NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy Ends!


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
:yay: Proclaim Emerald Bergamot Hair & Scalp Conditioner (green grease)!!!! :yay:

I used this product to flat-iron my natural hair yesterday and my hair did not frizz up or revert at all!!! I used a Chi iron (370 degrees F) with my mom's Proclaim grease and my hair got really straight, and I never had smooth hair ends like this from heat straightening on my own. I could also comb my hair without my hair puffing up at all. The comb glided through my hair like a knife through butter! I am in Michigan right now and I went outside and to the mall and everything with my family, and my hair stayed straight!!! It didn't turn into a fro and my ends stayed non-frizzy.

I know people say that grease doesn't moisturize... well, this particular grease moisturizes like no other product I've ever used on my hair. It made my hair silky and shiny and softer. My hair also has movement, it's not stiff at all. I can't wait to get my own stash once I get back home from Michigan.

So, to my natural sisters who have that nappy kinky tightly coiled shrinky hair texture that's very resistant to heat straightening like mine, this Proclaim grease may be for you!!! ;)

*P.S. I'm on my sidekick right now, I'll post pics later.*




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Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End


I'm glad you found something that worked for you! I'll have to keep this product in mind when I straighten my hair. :yep:

Can't wait to see the pics. :)

ETA: Just saw the pics! Your hair looks beautiful!
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Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

I can't wait to see the pictures. I'm going to straighten a couple of months so I'm trying to look at all the reviews I can.
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

I will believe it when I see it.

Its unbelieveable! :lol:
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

OOOOOOOOuuuu! I can't wait to see those pictures!! But I'm glad it worked for you, hun :D
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

what's the name of the proclaim grease and I can google it and look @ the picture myself!
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Thanks for sharing. I'm always willing to try products for heat straightening I normally would never use when my hair is curly--I'll give it a try with the maxiglide that just got shipped to me.
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Wow, that's GREAT!!! Can't wait to see pics, thanks so much for sharing!!
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

will the grease fry the hair.
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Did you put it on each section and flat iron or did you put it on wet hair, let dry and then flat iron..
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

I'll be back to see pictures!!

Just beautiful PoohBear!!! Lovely Indeed! :rosebud:
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Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Did you put it on each section and flat iron or did you put it on wet hair, let dry and then flat iron..

No, I did not apply grease to each section before flat-ironing. I initially had all my hair in two braids on each side of my head. I unraveled the braids and applied about 2 teaspoonsful of grease to each side. My hair was dry.
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Heee! Poohbear, you take me way back. My mom used to use Posner's Bergamot on her hair and mine (blue grease). Haven't heard that word "Bergamot" since I was about ten, I don't think. :grin:

Your hair looks awesome. I've always known Grease is the word (is the word that they heard)/It's got groove, it's got meaning/Grease is the time, is the place, is the motion/Grease is the way we are feeling :lachen:

No seriously, if you look at old pics of our mothers, their presses were out of this world. Now I don't know anything about heat protectants or how dangerous their absence in a press are. I's a chicken anyway, so I'ma just admire your hair Pooh and wonder when I'll ever grow the balls to rock a straight do again. (Only, knowing me, I'll probably just wear a bun when my hair is straight. I don't like feeling products on my neck or ears :( so I miss out on the fun of wearing long hair down--except when the long hair is borrowed hair :lol: eg extension hair in which case it's got no products on it. Such a bore eh?).
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Wow, your hair looks fabulous, PoohBear!

:yay: Proclaim Emerald Bergamot Hair & Scalp Conditioner (green grease)!!!! :yay:

I used this product to flat-iron my natural hair yesterday and my hair did not frizz up or revert at all!!! I used a Chi iron (370 degrees F) with my mom's Proclaim grease and my hair got really straight, and I never had smooth hair ends like this from heat straightening on my own. I could also comb my hair without my hair puffing up at all. The comb glided through my hair like a knife through butter! I am in Michigan right now and I went outside and to the mall and everything with my family, and my hair stayed straight!!! It didn't turn into a fro and my ends stayed non-frizzy.

I know people say that grease doesn't moisturize... well, this particular grease moisturizes like no other product I've ever used on my hair. It made my hair silky and shiny and softer. My hair also has movement, it's not stiff at all. I can't wait to get my own stash once I get back home from Michigan.

So, to my natural sisters who have that nappy kinky tightly coiled shrinky hair texture that's very resistant to heat straightening like mine, this Proclaim grease may be for you!!! ;)

*P.S. I'm on my sidekick right now, I'll post pics later.*




Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Yo! that looks like Dax Wax... I gotta tell ya, I was wondering why my hair pressed did not look as good as it did years ago.

Proclaim bergamont grease.... i am going to have to give it thought.......
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

im putting this in my favorites. i tried to straiten a section with heat protectant and my hair just laughed
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

your hair is beautiful in these pictures.

on an unrelated topic, my daughter's name is jessica and i have called her pooh bear since she was small because she use to like to watch winnie the pooh. she loved to sing the song when it came on (pooh bear winnie the pooh bear). i hope i did not make you feel uncomfortable.

how did you come across your nickname
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Wow!!! Poohbear, you and your hair look fabulous. I'm gonna need to check this grease out bc my hair reverts like no other. Thanks for the post!!!
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

your hair is beautiful in these pictures.

on an unrelated topic, my daughter's name is jessica and i have called her pooh bear since she was small because she use to like to watch winnie the pooh. she loved to sing the song when it came on (pooh bear winnie the pooh bear). i hope i did not make you feel uncomfortable.

how did you come across your nickname
Interesting! My parents nicknamed me Poohbear too! They sometimes separate it and call me 'Pooh' or 'Bear'. When I was born, they said I looked like a little chocolate Winnie the Pooh bear! :grin:
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Thanks for this thread. Your hair looks great!
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Cool - your hair looks really pretty
Re: NATURAL 4A/Bs Who Heat Straighten: I Found a Solution! NO Reversion\NO Frizzy End

Very nice results. Thank you for sharing.