and the web for natural moisturizers that can be used in hair: Like Rosewater, vegetable glycerin, etc

My current leave-in Spray

1\3 Cup Water
1\3 Rosewater
Half capful Jason Aloe Conditioner
5 Drops of Peppermint Oil (optional)

Pour in a spray bottle n Shake Well*

It's simple and leaves my hair moisturized for at least 3 hours, (before I have to mist again) and depending on the weather.

Can you wonderful ladies list your natural and homemade leave-ins and what's on your list to try? I'll be ever so grateful!

Natural Moisturizers Such as: Aloe juice, Honeyquat, products that maintains or holds in moisture and that are all natural

My natural 4b hair likes water base leave in the most, diluted conditoners, creams, or oils just weigh down my hair

So What I've used so far in my leave ins:

Water (Best Moisturizer)
Moisturizing Organic Conditoners (Jasons, Aubrey Organics)
Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe Gel
Vegetable glycerin (It works well at holding moisture in, but other natural products works beter on my hair)

What I'm going to Try Soon:

Irish Moss

There are more (gotta go check my wish list)

Water infused with lots of herbs - Tuesday I used irish moss, kelp, nettle, rosemary, hibiscus, chamomile, calendula, marshmallow, yarrow, cornsilk, burdock, black tea and added rosewater, camellia oil and aloe vera juice.

Edited to add: SAA, wheat protein, honeyquat and liquid panthenol -- just a splash of each...
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I only moisturize my hair with water. But, I have to add castor oil in order to keep the water from evaporating too quickly. So out of the shower I add lots of castor oil on my soaking wet hair, wrap up in a t-shirt while I get dressed, and then take the t-shirt off, put on a headband, and leave. My hair stays completely moisturized and soft for a few days but I rinse everyday anyway. I like the feel of water on my scalp.
My homeade leave in has evovled. I use to be a stickler to what Sonce used but now I will look under my cabinet and use whatever I see under there.

My base is normally Hawaiian Silky, glycerine, an oil, and then whatever is there.
My spritz is water, elucence mbc and afroveda's hibiscus oil infusion.

Its not all natural but planning on adding: Hawaiian silky when this current batch is used up. I don't have measurements but its more water than anything.
I only moisturize my hair with water. But, I have to add castor oil in order to keep the water from evaporating too quickly. So out of the shower I add lots of castor oil on my soaking wet hair, wrap up in a t-shirt while I get dressed, and then take the t-shirt off, put on a headband, and leave. My hair stays completely moisturized and soft for a few days but I rinse everyday anyway. I like the feel of water on my scalp.

Does the castor oil not leave your hair greasy?
Does the castor oil not leave your hair greasy?

Actually, no. I thought it would. The only time my hair ends up oily to the touch is when I get overzealous and put way too much on. That's one of the reasons why I put the castor oil on and then wrap my hair in the t-shirt because it soaks up some of the water and the castor oil. My hair may be a bit oily at first but as my hair dries, I guess it gets absorbed because it's never greasy feeling afterward.
On the days I don't co-wash, here's what I use:

4 oz. of rosewater glycerin

4 oz. of aloe vera juice

1 oz. of castor oil

I put all of this in a spray bottle then mist my hair whenever I feel it's dry.
I am currently using water+Nature's Gate Jojoba Conditioner. I am going to try the rosewater/aloe juice mixture next.
Hey OP, good thread. Subscribing. I love rosewater too so I'm going to try your recipe. So far I've had the best luck with water in a spray bottle. Before covering my hair at night I lightly mist my hair - not too wet or it won't be dry the next morning. I then put a couple drops of jojoba oil, fractionated coconut oil, and castor oil mix on my finger tips then massage my ends. I tend to be heavy-handed with sprays.

ETA: This worked when I was natural too.
Water, Glycerin, Aloe Vera and some VO5 conditioner. Im thinking of adding some SAA and an oil...hummm
So far though it works and keeps my hair soft...
i only use the coconut conditioner because it is the one that i know i will always be able to find anywhere for cheap!
For all the relaxed heads\ texlaxed your input is so welcomed also! No one is exempt from this thread I just thought the post would be recieved better if I was more specific.

A Very Humble Shout To:

Danigurl18 your mix does it smell good, with those wonderful ingredients it seems it would smell great!

Temilnd: your mix sounds really good!

Lavendar I dont know if you'll read this response but you have really great ideas for mixes and great product buys: Any input on your favorite Leave-In?

Adding coniditoners to my leave-ins really has help with keeping my hair moist

Nexxus Humectress is such a great leave-in (mixed with water etc), My jasons conditioners are great as well

Anyone has a fave conditioner they like to add to your leave-in ?

Has any tried replacing water with teas for a leave-in sounds odd, but I'd like to try

For all you Lovely ladies you guys have such wonderful leave-ins! Now I'm really itching to try:


a dab of honey (in my leave-in)

Maybe Light Oils such as: Jojoba, Grapeseed, hmmmm

Purfied Water Instead of Tap Water : (I know it seems simple, but I'm amazed at simple tweaks to my regimen helps out a lot)

I really would like to test out the effects of different Water on my hair: Boiled water, Purfied water, spring water: I never know what my hair like until I try it!

Leave-In Products I Heard Good Reviews About:

Carols Daughter Hair Milk
Royal Roots Detangling Conditioner
I use:

1. Distilled water
2. Nature's Gate Hemp Conditioner, Elucence MBC, or Giovanni Tea Tree Condish
3. Castor oil
4. Aloe vera juice
Mine's not much different than a few of the other mixes listed here.

In an 8-12oz (have to check the bottle) spray bottle of water:

1-2 tbsp of conditioner (non-cone condish like Vo5, Elucence MB, Sauve, Nature's Gate, etc.)
1-2 tbsp of glycerin (during humid months).
A few drops of an EO(s) for scent (not all the time though).
On the days I don't co-wash, here's what I use:

4 oz. of rosewater glycerin

4 oz. of aloe vera juice

1 oz. of castor oil

I put all of this in a spray bottle then mist my hair whenever I feel it's dry.

Your Leave-in is just like mines minus the castor oil, I like massaging a mixture of jojoba oil and coconut oil on my damp hair then mist with the above leave in you mention. I love my jojoba oil and coconut oil: they absorb so heavenly

I've been meaning to buy castor oil and black castor oil: but I dont know, should I get both or do I need just one brand?! I dont want to become a pj, then again so many rave about the normal pharmacy brand AND also the black castor oil: I'm confused:rolleyes:
I'm going to make my leave-in spritz today with:

aloe vera (gel for now)
orange oil
and seal with coconut or castor oil

I ordered some rosewater, jojoba oil, and 100% aloe vera juice for my next batch.

I read somewhere that adding water to conditioners and stuff isn't good because it can create a great breeding ground for bacteria and mold:nono:...Has anyone experienced this with their mixes? Or do you use your mix too quickly for it become contaminated?