Natural 4a/bs? What oils do you use on your hair?


New Member
I'm wanting to try pure oils instead of mixtures like hot six oil just because this way I'll know exactly what goes into it. How do you natural 4a/b's feel about the following oils (I specify hair texture because with coconut oil I noticed a difference between 3's and 4's. Many 3's liked it, many 4's did not) I'm looking for an oil for the simple purpose of locking in moisture and maybe the side effect of softening.

Cold Pressed Castor
Coconut (I'll include it anyway)
Oil mixtures (such as hot 6)
Sweet Almond Oil
Carrot Oil
Olive Oil
I'm partly natural. I use olive oil on my hair, but I find it better for creating shine than for locking in moisture. If I could afford it, I would use jojoba because I've heard that jojoba is closest to the scalp's natural sebum.
No matter how hard I try, I just cannot classify my hair, it's not particularly straight,curly or even 'kinky' and I have about three different textures on my head (sorry I am not being very helpful!).
Anyway, I have found that coconut oil works wonders on my hair whether it is wet or dry. It definitely has a softening effect. I have even used it as a moisturizing conditioner after an Aphogee treatment, and I did not experience any breakage (might not work for others though).

I have also had great results with Extra virgin olive oil, and Jojoba oil on my damp hair. These oils both increased the shine to my hair.
I find that Castor oil weighs my hair down heavily.
Jojoba mixed with rosemary or lavender seems to work nicely.
Shea Butter is the best for adding softness and moisturizing ends - use sparingly - love this stuff!
I can comment on three of the oils. I've only used them as hot oil treatments though.

Carrot Oil - I really like. It stops shedding, and softens my hair.
Olive Oil - I also like a lot. Also makes my hair soft.

I usually mix the carrot and olive oils together after taking out my braids. It really stops the post braids dryness and shedding.

Castor Oil - Makes my hair soft, but sometimes I feel like it's too sticky (maybe I use too much). I would think the castor oil would be good for locking in moisture, but I haven't used it for that purpose before.
I use olive oil for deep treatments. It gives MY hair some added moisture in addition to the conditioner. I
For my ends I use vitamin E oil.
I love Olive Oil - I use it on my scalp mixed with Surge and for hot oil treatments, which my hair soaks up.

I also like Coconut Oil - it's lighter than the olive oil, so it works well if you just want shine and don't want weighed down hair.
Oils make my hair HARD! and really dry on the ends. They work well on the scalp though. I like jojoba oil with rosemary and lavender essential oils. I plan on trying this Kemi Oyl really soon too. I can't use oil on my hair though. I stick to moisturizers with water and glycerin in them such as, Comb-thru softener, Sta-sof-fro, and S-curl. That's what I like so far.
Miss Brown, how does the Surge work on natural hair? And you mix it with oils..I want to try it but I know that I need to oil my scalp from time to time [for scalp massages] and I thought the Surge wouldn't work with that. Have you seen any significant growth as well?
A combo of jojoba, rosemary and lavender on my scalp for massages. I use Aveda Anti-Humectant pomade on my hair after my leave-in which contains different oils and castor oil. I also spray on occasion with Aveda Styling Spray which is made of essential oils and it's mainly for shine.
Soslychic, I REALLY like cold-pressed/cold processed castor oil 4 my scalp. I've started adding it to all my hair and scalp products. My staple spritz (variation of thighslikewhat's rosemary spritz): 8oz. bottle, 4oz of boiled water, 10-15 drops of rosemary eo, ~1/2-1oz castor oil and african royale daily doctor(I use this every other time I make my spritz) I go thru a bottles of this stuff every 2 weeks. It could last longer but I use this on my daughters' hair as well. I also have a spritz using Surge: 8oz bottle, 4oz boiled water, 1-2oz of Surge, 10-15 drops of rosemary eo, 1/2-1oz castor oil. I alternate these spritzes throughout the week and the spritz w/ the Surge has really improved my bald temples and made my hair stronger (transitioning since feb. 2003). As for the castor oil, I also have a bottle w/an applicator tip (1oz castor oil/8-10 drops rosemary eo)and I put a drop on my finger tip for my scalp massages. I have noticed great improvement in the condition of my family's hair w/ these products. Our hair is extremely moisturized w/o feeling greasy, our hair is stronger and for those concerned about the use of the Surge on our hair, I think my spritz is diluted enough so that we receive all the benefits w/ no damage because of the overuse of protein.
I like Dabur Lite Amla Hair Oil (I don't know the ingredients), Vatika Coconut Hair Oil and Jamaican Mango & Lime Island Oil for daily use. I'll use one for a few days and then switch. I like mixing avocado oil with my moisturizing deep conditioners. Sometimes I'll use Proclaim Natural 7 or plain coconut oil.
I like castor oil.

After conditioning my hair, I apply some castor oil. It holds mositure in. I won't have to apply any oil to my hair until the next time I wash
I call Hot Six Oil my pressing comb in a bottle because after I wash my hair, (Even with a clarifying shampoo) pour the oil on it and place a plastic cap over it for a quick minute, my comb glides right through my hair! MY HAIR IS LIKE BUTTA AFTERWARDS!