Natural Beauties of LHCF Challenge-2/23/14-6/23/15


Ebonics Queen
Natural Beauties of LHCF Challenge-2/23/15-6/23/15

The Natural Beauties of LHCF Challenge
February 23, 2015 – June 23, 2015

Hello! Do you want to be a Natural Beauty?
Of course you already are! However, this will be a 4 month challenge dedicated to LHCFers who want to reduce their dependence on beauty enhancers such as weave/wigs/extensions, make up, spanks/body shapers, fake nails, and whatever else you feel you “need” to have in order to feel beautiful. (I love enhancers as much as the next woman! This challenge is just help us feel great without them. Once we accomplish our goals we can add them back in.)
The challenge is open to relaxed, natural, texlaxed, heat trained, loced, and anything in between as long as you wear your real hair. This is not natural lifestyle challenge (unless you want to!).

Why Be A LHCF Natural Beauty?
 Age Gracefully – Address problems now so they do not worsen in the future.
 Allow Enhancers to Do Just That…ENHANCE! – Once your skin and body is already banging, make up and clothes will just be the icing on the cake.
 Improve Your Confidence in How You Look – So you won’t feel like you have to do 50-11 things to yourself just to leave the house.
 Wake Up Beautiful – To say, “Yes, I really woke up like this.” lol.
 Have natural beautiful hair, body, skin, and nails.

How Will The Challenge Work?
This challenge is only 4 months because I believe that is it a hard challenge. We are giving up things we feel make us beautiful and you may have a phase where you feel just plain ugly. We will have passes to make the transition easier.

Requirements for the challenge:
 Check-In At Least Once Per Week with Updates– I would love to see more!
 You will be REQUIRED to take before and after photos. You DO NOT have to post them here. Save them for yourself. Pictures will allow you to take an honest look of where you are. Progress pictures will show you how far you are coming. Progress pics should be taken monthly.
 Wear your real hair and make it healthy again. Use any regimen you would like but you cannot use fake hair in your regimen.
 Drastically reduce how much make up your wear. You can gradually reduce by going from foundation to power to concealer to zip. Make sure to treat problem areas instead of simply covering them like acne, hyperpigmentation, eczema, eg.
 Wear your real nails. No artificial nails to add length. Painting them is fine. Address weak, yellow nails, or fungus if it is a problem and keep them neat and pretty. Nail overlays are not preferred but you don’t need to give them up for this challenge.
 Workout and/or diet to meet your body goals. Use any workout or diet regimen that you would like.
 Create a body skin regimen to address any issues that you may have like dryness.
 Create a regimen for any other part of your body that you would like.
 Join the challenge by thanking this post and posting the questions with your answers to the questions below.

Passes will consist of:
3 wig/extension passes for the entire challenge. Should be used for special occasions or emergencies. Wig/extensions should not be worn longer than 1 week. (3 weeks for sew-ins and the like).
2 FULL FACE make up passes per week. I realize reducing make up is a very hard thing for some. Use your discretion for everyday make up but try to reduce the amount greatly. No make up is ideal for everyday use while you are fixing skin issues.
1 artificial nail pass for the entire challenge. Artificial nails should not be worn longer than 3 weeks.
Spanx/body shapers pass will be unlimited. As long as you are working out/dieting at the same time this is fine. Some even use waist trainers to help shrink the waist.

Copy, Paste, and Answer:

Hair Starting Length:
Hair Type and Stats:
Hair Goals and How You Will Get There:
Skin Goals and How You Will Get There:
Body Starting Weight, Size, or Measurements:
Body Goal Weigt, Size, or Measurement:
Your Height:
Your Diet/Workout Regimen:
Face Skin Goals and Regimen:
Body Skin Goals and Regimen:
Nails Goal and Regimen:
Other Regimen:
Optional Before Pictures:
Why do you want to be a Natural Beauty?:

I will post my answers soon! I hope someone joins me!
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Great concept! The requirements are a little strict, though. I'm comfortable with being "natural" regarding everything mentioned on the list but maybe except my nails (though I don't wear fake nails ever and very rarely paint them). Perhaps you should give challengers a choice to choose any of the requirements instead of requiring them to do them all?
I can be an unofficial challenger. I already do all these things. I just don't want to commit to this since I might have to wear wigs for the next few weeks so that I can exercise daily. Right now I'm a straight haired natural. I get my hair blown out once a month.

I polish my nails once a week.

I don't like makeup, but sometimes I wear lipstick. I don't even own foundation, concealer and all that fancy stuff.

I started eating clean last week. I eat a lot of protein, raw vegetables and fruit.

My goal is to exercise at least 3x a week.

Current weight:162
Goal weight: 130
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Great concept! The requirements are a little strict, though. I'm comfortable with being "natural" regarding everything mentioned on the list but maybe except my nails (though I don't wear fake nails ever and very rarely paint them). Perhaps you should give challengers a choice to choose any of the requirements instead of requiring them to do them all?

Yea sure! Cater the challenge so that you get the most out if it. As long as you challenge yourself in some way.
By the end of this challenge I want to be Bsl and be at least 15lbs lighter. My bday is in June so that's my motivation.