Natural for good


Well-Known Member
I am finally natural! I did a series of cuts on my own to cut off the texturized ends. As some of you know, I was natural all my life, until I decided to texturize a few years ago. I texturized for about a year, and for the rest of the time I transitioned (1 year/5 months total). Now, I'm natural again, and it feels good. I planned to transition longer to gain more length, but I'm glad transitioning is over.

So far, I can tell that my natural hair is thicker, softer, and stronger than my texturized hair, and easier to comb. I used to hate wash time because during the comb outs, I'd lose a lot of hair from breakage---now, I pull the detangling comb through my natural hair, and I lose hardly any hair and my hair is A LOT thicker. Tangles---gone. Knots----gone! Matting gone! Two textures gone!

Will I ever relax again? No way! I had enough knots, tangles, and breakage for a lifetime. I used to say that I texturized because it made my thick hair easier to handle and comb. Now I take that back. IMO, my natural hair is much easier to comb and take care of. I'm not looking back. I almost wish I would've cut sooner.
Congrats! I chopped off my texturized hair 3 years ago and have been natural ever since. Texturized hair was cool but I just prefer my hair in its natural state. I can say that I'm natural for good too. Good luck and have fun with your natural hair! :)
Carefree said:
Congrats! I chopped off my texturized hair 3 years ago and have been natural ever since. Texturized hair was cool but I just prefer my hair in its natural state. I can say that I'm natural for good too. Good luck and have fun with your natural hair! :)

Thanks Carefree,
I'm having too much fun. I can't keep my hands out of my hair. Now, I'm becoming a product junkie all over again, trying to find out what works. Although I was natural all my life before texturizing, I never really paid attention to my curls---I washed, quickly combed, and pressed my hair out. This is the first time ever that I've actually worn my natural hair in an unpressed state. All the women in my family are natural, but everyone wears their hair pressed.
Congratulations!!! :bouncy: You are so excited i can tell :D. You will enjoy your hair unpressed as well. It IS fun trying new things. I think my favorite thing about being natural so far is that if i dont like the way a new product makes my hair feel, i just put my head under the faucet for a few minutes, rinse it out and use my regular products :D. and voila i'm done in 10 minutes. I so love not being scared of water anymore :clap: -- jainygirl
Congrats! I'm glad you are enjoying your return to natural.

I definitely understand you on the shedding- my natural hair virtually has had no shedding while I dealt with so much shedding, breakage and tangling before- I'm not ever worried about looking back to chemicals because they just didn't make life easier for me.
U Go girl. I'm trying to know my natural texture and I'm still unsure about it. My co-workers are negative, but they have no life...they think their s*t don't! anyway, I am trying to be relaxer free for 3 months. Posts like this are very encouraging esp when I feel ugly b/c my boycut...
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thanx and happy hair!!
Thank you! I think my growth is at a crawl right now and not sure whether to attribute that to it being winter, and thus dryer. No, I am not using Surge anymore. I used it from May-June and got quite a bit of growth (1" all over)but I now believe that I had a growth spurt because that was when I did the chop. I used it again from November-December and I only got 1/8-1/4" growth. I was so disappointed.