Natural hair ladies would u?


New Member
I have a question for you ladies..have any of you considered opening a natural hair Curves...khamit kinks, seems the interest in going natural is stronger than ever...and those ladies @curves are pulling in the money,lol...I happen to own a natural hair studio but at present(last 4 years) I have done only locs...and in doing so have turned away mega business....but lately since removing my locs..I have been contemplating going in a different direction....I know we have all had bad experiences at salons example poor service...long waits...I know alot of you ladies do you own hair....would you consider going on a frequent basis to a salon that focused on natural hair and used great natural products..and was a beautiful ,peaceful enviroment and that didn't cost your car payment...any feedback would be greatly appeciated....just kicking some ideas around....
I totally would! It's too bad I have to go to NYC to get a style that isn't braids or locs or twists. Braids and locs are cool, but they aren't the only natural hairstyles out there. I think you're right about a lot of companies missing out on business by not doing free-form styles for natural hair.

P.S. How do you like the Curly Meringue? How does it differ from the Curly Pudding?
I think most natural ladies would really appreciate being able to go to a salon where the atmosphere was confortable for them. A place where they could be educated about their hair as well as be pampered. A place where they don't feel ridiculed about their kinky or coily hair. Where there are no signs of straighteners or permanents. Not just for braids but also for "out" styles--like what they seem to have at the Curve Salon. I'm telling you those ladies have tapped into a hidden and powerful sector of the beauty market. If I had your expertise I would definitely look into it. And if you can cut hair! You would be a true god-send. Good luck!
I would definitely go. When I called my local natural hair salon, they pretty much told me that they only do braids, cornrows, etc. whereas I am looking for a wash n' go - curly style option. It's disappointing to not be able to find that so easily.
yes- if they really knew what they were doing and didnt cost too much. my main need for a salon are good, effective deep conditions and trims. if you happened to open a general natural studio you could use lhcf secrets like coconut milk, or pre poooing, or GPB and really draw some clientele in there.
I would too especially if it was run by a LHCF member who would have some knowledge of the ladies and tailor haircare towards the individual. Plus, if the price is right, I will take my daughter also.
I'm not fully natural yet...but I think that it's a wonderful idea. I would frequent one...especially if they were more into hair health over style. My current stylist is great...but she works with relaxed heads for the most part(95%). I dread going to her next month for a wash...flat iron and trim because she just rakes the comb through my new growth. I'm thinking about washing and detangling at home...and just letting her trim and flat iron it. I was pretty surprised when I learned that most AA stylists aren't familiar with natural hair care. I'm sure that you would clean up if you expanded Amazon! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I would love to frequent a natural salon! Amazon Payton has a salon in Chicago on the Gold Coast. But I've been contemplating on whether or not I wanted to visit there... I'm sure it's costly and I'm not really interested in someone just putting braids in my hair. I need someone who interested in helping me achieve my hair goals.
Yes they do natural hair as well. I think that was a big misconception with them so they started putting more before and after pics on their website of clients w/o a silkener.

I would love to open a natural hair salon....they are few and far between, because of that, they usually charge an arm and a leg ex. curves...when someone told me they left up out of there paying $200.00 I almost fell out. do u like the curves product...I'm thinking of biting the bullet and buying the curly pudding and buttercreme.
I would definitely open a natural hair salon. I've actually thought about it for when I become rich and famous! /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I would go especially if it didn't cost an arm and a leg. I would like to do different things with my hair instead of the same old things.

I need someone who interested in helping me achieve my hair goals.

[/ QUOTE ] This would really be great. Someone who would take the time to give advice about what you can try, i.e. brushes. I never realized until I came here that I needed to switch to a different brush because my hair was getting longer. No wonder I was always breaking my mother's brushes and she complained about my hard hair and how her arms got tired :-) And my hair still wasn't really detangled at the end of that torture. I think that would be really valuable.

I was pretty surprised when I learned that most AA stylists aren't familiar with natural hair care.

[/ QUOTE ] And also stylists from Africa. I used to go to braiders that were from Africa because I had this idea in my mind that they would be used to the texture of my hair and I wouldn't get any comments, but they were relaxed too.
so far I really like curves products..they are to expensive to use in the shop though....I look forward to mixing up my own products though..the recipe board is a great source of info.
Heck yea I would. I understand people charging a lot of money for weaved styles (by a lot I mean $100-$150...anymore than that is ridiculous). But to style my natural hair, I don't think it should cost that much. No more than would a perm. Especially since there are no chemicals involved. And it probably takes about the same amount of time. It's not better (relaxed hair), just different. I would frequent a salon that realized that.
Ive has this idea so many times.
Maybe all us English people could pull together and start are own.
That would be great and there is money to be made becasue people are so more educated about hair nowadays.

Has ne1 in england ever seen a hairdresser who only deals with natural hair?

*sorry topic poster*
I'm texturized and I definitely think of going to a "natural" salon before I think of going to any others. I think it's a wonderful concept because most beauticians don't know what to do with your hair if it's not relaxed (except urge you to put one in). Natural salons are poppin' up left and right in ATL.
It's in the plan for me.

When I first became natural, I called all over the local city trying to find a salon to style my hair. I was told either to go to the barber to have it styled, or to put in braids ( extensions ).

Our thinking has got to change!
I think it is a great idea to open a natural hair care salon. Especially in New York, I think there is definitely a need, let us know if it happens, I would love to go. I have not been to a salon in 4 or 5 years, just for the fact that I don't feel comfortable because I am natural.
I would love it especially if the price was right. I would like to build a relationship with a stylist who knows my hair and concerns. So far have not found one out here in Seattle.
If i had a cosmetology degree i would definetly like to open my own salon/spa focusing on natural hair and body.
I would love to go to a salon, but I am not very comfortable. The last time I went to a salon, I felt very uncomfortable by all the stares and faces.
I think a salon that makes everyone feel comfortable and enourages health and hair maintenance is a wonderful concept that should be followed through.