Natural Hair Crisis...I'm bout to chop it OFF!


New Member
Hello Ladies!

Okay, here's my dilemma. I transitioned for about 14 months before I chopped to become full natural! And I'm very happy but I'm having a hair crisis that makes me want to relax and call it quits, or just chop off everything....MY ENDS ARE DRY AS THE SAHARA DESERT! They also have a certain feel to them that feels different from my roots, they feel coarser than the rest of my hair and they constantly get single strand knots and tangle like crazy. I was pretty sure that I chopped off all my relaxed ends so I don't think these are still relaxed ends (besides, they curl up just like the rest of my hair in an S-pattern). But I don't know what else it can be! I use porosity control and I deep condition, used protein reconstuctor, use qhemet biologics as my moisturizer, use Giovanni Direct Leave In as my leave in condition and it seems like I'm doing everything right, but these ends are just not cooperating. The only time that my ends seem decent is when I had my hair straightened (I've only had it straightened twice within one year). What is the problem ladies???
That happens with my hair too. I can get them smooth with Silicon Mix and Aussie 3 minute miracle. Also, I've been using a mixture of vatika oil and jasmine oil nightly, and that seems to be helping too.
Hope this helps you :)
Perhaps baggying would help?
Does the leave-in have protein? You may be using too much protein overall. My hair is relaxed (but naturally course) and it does NOT need constat protein.
I have been trying Silk Elements megasilk leave in moisturizing creme. I was looking for more economically friendly products and decided to give this a try. You can get this at any beauty supply store. You can catch it on sale often at Sally's.

I have to say I have been pleasantly surprised. I also will spritz my ends in the morning and evening very lightly.

If you are ever interested in going the herbal route try fenugreek powder. I have been using that as a pre cowash and used a little bit in my spritz. Again very happy with the results.

I have heard positive and negative with naturals using Giovanni Direct Leave in. Go for moisture.

I am also one who has very crunchy ends, so I really watch them because I know this is the hair that tangles easily, breaks easily and causes much headache if not moisturizes.

When I take down my hair from braids or twists I will spray my ends before I even attempted to do that or I will have trouble on my hands.
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I want to add some words of encouragement. I totally agree with the ladies above. Moisture moisture moisture....i myself didnt transition but i know that is a process and learning experiende within itself. If you can get through a 14month transition im sure you can get past this! Also if you relax and you still have dry ends you might be disappointed. Good Luck.
Thank you ladies for all your there anyway to tell if this is still relaxed hair? And what is scab hair? I'm concerned because this hair curls up...relaxed hair won't curl up like that right?
I agree with the porosity/protein balance post. When I first went natural my ends felt just like u described urs and after many unnecessry trims, I found out about porosity control, I realized I had an inbalance, this saved my life, LOL I have not trimmed since, and just watch my moisture/protein balance I also baggy a lot , if u do watch out u might need protein then(overmoisterized) =protein, I hope this helps gooodluck in ur journey!
Thank you ladies for all your there anyway to tell if this is still relaxed hair? And what is scab hair? I'm concerned because this hair curls up...relaxed hair won't curl up like that right?

Relaxed hair does not curl up. Yours sound exactly like mine. I haven't had a relaxer in quite a few years. You can see in my fotki where I talked about this. I had not had curly ends EVAH then all of a sudden they showed up.

It is part of the beauty and excitement in learning about your natural hair.
Co-signing with all of the above.


You may need to clarify as well, before trying these things. Burt's Bees Avocado Butter treatment will make a serious difference. Used with Aveda's Sap Moss concentrate should do the job. If not...they may need to go. These always bring my hair around, relaxed or natural.
Perhaps baggying would help?
Does the leave-in have protein? You may be using too much protein overall. My hair is relaxed (but naturally course) and it does NOT need constant protein.
I agree maybe it's too much protien, natural hair doesn't need that much it any really so even though you're moisurizing etc, those products might still have protein in them
The ladies have given great advice but let me ask you this...When was the last time you Clarified. Do you think some of the dryness may be caused by product build-up? Do you live in a hard water region. You may want to try a chelating shampoo to remove build up and mineral deposits left but the hard water .:look:
For me giovanni leave in is like the devil! It does nothing good for my hair... I also find that my hair responds horribly to most protien. So I do an Aphogee treatment about every 6-8 weeks because it is the only protien treatment I have used that leaves my hair soft. Other than that I only use moisturizing conditioners in between Aphogee treatments.

Aussie 3 min treatment works great for me and I used Roux porosity control before I DC with it my hair is thanking me for it.

