Natural hair and the Military?


New Member
Does anyone have natural hair and enlisted in the military? With all the restrictions, what styles did/do you wear? Are you stuck with wearing braids?

I have about a week before I have to report for duty. Can anyone recommend a style that's within the restrictions for natural hair? I really don't want to relax. Thanks.

P.S. My hair is a little too short for a decent bun.
I am prior military and the only thing I did was ponytails. It's so difficult when you have to walk around with a cover on. It seems like everyone I know does the braids.
the girls that i see all the time either wear braids, cornrows, a bob, french braids....or natural short afros.
Not in the same situation as you, nor do I have natural hair, but just wanted to say, "Congrats" and good luck in the military. I am a military wife myself and always thought it was more than courageous for women to be active duty. I'm sure you'll figure out something to do with your hair. Braids may not be so bad until you get some good length.
I'm in the military. All I wear now is twist and maybe a french braid after I blow dry it semi-straight. My advice to you is know the regs. Not thicker then 3 inches in bulk and not longer then pass your bottom collar and well groomed. As long as you honor that you can challenge anyone who give you grief on your hair.
Pookie25 said:
I'm in the military. All I wear now is twist and maybe a french braid after I blow dry it semi-straight. My advice to you is know the regs. Not thicker then 3 inches in bulk and not longer then pass your bottom collar and well groomed. As long as you honor that you can challenge anyone who give you grief on your hair.

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I'm in the military, and my friend had to pull the regs on our first sergeant because he told her that extensions are not allowed (this just happened last week!) Anyway, her hair is in micro braids and she wears it pulled back in a bun. I think his problem is that braids look very "ethnic" and the military wants us to conform to a certain image.

You have to be very, very, careful on the hairstyle that you wear. Another lady just got in trouble for wearing a finger waved hairstyle with a flip in the back. I don't blame her for getting in trouble for that, she should have known better because the flip passed her collar and the finger waves, well, hmmm... it's a bit trendy!

What type of hair texture do you have? What styles do you were regularly and what is your regimine?

I wear a relaxer and my hair is long enough to pull into a bun. Currently, I am 13 wks post relaxer and my newgrowth is really thick! I do braid outs, which gives my hair a textured, wavy look but I still wear it back in a bun. Like pookie25 said, honor the regs, don't have anything more than 3 inches in bulk and try not to stand out because you will get called on it.
My advice to you is know the regs. Not thicker then 3 inches in bulk

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I’m confused on what is meant by ‘bulk’. Does it mean no giant Angela Davis afros or Dolly Parton hair?
I'm prior military too. I spent basic training sporting an ugly afro since they gave us no time to doll ourselves up. The best I could do was force my hair into a ponytail and use bobby pins for the strays. Keep in mind that bobby pins have to match your hair.

Once I finished basic and tech school I wore buns and ponytails. I tried braids but they were too bulky. I hate to see women with their hats balanced on top of some outrageous hairstyle. It doesn't present proper military image. Nor is it functional.

In Saudi, I wish I'd worn braids! If you're headed for the desert consider braids or a style you can wash and condition easily. The heat is oppressive! And drink plenty of bottled water. Is your hair long enough for a phonytail?
I'm currently in the military and I've had trouble trying to honor both my hair and the military! The best hair styles for me have been braids, buns and at times, cornrows. If your going to basic training, the best thing for me was conditioning gel. I put water and gel in my hair every time I had a chance. Gel worked for me because you definately don't have time to fix it, and it kept it in place the whole day. Since your hair is too short for a bun, just comb it back and put some conditioning gel that doesn't have alcohol in it. It's quick and is the only thing that will tame your hair throughout the day.
Cami said:
Pookie25 said:

What type of hair texture do you have? What styles do you were regularly and what is your regimine?

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Thanks everyone for your advice.
My hair texture is 3c/4a. I wear twists 99% of the time and I shampoo and condition my hair once a week using Elucence products.
I was concerned because during my first enlistment I never saw anyone with natural hair. Everyone had a relaxer and styled their hair with a short haircut or buns. Those who dare step outside of the box were "harassed". I guess I have to "study" the pub again. Thanks everyone.
Pookie25 said:
I'm in the military. All I wear now is twist and maybe a french braid after I blow dry it semi-straight. My advice to you is know the regs. Not thicker then 3 inches in bulk and not longer then pass your bottom collar and well groomed. As long as you honor that you can challenge anyone who give you grief on your hair.

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You're allowed to wear twists? That would be so great if I could wear twists. Are you in the Marine Corps?
Yeah, when I was in you could'nt wear anything to ethnic. I know some folk had a real problem with it. But if folk want to experimeny with their individuality then the military is the wrong place to try it (smile). I wonder if you could pull your hair back with one of those invisible bands? I can't say I've ever seen anyone wearing cornrows but I suppose you could do it.
sassygirl125 said:
My advice to you is know the regs. Not thicker then 3 inches in bulk

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I’m confused on what is meant by ‘bulk’. Does it mean no giant Angela Davis afros or Dolly Parton hair?

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Bulk means how thick it is in a ponytail.
Nacai23 said:
Pookie25 said:
I'm in the military. All I wear now is twist and maybe a french braid after I blow dry it semi-straight. My advice to you is know the regs. Not thicker then 3 inches in bulk and not longer then pass your bottom collar and well groomed. As long as you honor that you can challenge anyone who give you grief on your hair.

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You're allowed to wear twists? That would be so great if I could wear twists. Are you in the Marine Corps?

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I'm in the airforce. But I will admit wearing twist is the hairstyle I get most negative comments on. My supervisor let me wear it. But usely the officers always coming up to me and saying that they think it look "unprofessional". That's when I stop wearing it for awhile and then I eventually wear it again. But I did go to legal and asked one of the military attorney about it and she said there is nothing in the AFI (air force regs) that says I couldn't wear it. The regs does say that hair has to look professional. Which isn't clear. Thats why of course an officer in charge who is white would look at my twist and say it is unprofessional.