Natural hair and job interviews


Well-Known Member
I've only been natural for 4 months so all my other interviews had been done on my relaxed days where I just flat ironed my hair straight and called it a day.

How do you wear your hair for interviews? I wear wash and gos mostly. This morning I was called for an interview tomorrow but I had just finished doing some twists and wasn't really planning on doing anything with my hair until the weekend since its snowing in NYC. Would twists be acceptable? Any other styles you ladies would recommend? Btw, pictures of these styles would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ladies!
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Hey @SweetlyCurly! :wave:

Depends on the type of job, the diversity structure, rank you're applying for and how conservative the enviornment.

If you are unsure, my vote is to tie the twists down and put on a wig for the interview.

You could also just wear them conservatively in a bun. If it's a crisp, uber conservative white company they will always confuse twists for locs and that might work against you as many professional environments will reject those. That statement is dependent upon rank too. The higher up and more the position represents the company, the less it will be accepted sadly.

However, TWAs are always a win.
I would wear a very nice twist out. I've been natural for 6 yrs. Never have a problem getting a job with natural hair.
Neat bun for for job interviews. Classic and polished. Of course this depends on the type of position.

When in doubt bun it

Unfortunately a lot of people are not hip to the natural life and you don't want to miss out on an opputunity because of hair.
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I think buns are the ideal job interview style for natural AND relaxed hair. They almost project professionalism.
Consider curling the twist (making sure to use a wet moisturizer) with rods and twisting it out once dried. I find Caucasian people are most intrigued when we appear to have curly hair.

Just my 2 cents.
I wore a WNG puff with a bang and I got the job at a conservative financial firm.


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I have always worn a bun because I don't want hair in my face and don't want to mindlessly start playing with my hair. When my hair was not long enough to bun, I put it in a puff.
I wore a WNG puff with a bang and I got the job at a conservative financial firm.

Oooh that's an adorable style. I love it. Makes me want to cut.

My advice from career counselors is wear your hair to the interview to match the job.

For example, if you want to be a dentist, patient care or food service wear a ponytail. Your hair needs to be tucked away for those jobs.

I want to be a newscaster, so a bun wouldn't do it for me in a job interview. I'd need a style to frame my face.

My only real advice though is to let your personality and resume shine more than your hair. Fussing over it might take away from your focus.
Thank you so much ladies!!! You've given me some great ideas. I'll pop back later and leave a pic of whatever I end up doing with my hair.
I wore my twists like this for a job interview with the State and got the job:



They were too short to bun properly so I rolled the front back into the "bun."

GL on your interview!!
I decided to go with old wash n go. Thankfully the interview was in the afternoon so I washed, let it air dry for most of it and then difussed to make sure it was completely dry and I wouldn't freeze to death.


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Since I'm on a protective style challenge, I do a good ol high bun with a braid out bang. The goddess roll is always cute too. You can do the twists IMO, just pull them back and pin them into a more subtle style.
But if my wash and gos stayed as sleek as yours is, I wouldn't even second guess it :)
I'm a new curly girl tho so, my wash an gos are still a work in progress.
Your wash n go is on point! How'd the interview go?

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
Your wash n go is on point! How'd the interview go?

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*

Thank you girl! It went great. Would be the perfect job if I didn't have a small child. Schedule is 11am to 8pm so I basically wouldn't see him much and it also requires traveling. I'll stick with the other job since the hours are better