Also for single strand knots try adopting a modified crown and glory technique on wash day. Wash in plaits or twist and air dry in them as keeping my hair stretched like this I dont get SSKs anymore

Hopefully I was of a lil help... It has taken me nearly 2 years of trial and error to figure out what worked for my hair so dont give up! And if you find that new methods arent working you may need a trim... I cut off and inch in sept and my hair feels so much better and that inch has already grown back and then some!
In the great words of T.I. "Now why you wanna go and do that love, huh?"

Take the advice given here, Ive read them all and they're pretty good. One thing about this forum is that I've ALWAYS been able to find helpful answers. Almost every hair issue can be fixed. Don't stress.
I would clarify then deep conditon with steam or heat and add honey and oil to the mix. Then I would add a good leave-in while the hair is wet and again to the ends when the hair is dry, then add coat of oil or grease to those ends while still damp from the leave-in and plait 'em up. Go heavy handed with product on the ends while the hair is damp. HTH

When I was natural I left out the protein completely which was a mistake, but too much protein is a problem too. I wouldn't use anything heavier than Mane 'n Tail conditioner if I were natural again. This hair game is def. all about balance.
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Ms Songbirdb

Don't you cut your hair off. Are you mad? You have come so far in the process, you can not turn back now. By the end of this day you will have more options to choose from than you will want to have to sort through.

Like many other ladies on this site, I am in the process of transitioning. I am looking to the ladies on this site for inspiration and information, now I am watching you. I want to see how you resolve this issue since in the next year I could possibly be in your place.

Let us know what works for you once you test products, techniques, and sort it all out.

Take care; of your hair
I like afroveda shea alma whipped buttercream and apply to my edges and ends several times a week. I use kbb hair milk or nectar as my leave in. If these don't work for you or aren't in your budget if you have shea butter lying around coat your ends with that. How do you style your hair, if you wear it out alot that could be making the issue worse. Try a protective style where its up and the ends aren't exposed. I think trimming more often as oppsed to a haircut might help. When I get tangly about evey 6months or so its time for a dusting and once its trimmed it behaves itself,lol. I also wanted to know what products you're using maybe your shampoo and condish are the culprit ?
Scab hair....basta! :giggle: Just calm down and relax. Don't go out and bankrupt yourself buying products either. You must give yourself time to learn your hair after all these years of coping w/ a different texture. There's nothing 'wrong", you just haven't gotten used to the different texture and how it behaves.

Give yourself some time and a learning curve. If you just want it straight, flat iron/press it for a bit and think what you wanna do. If you choose to relax it, do so and enjoy it! Natural hair ain;t for everybody and you need to do what's best for YOU! :peace:
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Thank you ladies for all your there anyway to tell if this is still relaxed hair? And what is scab hair? I'm concerned because this hair curls up...relaxed hair won't curl up like that right?

Scab hair is a term dubbed for the hair closest to the chopped relaxed hair. Some felt that the relaxer got into pores and affected the natural hair growing out. This is for folks that big chopped to a twa. It's like the new growth closest to previously relaxed hair will have a course feel (scab). This so called scab hair can improve with extra moisture but some ended up to a second mini cut to get rid of it.

There is no proof of scab hair and there has been some great debate about it on hair boards, but many ladies have had similar experiences to yours after a big chop. In most cases it does soften up. Now as for knots, that's another story.........
Porosity Control did nothing for me except make my hair drier. I think it might've been too strong for me.

A very weak ACV rinse solved the problem for me. The dry, crispy feeling went away instantly, and my hair became soft and smooth, and able to retain moisture.

Also, I think sometimes natural hair does need some heat...that seems to soften it up and allow the hair to better retain moisture.
You can opt to trim your hair a bit.

In terms of products, I would try a glycerin+water spray. This makes my hair really soft and moisturized feeling.
I want to add some words of encouragement. I totally agree with the ladies above. Moisture moisture moisture....i myself didnt transition but i know that is a process and learning experiende within itself. If you can get through a 14month transition im sure you can get past this! Also if you relax and you still have dry ends you might be disappointed. Good Luck.

Addy, just wanted to say that your pic with your natural is beautiful!!
Thanks ladies. Thats why I love the've given me so many options, now its time to test them out. I really don't want to relax and I don't want to straighten so hopefully, these helpful tips would help me get rid of that "scab hair"....question, what is the best Moisturizing Deep Conditioner for natural hair??? I think everything I've been using is protein based.
Thanks ladies. Thats why I love the've given me so many options, now its time to test them out. I really don't want to relax and I don't want to straighten so hopefully, these helpful tips would help me get rid of that "scab hair"....question, what is the best Moisturizing Deep Conditioner for natural hair??? I think everything I've been using is protein based.

Any of the Aubreys condishs can be used as deep condtioners white camellia or honeysuckle rose might be your best bet or you could make your own mix.