Natural 4b: How do you make a twist/braidout last?


Active Member
I have the thickest AA 4b hair out there. I like to wear my in the braid out/twistout/ plaitout style; however, it only last for 30 minutes. Thats right 30 minutes after I style, it is gone:perplexed.

I wash, cond, towel dry, spray my fav moisturizer (aloe vera juice and glycerin mix) and seal with with either castor oil, jojoba oil, or EDEN hair milk. Plait in small sections. 30 minutes later... It's gone.

I end up with a bush. A strunken bush at that!

Please advise...
I have the thickest AA 4b hair out there. I like to wear my in the braid out/twistout/ plaitout style; however, it only last for 30 minutes. Thats right 30 minutes after I style, it is gone:perplexed.

I wash, cond, towel dry, spray my fav moisturizer (aloe vera juice and glycerin mix) and seal with with either castor oil, jojoba oil, or EDEN hair milk. Plait in small sections. 30 minutes later... It's gone.

I end up with a bush. A strunken bush at that!

Please advise...

How much are you manipulating the hair after you take out the twists/braids??
I have the thickest AA 4b hair out there. I like to wear my in the braid out/twistout/ plaitout style; however, it only last for 30 minutes. Thats right 30 minutes after I style, it is gone:perplexed.

I wash, cond, towel dry, spray my fav moisturizer (aloe vera juice and glycerin mix) and seal with with either castor oil, jojoba oil, or EDEN hair milk. Plait in small sections. 30 minutes later... It's gone.

I end up with a bush. A strunken bush at that!

Please advise...
I think you should do it on soaking wet hair. I use a creamy leave in conditioner, like Giovanni Direct or the Alma and Olive Heavy Cream from qhemetbiologics and I seal with castor oil(sometimes coconut oil). I make sure that it is completely dry before taking it out..completely. I part my hair in four sections and in each section do four braids.
nothing, it doesnt last and I have accepted that fact that it only last 3 days so I don't do it as often...
I have the thickest AA 4b hair out there. I like to wear my in the braid out/twistout/ plaitout style; however, it only last for 30 minutes. Thats right 30 minutes after I style, it is gone:perplexed.

I wash, cond, towel dry, spray my fav moisturizer (aloe vera juice and glycerin mix) and seal with with either castor oil, jojoba oil, or EDEN hair milk. Plait in small sections. 30 minutes later... It's gone.

I end up with a bush. A strunken bush at that!

Please advise...

Are you doing individual braids and twists? I know when I do braids, like to the scalp or cornrows, it lasts longer than the individual braid out, because the cornrow method stretches it out and I always put conditioner in it when I braid it, V05 or something watery like that... I have pics in my fotki
Have you tried using gel? Like Fantasia IC sparklites?

I try and use all natural products only.
Gel is off limits for me. It dries and breaks my hair off something fierce!. I just thought about using my all natural aloe vera gel.

I'll try that tonight.

Are you doing individual braids and twists? I know when I do braids, like to the scalp or cornrows, it lasts longer than the individual braid out, because the cornrow method stretches it out and I always put conditioner in it when I braid it, V05 or something watery like that... I have pics in my fotki

Girl, my hair is soooo thick, it is almost impossible for me to braid. I'm that good at braiding anyway. I do individual paits. About 12-14. all over.

I have some thick bushy hair and I can never do a twist out the same day I put the twist in. That is a complete disaster for me.

The soonest I can do a twist out is 24 hours after placing twists in my hair and I need to use something like aloe vera gel or ECO styling gel from Sallys (non alcohol base)

My best twist outs are 24 to 48 hours after I put the twists in. The longer the twists are in the stronger and longer lasting my twist out will be.
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Girl, my hair is soooo thick, it is almost impossible for me to braid. I'm that good at braiding anyway. I do individual paits. About 12-14. all over.


I understand your trama, mama. My hair has become even thicker and it was already something fierce and I am finding I can no longer do braids like I did before.

I am thankful I have been doing callanetics for the arms because I would seriously be hurting now trying to redo these things.

No joke, I did not think it would get any thicker that was the furthest thing from my mind in this hair journey. I wanted length, well length slowed up and thickness took over like seeds growing in a garden.

I am seriously wondering if and when I get the length I want will I be able to handle it with the thickness that I have. Not complaining....just.....SCARED. Maybe concerned is a better word.....nah, scared is accurate.
Are you doing individual braids and twists? I know when I do braids, like to the scalp or cornrows, it lasts longer than the individual braid out, because the cornrow method stretches it out and I always put conditioner in it when I braid it, V05 or something watery like that... I have pics in my fotki

I peeped your FOTKI...
You are one of my new inspirations! :drunk:

You grow girl!!!
Has anyone thried Anthony Dickey's Kinky Creme?

Down PJ, Down.... I'm talking to myself : )
Nope never heard of it before. I stay with the natural stuff that works for me. Trying to keep it simple and dare I say it......CHEAP! :)
Has anyone thried Anthony Dickey's Kinky Creme?

Down PJ, Down.... I'm talking to myself : )

Just peeped the Kinky Creme looks wonderful. Not sure 8 or 16 oz will work for the thickness of my hair or our hair based on what you mentioned earlier.

I would need a tub of that stuff to use it daily.
Usually overnight. I plait my hair in 12-14 sections, so I dont go out and about in that style.

Okay, on my hair, wearing braids/twists overnight would result in a braid/twistout that would last for, oh, probably about 5 minutes. :perplexed

My best braid/twistouts result from braids/twists that are left in for at least a week. :yep: The longer they are left in, the longer the twist/braidouts last. It doesn't matter what product I use, I MUST leave them in for a significant amount of time if I expect to have a braid/twistout that lasts longer than a few minutes.

You might want to try it! :)
Okay, on my hair, wearing braids/twists overnight would result in a braid/twistout that would last for, oh, probably about 5 minutes. :perplexed

My best braid/twistouts result from braids/twists that are left in for at least a week. :yep: The longer they are left in, the longer the twist/braidouts last. It doesn't matter what product I use, I MUST leave them in for a significant amount of time if I expect to have a braid/twistout that lasts longer than a few minutes.

You might want to try it! :)

I dont think I would look polished/professional enough to wear plaits or braids with my work gear for a whole week.

Here is what I tried last night and gave me 3 looking curly hair:
  1. Moisturized with aloe vera liquid and glycerin mix
  2. sealed with EDEN hair milk
  3. coated hair with aloe vera gel
  4. 12-15 plaits
I did this last night at 12:30 and took them out at 10:00 am.

I still have a curls, very loose curls that are stretched and fluffy. I can deal with it. I will probably have to do that regime every night to get a curly fro. It's better than that shruken fro.

Question: Where can I find one of those head bands with the long teeth in them? I want to wear my hair pushed back in the front and fluff out my curly fro all around it.
They probably have them in a BSS or definately Walmart. I would suggest tying a scarf around the front after using your favorite spritz and then using a regular headband because those teeth could be dangerous. That works for me and it gets smoother than the other kind of headband.