Natural hair - excessive shedding hair


Well-Known Member
WHat can I do to make my hair stop shedding so much? I colored it about 2 months ago and it has really been shedding and breaking but more shedding than breaking. I have been using a lot of cholestrol treatments for moisture. Conditioner washing it about 4 times a week with the Tropical Coconut conditioner and also Jojba conditioner. Sometimes I shampoo it with the Surge Power Wash. I also used the Lamur bone marrow treatment about 3 weeks ago. What can I do?
Garlic shampoo is good for excessive shedding. Follow the directions on the bottle and only put the poo on your scalp then squeeze the suds down the length, it can be drying. Follow up with a good moisturizer. They have a garlic conditioner which a few of the members have used with good results, I've nevr tried the conditioner just the poo. It worked for me. Also you may want to slow down on the washes sometimes natural hair just can't stand the abuse. I know when I was washing a lot my hair gave me major problems. Just ask Irresistible she started a thread about excessive washing/wetting a while back. Maybe you could narrow it down to once or twice a week. I did and my hair loves me for it.HTH
Joyous where do you get the garlic poo?

I am determined to wash my hair about once a month now.
gn1g, I haven't been able to find garlic shampoo or conditioner in our area. If you find some, let me know.

In the meantime, I've been using amla powder to help with my shedding and it seems to have helped. It's very messy and it took 2-3 treatments for me to notice a difference.
gn1g said:
Joyous where do you get the garlic poo?

I am determined to wash my hair about once a month now.

[/ QUOTE ]
I get the garlic shampoo at my local beauty supply but I live in NJ.I usually use the one by Nutrine but Queen Helene makes one too. Also a lot of Latino supermarkets sell garlic shampoo. There is a earlier thread on here somewhere about about garlic shampoo. Let me know if you have trouble finding it. If you can't pm me.

When my hair was shedding really bad I used it about once a week. I saw a dramatic difference after the first wash. It took a couple of washes to stop completely. I usually use it now about once a month to keep the shedding in check.
When my hair was shedding, I used Fantasia IC products. Worked really good! Have you considered using Aphogee? That helped me, also.