Natural Hair - HERE I COME


Well-Known Member
I can't believe my good fortune!!!!!! A new secretary started in our office today and she is au naturale. She had interned here before and I briefly saw her hair which looked like she had texturized hair or a braidout. But I never asked her. It turns out that it was a braidout.

But today, I saw her hair and it was obvious that it was natural. And now I can just run over to her area to get my inspiration for the day. AND she's giving me tips. Like how she got her hair to be in ringlets when her hair isn't naturally ringlets. She said that she just loads her hair up with products after she washes it and takes her hand and swirls it around and around until the ringlets form. And if she needs it to dry quicker, then she uses a diffuser but she mainly airdries. And she used the key words, ladies to let me know that she KNOWS what she is talking about. "We all have good hair." I think she thought I was going to say that she had good hair, but I was only going to mention that she has ringlets and I don't. I have mostly waves and some ringlets. (And I'm sorry - waves are not cuter to me). Her hair looks like all ringlets but she says that's not so - she makes her hair do that.

I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! Can you tell?????? I told her that I would be coming by her area to see what she has done that day. And better yet - she knows where the natural hair salons are although she says that they specialize in locs which she doesn't want to do.

This is her second time going natural and she's been natural for 3 years. But this time she BC'd. The first time she transitioned like I'm doing. She keeps her hair short but it's a healthy short. It is sooooo cute. I'm so excited. Now I know I can do this. Natural here I come!!!!
What type hair did she have? I know that no amount of swishing my wet natural hair would result in ringlets, lol.
Congrats on your decision!! Be sure that you also check out It's a website dedicated to natural hair care for women of color. There is a wealth of information on that site. Had it not been for that site, I would probably still be slapping the creamy crack in my head.
DigitalRain said:
What type hair did she have? I know that no amount of swishing my wet natural hair would result in ringlets, lol.

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I was thinking the same thing. I could swish my napps all day and I would never see a curl.
congratulations, everyones going nappy,yay. Its good that you can get inspiration and help from her. I didn't have anyone for inspiration while I was transitioning. I would stop relaxing ages ago if I knew how beautiful my hair was.

just curious why are you going natural? was it a bad perm... etc
Congratulations on your decision to go natural. I'm glad that your co-worker inspired you but you gotta make sure that you don't compare your hair to hers or anybody elses hair as your relaxer grows out.

You may have 2 or 3 textures all over your head.
You may have curls, you may have waves, you may have napps.
Until you cut off your relaxed ends & scab hair (that is if you end up having scab hair) you will never know what your hair really looks like.

Good luck and have fun on your natural journey!

I told her that I didn't believe that her hair wasn't naturally like that. She is probably 4a, but she says that like me, some of her hair does have the natural ringlet but all of it doesn't. And I looked at her hair from every angle. ALL of it was in ringlets. She did say that she had to work with her hair and the first few times that she did it she thought her arms were going to fall off. It was NOT working. But she said that she got the hang of it.
AFashionSlave said:
Congratulations on your decision to go natural. I'm glad that your co-worker inspired you but you gotta make sure that you don't compare your hair to hers or anybody elses hair as your relaxer grows out.

You may have 2 or 3 textures all over your head.
You may have curls, you may have waves, you may have napps.
Until you cut off your relaxed ends & scab hair (that is if you end up having scab hair) you will never know what your hair really looks like.

Good luck and have fun on your natural journey!

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AFashionSlave said:
Congratulations on your decision to go natural. I'm glad that your co-worker inspired you but you gotta make sure that you don't compare your hair to hers or anybody elses hair as your relaxer grows out.

You may have 2 or 3 textures all over your head.
You may have curls, you may have waves, you may have napps.
Until you cut off your relaxed ends & scab hair (that is if you end up having scab hair) you will never know what your hair really looks like.

Good luck and have fun on your natural journey!

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I agree with this. Don't be misled by someone else's head! That rhymed
Our textures are so varied it's hard to find someone with hair just like yours.

Have fun being natural!
<jainygirl wonders> why do these kinds of threads seem to always start as my new growth makes a noticible appearance at the 4 week post touch up mark??
you ladies are sabotaging my efforts to remain relaxed ya know
-- jainygirl

It wasn't a bad perm at all. I went on a hunt to learn to care for my daughter's hair (she's almost 5) because I was getting frustrated with it. It wouldn't do what I wanted, it was crispy. I could never do anything right. I got on the internet and learned how to take care of her hair. And I started typing in natural relaxers in the search engine to try to help me not put chemicals in her hair but to just give me some relief. Then I found out about the pH level of perms and at that point I decided that I would wait at least 6 months between retouches. Then I got used to dealing with the textures and I was having a good time with my daughter's hair for once so I thought that it was time to once again go natural.

But back in January, I bought the Fiberguard stuff from sheldeez to be ready for me. It's been sitting underneath my bathroom cabinet since then. Every time I would think that I was going to give myself a relaxer that weekend, by Wednesday, my scalp would be itching uncontrollably. Only a good scratching would help. So that would push me back to the next week. That happened for 3-4 weeks. The moment I stopped thinking about putting in the relaxer, the itching stopped.
I will also like to add that the true freedom with natural hair comes when you learn to love your hair curls/coils napps-its all good. Some people who go natural set themselves up for something that there hair might not be able to do. You'll see what I'm sayin when you get there, and remember it might be a process but you can do it.

Oh, I know my hair isn't like hers. I have ringlets in spots. Some are more coiled than others. Some are VERY loose and then there are parts that look like I did a braidout. My hairline and crown is the frizziest part of my hair. And the crown is just sooooo thick.

I went natural before. And when I did, I commented to my mother that my hair wasn't bad. She quickly spoke up and said that she never said that it was bad - it was just major thick. Which it is. I had the relaxer mainly for manageability but everyone who sees me and knows that I was thinking about going natural, they comment like "oh, you can do that. You have the right grade." I smile at their ignorance.
They are not with my trying to detangle my hair and it is nappy. Whatever type that is.
yeah, just learn your hair
after my attempt to transition i learned that i have sections of 4a and b all over my head. it made me wonder if i would get crazy shrinkage in some areas and not enough shrinkage in others and how would i deal with this after chopping blah, blah blah. I'm still reading about how to deal with this issue although i'm not transitioning at this current time. i still don't know the "true" texture of my hair after getting almost 2 inches of new growth because of possible scab hair and also the fact that my relaxed ends pull down on my naps ALOT. So i agree with the advice of AFS and others to get in touch with your own hair and dont really pay too much attention to others hair except for maybe style ideas and the like.
good luck and again, have fun -- jainygirl

Having someone in person to guide and support you should make the transition much easier.
ms_kenesha said:
Don't be misled by someone else's head! That rhymed

[/ QUOTE ]Yes it did rhyme and I like it! If you don't hurry up and, "copyright" that I'm taking it!

Congrats on your decision GMMP! You're in for an interesting ride!
SVT said:

Having someone in person to guide and support you should make the transition much easier.

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That was exactly what I was thinking. I have found a new best friend at work. Shhhh!! She doesn't know it yet.
Wow! so many new ppl going natural, my mama just decided to go natural today as well. Congrats on ur decision!:)
DigitalRain said:
What type hair did she have? I know that no amount of swishing my wet natural hair would result in ringlets, lol.

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Same Here