Natural Hair/Flat Ironing/Relations


Well-Known Member
We are all grown sooo, For the natural ladies who flat iron, how do you keep your hair straight when you have. . .:look: relations?

I like my hair flat ironed, but I don't like the matted mess I end up with after well.. . .ya know.
I barely keep my hair straight and I'm texlaxed. I sweat that ish out. As bad as it sounds I take a shower, wrap it up and he just has to deal with a scarf on my head post-coitus hahahaha.

So if that works for you just brush it out and wrap it soon as u can. Then in the morning it should be relatively flat again...
I barely keep my hair straight and I'm texlaxed. I sweat that ish out. As bad as it sounds I take a shower, wrap it up and he just has to deal with a scarf on my head post-coitus hahahaha.

So if that works for you just brush it out and wrap it soon as u can. Then in the morning it should be relatively flat again...

thanks. i rarely wear my hair straight. i did it two weeks in a row and i was feeling it, but all that extra heat is no joke. my hair is the kind that frizzes up while i'm flat ironing it because i sweat in my head anyway.

and there is nooooo brushing that mess out. i usually have to just jump in the shower an add some conditioner to unmat it. satin pillowcase usually ends up lost. . . .:look: maybe I should just get a whole satin sheet set. that way, no matter where my head lands . . . . hmmmm